Ww £ <3 Avery pretty wedding was solemnized in Greenwood United Church on Saturday, May 10, 1975 at 4:30 p.m, when Judy Patricia Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lee, Kinsale, Ontario, became the bride of Mr. James Lawrence Woodcock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin ® swoodcock, Seagrave, Ont. The church was beauti- "fully decorated with floral baskets of chrysanthemums ' and carnations. Rev. F: Fleetham was the officiating clergyman, while Mrs. MacTaggart of Green- wood supplied the wedding music, © Given in marriage by her father, the bride was radiant in a white, polyester satin figured dress with lace bodice and train, her head piece was a jewelled coronet with white tulle. Her bouquet was orchids; white mums, yellow carnations and babys breath. The maid of honour, Nancy Lee and Betty Lee, brides- maid, sisters of the bride from Kinsale and Patsy Woodcock, sister of the groom, from Seagrave were gowned alike in blue poly- ester satin and they carried bouquets of white mums, blue carnations and babys breath. Miss Sherri Karskakoff, flower girl, and Miss Lori- Ann Haines, Junior brides- maid, cousins of the bride, looked lovely in flocked blue nylon-gowns. All gowns were made by the brides mother. The best man was Barry Law, friend of the groom, from Scugog Island and the ushers were Rick Payne, friend of the groom and Bill Lee, the brides brother, Kin- "sale, Brian Emperingham, Photography Candid Weddings | SIEBE REKKER 220 COCHRANE ST. LEE - cousin of the bride, Scugog Island, acted as Junior usher and Steven Lehman, cousin of the bride, from Claremont was ring bearer. They were attired in light blue jackets with royal blue velvet trim and black trousers. For" travelling to the United States and points. south, the bride chose a blue and white satin jersey dress and jacket, off white coat and accessories and an orchid corsage. The bride also wore a blue sapphire pendant, an ; ' [L3> y WT « sdddddorischisundisstauiuaissnttiscnel asic cdi aicisivinbos WOODCOCK heirloom of a great aunt. PORT PERRY 985-7086 : Dont Forge GIVE HIM SHIRTS TIES: 72 WATER STREET - PORT PERRY - 985-8108 "(across from Ball Park at Lakefront ) t Dad! FATHER'S DAY FHP HEELERS SI Manchester area news Church Sunday June 8 at 11:15 a.m. Rev. B.R. Pgue and Rev. G. Wylie in charge of Specal 50th Anniversary Service. Miss Ruth Gishler repre- sentative of Scugog Charge gave a very full report on the Bay of Quinte Conference Sunday morning, which the congregation appreciated very muche Last date of Sunday School will be June 15. Mr. and Mrs. Bryon Holtby attended the graduation of their son, Douglas. Holtby May 21 at the- University of Guelph where he received his Bachelor of Science Deg- ree. Douglas has left for a position in Kapasking for the ~ summer. Congratulations. 3 STREET PERRY, ONTARIO CHEVROLET SEY IIN IS SSS EEE EEE EES TSE ESE EEE EEE ERR RR RRR RR RR A A a a a aD in Mrs. June Thompson, Oshawa visited her parents Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Mitchel visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Leja, near Ashburn. Mr. and Mrs. Os Croxall entertained Os's sister Mrs. N. Lindsay of London and Anna Croxall of Barrie over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Croxall and boys of Toronto were dinner guests Sunday. Mrs. Keith Buckley and Daryl of Severn visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson and Craig last week. Mrs. Lillian Wilson visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Russel Leach and family Little Britain, Sunday. PORT Recent guests with Mr. an Mrs. Art Fielding were Mr. and Mrs. Art Anness and family, Little Britain, Mast- er Eon and Harold Shaw of Sunderland and Mrs. Viola Schnappe of Buffalo and Mrs. Josephone Bain of Port Perry. Mrs. Jim Torrens, Mont- real visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson and Wesley a few days. Mrs. Johnson and Wesley accom- panied her to Belleville Sat- urday morning. : The bus going to Colling- wood will be loading by 10 a.m. June 5th. Those who have spoken for seats gather at Manchester Church by 9:30. PERRY, 98¢ - 735) OSHAWA 723-8442 'oLDSMOBILE | | SCUGOG Sunsza OF COMMERCE FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY JUNE 6-7-8 See The Latest In - | { BOATS - TRAILERS - CAMPERS - MOTORS | BICYCLES -- MOTORCYCLES -- ALL TIRES OF | RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT li SHOW HOURS [ FRI.-4 p.m. to 11:00 : { FREE ADMISSION ~~ SAT--12noonto11:00 REFRESHMENTS | Children Must B SUN. -1p.m.t0o 5:00 ¢ ! Accompanied By An Adult FRIDAY, SATURDAY ONLY { Sponsord By In Aid of ¢ | Scugog Chamber NEW SCUGOG | | of Commerce COMMUNITY ARENA | limba mini Go pu' PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 4, 1975 -- 9 a ei FANS me, eid Ber, > ye wt - Ra %% re eds PE 2, Ld AP ¥ GS as 4 4 EGR