B ) Editorial Comments ' o | o - An informed public : Open doors. are back in fashion, and that's a good sign. no Too long, the individual citizen has been treated as a dumbo by the "'authorities" in many areas in the community. What they don't know won't hurt them, seemed to be the fitting phrase, along with 'they wouldn't understand..." But that attitude toward the public seems to have 1 3 changed. Take Port Perry's Community Memorial Hospital, , for example, which Monday opened it's doors to anyone who wanted to take a look. Or the province's police departments, who are holding similar open door events in most areas as part of police week. So, is the individual no smarter when he comes out than when he went it? 9 4 2 Strangely enough, the guy who understands that new, expensive equipment is needed in our hospitals, sees the equipment in action, and sees the life-saving result of that treatment, isn't as apt to scream about " Yen boy Deri: 130/55 3p} #0. great Bo ITs A TRAINING EXERCISE FOR He's familiar with the other side of the equation. He PEACEKEEPING DUJIES AT THE knows what that money is doing. MONTREAL OLYMPICS Particularly, the young get a lot out of tours of the police station, when policemen somehow become more approachable, -- and human. oe Before they become "'pigs" in the eyes of the young. § - | Institutions are beginning to find, too, that the public b WY Ih ; isn't as stupid as was always believed. Not only is . Remem er en Em \ public input tolerated--it is actively being sought out. . Open, above board action seems to thwart the : 1 York Hotel and was honours in their class at the Oshawa purchased the jewel- development of misunderstanding and misconcep- Eo 1925 cl Wings silver tea fourthannual Ontario County lery store in Port Perry that tions lafer-on. Some 500,000small trees are service. Music Festival in Ajax, had been operated by Mr. L. It's so simple, one wonders why it wasn't practiced a peingset out as a reforestrat- Mr. Jack Sharpe of Ux- under the leadership of Mrs. R. Bentley for almost half a long time ago. ionon the farm of Mr. Hooper bridge won the new Meteor Grace Hastings. century. - It's so simple, one wonders why it still isnt being in the Township of Cart- car donated by Williams Fire swept across 25 acres Under ie Savas Supa applied by many others. fos wright. The plantings consist Motor Sales. The draw was on the Bar K Ranch south of vision oft Ie i Mo or of soft maple, ashandspruce. made at a Gala Night spon- the Shirley Road. and choir lea er Mrs. race o ° The Port Perry Horticul- soredby the RecreationCom- Port Perry Merchants Soft- Rosse, Moais in Me Quality not quantity tural society have importeda mittee assisted by the Lions ball team are playing in the Was pro oe y ih B 2 ' shipment of over a thousand Club, Business Men's SouthOntario County League Church choir in the on If there was ever an argument against regionalized rose bushes to be given as a Association and the local which is composed of nine Perry Public School audi- education and the Big School Concept, it's Cartwright premium to members of the Veterans Association. clubs. They are: Oshawa torium. IS High School in Blackstock. society, as a result thé St. John's Anglican Church, Merchants, Oshawa Scugog: _qpiee Port Perry Girl There are no big gymnasiums, cafeterias, sophisti- Society has now a member- Blackstock is closed for eoats ony pein, Guides Barbara Webster, cated science laboratories, and other facilities that its SDiP of over two hundred. renovations. Services were Brooklin, Whitby, Mount [u.h. Beare and Dianne Hall Ip . ' Mr. George Williamson's held:in Nestleton Presbyter- Zion, Markham, Pickering who had received their Gold Big City cousin can boast of. In fact, when the school fine barn at Seagrave was ian Church. and Port Perry Merchants. Cords during the year, joined held its "At Home"! dance, Saturday, ithad fo be held gegtroyed by fire. Both A petition and map for street Honeydale Women's Insti- 93 other Guides from Bnistio at the community's recreation centre. Bruce and Ray Williamson lighting in Caesarea was "Coir oat © ol oe Lieutenant-Governor Why, then, was there so much school spirit? The were badly burned while presented at Cartwright anniversary. Earl Rowe's suite in the most charming way students decorated the recreation trying to rescue the stock. ~~ Council, and the Clerk was Parliament Buildings for a = centre for the event was one example of that spirit, instructed to ask the Hydro ~The W.A. members of | = "=" d the tack that a3 des) of th h Commission to submit Prince Albert Church have and so was the fac at a good dea o Gse who imat just finished making over 20 This year the Honeydale attended the prom were parents and friends. 25 YEARS AGO esimaies, choi , : h = Thursday, May 11, 1950 oir gowns. Women's Institute had Mrs. #They have some kind of secret ingredient at the Mr. Irwin Tripp, a Supertest 15 YEARS AGO Gordon Robertson as their school that's Mixed in with the geography and dealer in Port Perry, was Thursday, May 12, 1960 10 YEARS AGO president with Miss Alice mathematics, and we're willing to bet you won't find it 000d for his fifteenyears The Port Perry Public Thursday, May 13, 1965 Dodd as first vice and Mrs. on the ledgers of the regional board's budget. with the company at the School Choir won the highest George W. Pentland of Dorothy Naples as third vice. Bill Smil key is in tow ) | miley Pokey is in town Np Did you ever go around feeling good all the Some of you will remember an old song rubber waders and fishing rod, my golf people who love him because he is a time, and have to stop and wonder why? that went, "Sugar in the morning, sugar in ¢jyps, my 25 shares of mining stocks, and beautiful baby, and love him even more That's been happening tome all week. I1find the evening, sugar at supper time..." Those the beautiful foot-stool that his great-grand- because he is theirs, with all that fine blood myself whistling, tossing cheery salutes to ancient, spavined ladies who were once the father, on his father's side, fashioned with in him. colleagues and generally feeling as though fabulous Andrews Sisters made it a hit. his own hands. That's all I own, but it should This still happens among a few primitive ® I'd just won a lottery. wa), fare what it is like Son hy set him up pretty well for life. tribes, but has almost vanished from our Co . randba is around. It's sugar first thin i w i S "Settle down, boy. This isn't like you," I 4 the on dewey when I wi down for . Mos La Seta oko took him ee i Lory ogee ein ging admonish me. 1 am not normally a preakfast. The sugar consists of a little jig weekend. It was quite a symbolic, touching are neatly tucked away into nursing homes gloom-pot, but neither do I go around of glee, two big eyes, a tiny white grin, and peeting, their first. : where they are lucky to get a perfunctory grinning like an idiot. My wife, early in Our two week arms thrust up, demanding a There was a little more than eighty years visit once a month from their own children, i nicknamed oul , Stoeisee ue pickup, a dozen or so kisses, a'dandle, a petween them, but they were close buddies let alone ever have a chance to cuddle and, y average expression could probably be> go54 3 Jittle soft-shoe shuffle, and anything {rom the start. kiss the tiny ones, who bear their blood and described as saturnine. else that the old man can muster for the " Great-Grandad was waiting, arms open. bones and spirit. That's why I was a little alarmed to find early service. Great Grandbabby stuck out his arms. a ; * myself breaking into broad smiles this Of course, it's all a plot. Reason tells me Great-Grandad's eyes got all red around the id child in this world has ever been week. When I actually found myself being this. The kid has been trained from birth to ggges. Great-Grandbabby grinned. It was -Poiled by a surfeit of love. And who has jolly with the boss, I knew it was time to stop , know who has the money in the family, who 55 simple as that. moe Ase ip ove to tive than the and pull. myself together. is the softest touch, the biggest sucker. For the rest of the weekend, there really grands™ and the "greats? "Look, Bill," I said to myself, 'You have But reason is washed away by the floods of wasn' anybody else around of much Atanyrate, as told my daughter after she not been drinking; you are not senile; emotion when the downy head snuggles into account. There'was only one cock-of-the- "had come in from pacing off her nobody has left you a large sum of money. ~~ one's neck, or the tiny finger goes into the walk, all 15 months of him. This despite, or grandfather's land, "That boy obviously Pull yourself together. Why are you going air, pointing at a sun-reflection on the wall, pecause of the fact that Great-Grandbabby knows which side his bread is buttered on. #» around all hummy inside like a little old OF the sturdy little body, proceeding like a had no less than the following heeding his You have trained him well. He has me humming-bird?""' bishop on roller-skates, marches to the every wish: one great-great-aunt, two hooked. He has his Great-grandfather And then it struck me. Pokey is in town. fire-irons, picks up the poker, and gravely great-aunts, two great-uncles, one gran, one hooked. If he plays his cards right, he might Pokey, if you came in late, is Nicov Chen ~~ handsittoone, ignoring everyone elseinthe grandad, one mother, and four assorted wind up as a member of the landed gentry, Sieber, my grandbabby, all rosy, satin room. " , . cousins, young enough to be his brothers and as well as the owner of a 15-year-old pair of cheeks and huge brown eyes and golden hair So. The hell with reason. I'm making a gjgters. Talk about a spoiled-rotten kid! hip waders." and little white teeth and twenty-two pounds ~~ new will. My wife has practically every- To my mind, this is the way a baby should of hellery of him. thing else tied up, but the kid is getting my be brought up, amidst a veritable horde of ~~ The Argyle Syndicate 1.td. ' I | iD SN BH RIE Z PR fa HES