Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 9 Jul 1975, p. 22

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aaa SRE RE {y & \ k) ES (AS { 1) 22 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 9, 1975 Seagrave a School's Out! Congratula- tions to all of our young students who graduated. (Since holidays began sever- al mothers have been seen uying large quantities of Yerve pills. Would anyone hazard a guess as to why?! ! Congratulations to the Buse and Wylie families n their contribution to the population of the village of Seagrave. { Hans and Linda Buscher have a wee little lady and Bud and Jean Wylie have a big bouncing boy. We extend best wishes to both families. i Sorry to report that Mrs. eg. Abraham has been hos- pitalized again. Hope your stay is much shorter this time, Norma. Welcome to John and Nor- ene Ball and daughter Janice who hav® recently purchas- ed one of the new homes in our village. We also welcome Mr. Ball's mother from Eng- land who is visiting her son and family for a few weeks. { Mr. and Mrs. Joe Finch Were guests of honour at a {Get-Acquainted' party on Tuesday, July 1, hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rodd of Greenbank, to acquaint them with their new neigh- bours. Mr. and Mrs. Finch and family have recently sold their home in Mariposa Estates and are moving into the Rodd home in Greenbank later this month. We are sorry that they are leaving us but we wish them much happiness in their new sur- roundings. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dur- ward are rambling again. This time they're off to North Dakota with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tindall and family to attend a 50th anniversary party. Our Strawberry Supper on Saturday night was a smash- ing success with no small amount of thanks going to Glenda Hutcheon, Marilyn Puckrin, Elinor Nicholls and Jessie Nobbs who were the committee that planned the . event and to all the other ladies who contributed their 'time and food. And not to be forgotten are the kind folks who patronized this function. it was great to see so many of our former Seagrave resi- dents once again. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boe and family of Kingston arrived on the 1st of July weekend to help his mother, Mrs. Reta Boe, celebrate her birthday. Word has it that she was treated and taken out to dinner by her family. Best wishes for many more birth- days - and dinners. All members of the com- ~ munity are invited to attend a bridal shower for Miss Darlene Watts in the church basement on Friday, July 11th, 8:30 p.m. Ladies are ( FRIENDLY _ PHILOSOPHER sure: 3 Li Shi 5 ONE ECOND LONG... THEOTIER IHG FEET 1s IMAGINATION .. { WAGG BROS. TEXACO 257 Scugog St. Port Perry Phone: 985-7262 requested to bring lunch please. Rist. Scott Foster of Port Perry paid a return visit to Seagrave and was a weekend guest at the Beacock home while Mom and Dad and sister Annette were camping at Lake St. Peter. Happy birthday to Jimmy Sturman who recently cele- brated his 7th birthday. Children ages 3-14 are in- vited to attend: Vacation Bible School to be held at the Greenbank Church from 1;00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. on July 14-18 inclusive. Leaders in crafts, bible study, etc. are invited to assist. Please con- tact Mrs. Glen Till or Rev. Roundell. Next Sunday we welcome back Rev. Roundell who, along with his wife, have been directing about 60 Junior boys ages 9-12 at Camp Quin Mo Lac for a week. Parents please note that Sunday School will be discon- tinued for the months of July and August but will resume again in September. While many of the folks are complaing about the heat wave, two of our village folk did something about it. Jean and Bob Nodwell are thing cool these days with a lovely above-ground pool in their back yard. Mrs. Elsie Brown, Toronto is spending a few days in the village visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wanamaker. On Sunday Mrs. Brown and the Wanamakers visited with Gertie's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Martyn of Scugog Island. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Puckrin, Kevin and Tara-Lynn and Mr. and Mrs. Don Beacock and boys and Mst. Scott nd area news Foster, in their bid to beat the heat, headed for a picnic in Bobcaygeon on Sunday. Shane and Stacey Cox- worth of Uxbridge along with their mommy dropped in to see Grandpa and Grandma: Tobin after the Strawberry Supper on Saturday evening. Unit 2 ladies are request- ing that anyone wishing to of interest place a receipe in the cook- book that is to be published to please forward them to Mrs. Marilyn Puckrin or Mrs. Marilyn Beacock not later than July 15th. Re- ceipes should be printed. 1 suppose there is one consolation to this hot, hum- id weather we're getting and that is that it's supe for " watching. Right fellas? If anyone is feeligg espec- ially ambitious during' the next week perhaps they could -do an iif 'Rain Dance for us. At thi 3 point we could sure use some: = rain "that is! Please phone ext vieeks news items to 1.985:2094. Man dies in well from gas fumes A Toronto man became the second victim within a week to die of gas fumes while working on a well. The body of Carman Luci- fora, 41, of Toronto, was removed from a well on his property at Lot 5, Con. 5, Manvers Township Sunday morning aftér the fumes were pumped from the well by a Pontypool well-driller. , According to police, Mr. Lucifora was working on the well on his property and was attempting to remove a pump that had become lodged in the well, when he fell to the bottom. Well-driller Ted Veenhof of R.R. 1, Pontypool, was con- tacted by Ontario Provincial Police of the Newcastle detachment. He moved in with equipment, cleared the well of gas and renfoved the body from the well}: Francis Matthew Lewis Gardner, 48, of Lot 6, Cai 1 in Scugog Township died Wed- nesday in hospital Jafter he was rescued from & well the -day before. He died pf carbon monoxide poisoning, fumes from a gasoline pump he was using to remove water from the well while cleaning;it. GARY YOUNG PLUMBING & HEATING LIMITED Pumps & Water Softeners, a Specialty * BROOKLIN, ONT. * 655-4936 Need a Good, Reliable PAINTER INTERIOR & EXTERIOR also Paperhanging Free Estimates Call Morn. or Eve. 985-2930 SANRIDGE Sand & Gravel L.GILBANK Blackstock, Ont. 986 4868 BUSINESS DIRECT ORY MacLEOD ELECTRIC Residential Wiring Alterations, Repairs Electric Heating Oshawa - 723-5674 Clarence's Mobile WELDING All phases of Welding & Repairs Phong 985-2589 TIMMS GARAGE. COLLISION REPAIRS: SPRAY PAINTING FREE ESTIMAFES™ Saintfield hi 515 250 Queen St., A.J. SHEPHERD, B. Comm. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Telephone 985-7031 985-2751 Port Perry, Ontario. Ron Rankin AND SONS . General Contracting Plumbing - Carpentry - Electric - Phone 985-7679 Walter J. Brown CARPENTRY RENOVATION ODD JOBS Phone 985-3259 Prince Albert, Ont. Joe Buckley Cottage Raising - Foundations - airations Painting - Eavestroughing - Roofing BUCKLEY MASONRY Oshawa 579-1179 or 579- hin Custom Built Homes by STICHMANN HOMES LTD as "4 A PEC Superior Aluminum Phone 985-3743 WINDOWS & DOORS -- 3 Week Delivery -- Ornamental Shutters - Custom Made - All Your Aluminum Needs. , CROFTS Driving School Zenith 75900 or 705-786-2982 -- Call Collect -- [ Electric Motor Rewinding and Repair MITTON ELECTRIC Tel. 668-2670 208 Chestnut St. East, Whitby, Ont. V-Belts and Pulleys Bearings Chain and Sprockes RON"S ROOFING & EAVESTROUGHING ASPHALT & STEEL ROOFS ALUMINUM & GALVANIZED EAVESTROUGHING FREE ESTIMATES -- Phone 985-3959 EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED : General Insurance -- Port Perry - 985- 7306 RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - INTERIOR - EXTERIOR DECORATING paperhanging - painting _ - spraying " Special Decorative Finishes for Cement and Blocks PERSONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE BRIAN S. JORDON BLACKSTOCK 986-4477 Hygrade Fuels 3197 Danforth Avenue, Scarborogh, 24 Hr. Burner Service - After Hrs. 1-705-324-9649 Agent: Arvice Fisher Port Perry' - 985-7951 Ha Ll a @ | | | DON MYERS CONSTRUCTION EXCAVATING --- DRAG WORK PORT PERRY 193.1,1).4 RCENGIESIAS CIR Sales & Service ; HEINRGLE ! pH treonod Comfort Specialists Butt & Son 24 HOUR BR. 3, THOMSON SEPTIC TANK HEATING --- SERVICE 985-3365 Raglan, Oshawa 723-1042 RELIABLE PLUMBING & HEATING ER | H. F. GRANDER Ontario Land Surveyor Tort ehses to PORT PERRY, Ontario _ Phone: (416) 985-3600 Bert Faber LES BROWN EXCAVATING Backhoe -- Haulage -- Septic Tank & Treriching POOL SALES & SERVICE i ; B 655-3386 - 728-1113 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR i Textured Ceilings & Walls : FREE ESTIMATES 0a 985-2778 Calvin Moove: 5) For Information Phone Phone: ROO Fri SO: Ly ¢ - ROOFING - % "Favestroughing - Aluminum Siding For Free Estimates Phone 985-2517: PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Port Perry. 985-7309 Oshawa 655-3366

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