22-- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 30, 1975 Blackstock and area news and views Winners at the Senior Citizens' weekly card party on Tuesday evening were ladies, first Mrs. May Wright second, Mrs. Margaret Wat- son, third, Mrs. Ruth Wilson. Men, first, Bill Cox, second, George Smith, third, Russell Coates. Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Flett, Bowmanville were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McKee accompanied by Mrs. Fern Lawson of Nestle- ton visited their cousin, Mrs. Rainey of Unionville during the week. On Saturday evening a large number attended the Progressive Conservative Banquet and evening pro- gram. The O.N.O. catered to the banquet with another of their delicious meals. Saturday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McKee were Mrs. Vera Mitchell of Peterborough and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hall of Lindsay. Mr. George Wolfe under- went major surgery in Sunnybrook Hospital last Monday. His many friends wish him as speedy a recovery as possible. AEE Last Tuesday ,in-conneg- } tion with Education Week, Cartwright Central Public School held Parents' Night. The evening with a program "+ in the gym when the school - - band under the direction of -Mrs. Keizebrink favoured with several numbers. The . Grade Three classes, direct- ed by Mrs. S. Turner sang three songs and then direct- ed by Mrs. C. Swain gave a demonstration of their recorders. Miss K. Morton's Grade two class also favour ed with several recorder SEAGRAVE 4-H The 4-H meeting was held April 16th at 7 p.m. in the Seagrave Church basement. We split into two groups making Curried Chicken and Almond Cookies. While these baked we had a quiz on different foods, what they were and what country they came from. The group discussed what we would do for our skit on Achievement Day, the date on which we would have our mothers come, and the date for the Club party. Each group then served the dish which they prepared they were both quite tasty. After clearing up, we closed with the 4-H motto 'We learn to do by doing". Donna Wallace [RIs[RR BLOCK: THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE GREENBANK 985-2416 numbers. The school choir directed by Mrs. Dixon sang several songs to complete the program. The large number of parents toured the rooms where they saw dis- plays, demonstrations, play productions and other activi- ties in action. Quite a number of the rooms used the theme Pioneer Days for their displays. During the week. several classes held. special events when the par- ents also visited the school. All in all it was a most successful week. Also in connection with Education Week the Night Classes of Cartwright High School held their Open House. A good turnout enjoy- ed visiting the displays which were held in the Re- creation Centre on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schy- burt and family spent the weekend visiting relatives in Ottawa. Quite a number from this area enjoyed the fine pro- gram presented by the Horseless Carriagemen of Oshawa at the Nestleton Hall on Saturday evening. ° Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ormis- ton and Diane' of Brooklin were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Bryant and - family. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Toms and Mrs. Courtney Graham were Sunday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor of Enniskillen. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Susan and (A WL > acdtstadododid dub Fred at Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner, Lorrie and Janet held a most successful Open House on Saturday and Sunday. Many, many friends, and neigh- bours from near and far enjoyed their tour of the beautiful Green House and _ visit afterward. . r. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow have arrived home again from their winter in Florida. "The High School students held an all-night Dance-a- thon at the High School on Friday evening. There were some students who lasted right through until six a.m. Saturday morning. The pro- ceeds of the event were to go to the School's annual trip. Quite a number of the . 3 ALLIS ET . FI ws 2 Lat \ Fa |! iY Lg. + A303 Ry RUE IRACT NTIS ERE Le MARS OR Sa ER Wt WEAR REX AANERCIR FRR VE visiting and catching up of news of the various families. Several in the area called McLaughlin clan from the area attended a shower held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin, Enfield, in honour of Miss Pat Miller, bride - to - be of Ralph McLaughlin. The afternnon was spent in the customary 77 RELIABLE 288) PLUMBING. & HEATING At NEW INSTALLATIONS REPAIRS - ALTERATIONS in Mount Albert ' to pay respects to the late Gary Walker who died suddenly in his 34th year. "Service is our business" | os. 85-3734 GARY YOUNG 'PLUMBING & HEATING LIMITED Pumps & Water Softeners a Specialty * BROOKLIN, ONT. * 655-4936 ged a Good, Reasonable [PAINTER | (NTERIOR & EXTERIOR also Paperhanging Free Estimates _..CALL MIKE - 985-2930 "SANRIDGE Sand & Gravel Sr L. GILBANK Blackstock, Ont. 986 4868 Superior Aluminum Phone 985-3743 WINDOWS & DOORS -- 3 Week Delivery -- "Ornamental Shutters - Custom Made - All Your Aluminum Needs. , BUSINESS and ---- EE DIRECTORY A.). SHEPHERD, B. Comm. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ..Telephone- 985-7031 985-2751 250 Queen St.¥ Port Perry, Ontario. TIMMS GARAGE I. REPAIRS SPRAY PAINTING FREE ESTIMATES Saintfield 985-7515 Masonry, Brick, Block and Stone Work a Cottage Raising: - 'Foundatiéns - Alterations: Painting - Eavestroughing - Roofing 1 BUCKLEY MASONRY ; Oshawa 579-1179, or 579-2542 Joe Buckley Ron. , Rankin Wii i HE ' Plumbing _- Carpentry: - Electric - Phone yesn Walter J. Brown "CARPENTRY - RENOVATION ODD 'JOBS. 'Phone 985-3259 Prince Albert, Ont. "RON' S' ROOF EAVESTROUGH ASPHALT & STEEL ROOFS ALUMINUM & GALVANIZED EAVESTROUGHING FREE ESTIMATES -- Ga G Phone 985-2312 RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - INTERIOR - EXTERIOR paperhanging - 4 DECORATING painting - spraying * Special Decorative Finishes for Cement and BlbeKs . BRIAN S. JORDON PERSONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE BLACKSTOCK 986-4477 CROFTS Driving School Zenith 75900 or 705-786-2982 -- Call Collect -- "Electric Motor Rewinding and Repair MITTON ELECTRIC Tol. 6682670 208 Chestnut St. East, Whitby, Ont. V-Belts and Pulleys Bearings | Chain and Bprockeys Hygrade Fuels 3197 Danforth Avenue, Scarborogh, 24H. Burner Service - After Hrs. 1-705-324-9649 Agent: Arvice Fisher Port Perry: - 985.7951 LENNOX REEMA CIN Sales & Service from the Comfort Specialists R. S. THOMSON -- HEATING --- 985-3365 Telephone: A PORT PERRY [DON MYERS CONSTRUCTION EXCAVATING --- DRAG WORK 985-3142 Butt & Son 24 HOUR SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Raglan, Oshawa 123-1042 Custom Built Homes: by ! _'STICHMANN Powe LTD. at the Lewis Funeral Chapels EMMERSON. INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance -- Port Perry - SES TI0A RELIABLE PLUMBING & HEATING For Information Phone Bert Faber 985-3734 TEER, H. F. GRANDER Ontarlo Land Surveyor 30B Water Street South RT Ontario {om Phone: fro) 985-3600 LES BROWN EXCAVATING BAckhoe -- Haulage -- Septic Tank & Trenching " POOL SALES & SERVICE 655-3386 - 728-1113 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Textured Ceilings & Walls FREE ESTIMATES Phone: 985-2778 Calvin Moore S. ROO Fry - ROOFING - Eavestroughing - Aluminum Siding For Free Estimates Phone 985-2517 PONTIAC 210] [0] { LIMITED PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Port Perry 985-7309 'Oshawa 655-3366 » ° < v 9 < Ld £ <. J & ° < 3 "3 BEEP J » L 8 » < [ & © a 4 & » Ar A