PRINCE ALBERT STREET ~. DANCE To be held on Trans General Store Parking Lot SATURDAY JUNE 7th 9:00 P.M. till "The End" Don't miss out in the fun and excitement of Street Dancing Music [Pete eter's Platters, COME ONE COME ALL Sponsored by The Scugog Chamber of Commerce 4 I DO YOU NEED MONEY? 1st, 2nd or 3rd MORTGAGES Cut your Payments in Half - consohdate all your loans % - pay off an existing mortgage - combine 2 mortgages in one - purchase or improve: property - any worthwhile purpose : FARMS - COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL | Call me personally "WAYNE SMITH 7056454557 Collect GREAT NORTHERN CREDIT CORP. Same Day approvals TF ts -- I --_ NH ERE | TDRSS SE IS BE BSH PN LF PR OR oniees 8 IE 20 Prince Albert and Vs ¢ 4 (Too late for last week) Wozney, president U.C.W., enboon, Mr. P= Solomon and had their family, Mr. and The weatherman provided gave a fiftieth anniversary two young sons, all of Port Mrs B. Beacock of Shirley ideal weather for Mother's spoon to each set of parents. Perry, a great-grandmother, Rd., Mr. and Mrs. D. Bea- Day which was observed at Offering collected by two Mrs. F. Gostick of Stouffville cock and two sons of Sea- - «our worship service last young men, Ricky Hope and and the Merv. Pughs of our grave, and Mr. H. Sanderson Munday. The folk, upon Jeff Robinson. _.. village. of Blackstock. arrival, were greeted at the As a result of the above Congratulations toMr.and- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wana- front entance by Mr. and service, several had extra Mrs. Bidgood and Mr. and - maker. Toronto. were com- Mrs. T. Hodgins. It was company in their homessuch Mrs. Solomon upon their new pany with her parents Mr pleasing to note practically asMr.and Mrs. H. Dearborn arrivals. and Mrs. R. Sweetman. all the pews were occupied entertained his parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. R. O'Laisen Mr. and Mrs. R. O'Laisen by friends, in fact, some and Mrs. E. Dearborn, and baby son visited Mr. and and son arranged a party in cases three generations. Greenbank, her father, Mr. Mrs. W. Dickinson, Toronto, their home for a Mother's Vocal anthems were well H. Strong and brother Mrs. recently and each were the Remembrance and thirtieth » - rendered by the senior choir Ross Strong, Ruby's sisters recipients of a trophy at the Wedding Anniversary for his ~ and a group of juniors (garb- and husbands, Mr. and Mrs. annual Bowling Banquet at parents, Mr. and Mrs. ed in white) directed by Miss B. Geer, Utica, Mr. and Mrs. which they were guests. "Chiefie"" O'Laisen, Toronto. Ann Hope plus organ accom- F. Ashton, Sonya, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Days, Black- This occasion included Mr. paniment for all singing by Mrs. J. Vernon, and Mr. and stock, were Sunday company and Mrs. Wm. Dickinson and Mrs. B. Snelgrove. Rev. R. Mrs. G. McHugh, both of Port with their daughter, Mr. and local relatives who all enjoy- Brawn welcomed everyone, Perry, also Mr. and Mrs. R. Mrs. Chas. Andrews and ed the weekend to mark the including visitors. He, at Dearborn, Belleville. "family. special occasion this time, delivered a true Mr. and Mrs. L. Pereman Mr{ and Mrs. B. Martyn Last week ouch winners and homey message con-- and son entertained her par- and aby,) Toronto, were ere High Lady Lorna cerning homes and people. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Denniston with Mr afd Mrs. E. Martyn Richards. Flossie Aldred + e Rev. Brawn conducted a and daughter, Roxy, all of when the five were guests at 454 Mrs Mel Lines High baptismal 'ceremony when White Lake, near Renfrew, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lake and gent - Earl PrescoiL M Mr. and Mrs. L. Pereman, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. children of Oakwood. Williamson, and Jack Reid. Mr. and Mrs. H. Dearborn, Pereman and son, Gary, also Mrs. Rena Smith has Please keep on file, Unit 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Not- returned from an enjoyable V.CW. wil ineci at the home and Mr. and mrs. W. Pugh, tingham and two girls, all of week with her sister, Mr.and of Mrs. C. Vernon next Wed- each presented their babies Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mrs. Chamberlain, Toronto. nesday evening and children, and Mr. and MeGregor, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. L. Beacock ' Mrs. R. Hope, their twins. With Mr. and Mrs. W. Mr. B. Snelgrove presented Pugh and baby, were her the certificates and Mrs. W. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noot- & E ~) RELIABLE 2 AN PLUMBING & HEATING "NEW INSTALLATIONS REPAIRS -- ALTERATIONS Service is our business" 3 J J ry 3 Q ox Sh 985-3734. ' ) A A A L D A an dcaping A Lo. GARDEN CENTRE EVERGREENS + SHRUBS + TREES FRUIT TREES + GLADIOLI BULBS etc. PEAT MOSS + FERTILIZER FREE ESTIMATES ON LANDSCAPING + SATISFACTION GUARANTEED + Highway 7A - West of Quarter Line + a $RR. 1, BLACKSTOCK 1986-4771 The Ontario Government has a firm policy - of establishing and maintaining provincial parks and campsites. This year, for example, four new provin- cial parks and over 600 new campsites are being developed for the enjoyment and recreation of Ontario residents -- bringing the total number of operating parks to 120 and campsites to 21,000. The new parks are: Silent Lake Provincial Park, 1860 acres sit- uated 13 miles north of Apsley on High- way 28. 85 campsites are available, but no motor boats will be allowed. Regular fees apply. || Parks and Campsites are among our greatest natural attractions. This is what Ontario is doing to expand and protect them. Ferris Provincial Park, situated one mile south of Campbellford on County Road 31, has been expanded by adding 87 camp- sites, comfort stations, and boat launch ramp for access to the Trent River System. Regular fees apply. Bronte Creek Provincial Park, at the Queen Elizabeth Way and Highway 25, midway be- tween Toronto and Hamilton, will be open without charge this year for day-use and picnicking. Among its special features are a children's farm and nature hikes. Ouimet Canyon Provincial Park, near Dorion on Highway 27 about 35 miles east of Thunder Bay, provides walking trails along the canyon's edge to give visitors a spectacular view of the "Grand Canyon of Ontario." No admission charge. Additional campsites are under construc- tion at several existing provincial parks -- Algonquin, Bon Echo, Killbear, Fairbank, Remi Lake and Ivanhoe. If you would like more information about Ontario provincial parks or campsites, or a 'map showing their locations, write to: Ontario Parks Division, Ministry of Natural Resources 'Whitney Block or 99 Wellesley Street West Toronto, Ontario M7A 1W3 Ministry of Natural Resources Leo Bernier, Minister fg! Government of Ontario William Davis, Premier