A > LJ 3 3 . < < d | < ~ * fo * PAR LI About 1,000 competitors from Canada and the United States took parf in the American-Canadian Judo Games in Buffalo recently, and three of those who did win at the competition were from Port Perry. By accumulating points for their trophies, the three received the American-Canadian Challenge trophy for over-all most accumulated points for their country. The following week they journeyed to Trenton, New Jersey, to compete in the international Judo games (Canada, USA, Mexico) and took a first, a second, and two thirds. Fron left are Glen Mac Donald, who won a second and third; Sue Gribben, three firsts and a second; and Danny Gribben, two thirds. F. ALAN LAWSON CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Licenced Trustee in Bankruptcy 69 King Street East Oshawa, Ont. - L1H-1B4 Telephone 723-3800 YES! YOU CAN OWN A CANADIANA 1,000 MODULAR HOME FOR AS LITTLE AS ~ ERECTED ON'YOUR FOUNDATION ANYWHERE IN ONTARIO WE MAKE: OWNING A HOME EASY! -- CS GINADIANN MODULAR HOMIES FD : 20 Main Street N., P.O. Box 650 . Waterdown, Ont., Tel. (416) 689-6687 or write for illustrated catalogue (enclose $1.00 for postage and handling). Name Address : Phone lown alot [J YES (] HAROLD HOUGH Little Britain, Ontario. 705-786-2589 NEED MUSIC? 985-3089 (after 6p.m.) ' INVEST NOW! Victoria & Grey Trust Guaranteed Inveslinents % 5 Years " INTEREST is payable half yearly ot . may be left to compound ERM ERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 191 Queen St. Port Perry Telephone 985-7306 Scugog Island WI PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Aptil 30, 1975 -- 2} Elect Betty Ann Freeman president By Bonnie Gerrow The annual meeting of the Scugog Island Women's Institute was held on April 16th at the Community Hall. President. Betty Reader extended a warm welcome to 18 members and to Mrs. Harold Lewis from Clare- mont. The meeting opened with the singing of the Ode and repeating the Collect. The roll call was answered by paying our dues. Helen Fedyk gave the motto - If the job is worth doing, the job is worth doing well. The Cubs and Scouts have offered to deliver flyers con- cerning our Auction Sale so it is hoped that the whole Island will respond as they did last year. Pick-ups can be made anytime - just call Janis Richardson 7495 or Helen Fedyk 2665. Annual reports were pre- sented by the officers and convenors. showing a good year and a busy one for our Institute. Seven new members were welcomed in the past year and we now have a membership of 25. Janis Richardson read the report of the new executive which is as follows:Past President - Betty Reader, President Betty Ann Free- man, 1st Vice President - - Elizabeth Stichmann, 2nd Vice President - Helen CHEVROLET Fedyk, Sec. Treasurer - Christina Prentice, District director - Alva Thompson, Alt. Director - Madeline Cawker, Public Relations Officer - Betty Reader, Membership convenor Norma Crowell, Branch Dir- ectors - Bonnie Gerrow, Nera Bloeman, Resolutions - Janis Richardson, Curator - Helen Redman, Scrap Book - Reta Wilson, Auditors - Pogue, Eliza Fralick, Citi- zenship & World Affairs" - Nera Bloeman, Family & Consumer Affairs - Helen Hortop, Agriculture & Cana- dian Industries - Jess Cham- bers, Education & Cultural Activities - Valerie Medway- Welsh, Pianist - Reta Wilson, Nominating Committee - Elizabeth Stichmann, Clara Dowson, Madeline Cawker. Mrs. Lewis, District President of Ontario South installed the new executive. £3 OCHRANE ST 220 C Elsie SIEBE REKKER PORT PERRY 985-7086 She brought greetings from the District and told us of the plans for the Institute at the International Plowing Match in September. We will help to serve coffee 'and cookies in the hospitality booth. On behalf of the W.1., Betty Ann Freeman presented Betty Reader witha gifts as a token of her three years as President. In return, Betty Reader presented the gavel and keys to the Hall to the new president Betty Ann Freeman and wished her lots of success. Clara Dowson read a poem written in the thirties and written especially for a junior W.I. group that was on Scugog Island at that time. It mentioned the names of Helen Carter, Marion Stephenson and others. Helen Fedyk conducted a general knowledge Canada. quiz on } A 723-8442 tank mix. Lasso plus atrazine for broad- spectrum control in corn. Preemergence Lasso plus atrazine tank mix controls major grasses like crabgrasses, yellow and green foxtails, and more. Carryover possibility is minimized because Lasso alone doesn't carryover and you'll use less atrazine in the With weeds like these in your corn, where do you start? Start with the labeled Lasso® herbicide tank mix that fits your weed and carryover problems in corn... Lasso plus Bladex!' for specific weed control with no carryover. This preemergence tank mix also controls many labeled weeds including crabgrasses, yellow and green foxtails. And it is ideal for the farmer who is concerned about . because it gives good weed control performance with no carryover. 1. Bladex is a registered trademark of the Shell Chemical Company. To get all the benefits Lasso has to offer, always read and follow Lasso label instructions carefully. MONSANTO CANADA LTD., Montreal, Quebec * Toronto, Ontario rotation. . EMULSIFIABLE WEED KILLER BY LASSO Monsanto ed Caan CLE at Fn TH de! APL RANT, TE an W ~ TNT, or