ee aad 2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 9, 1975 Up = Down the Street p a! 4 Clem M. Jeffrey, 332 Lilla St., Port Perry, was appoint- ed Grand Musician, of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, for the Independent Order of Oddfellows, by the Grand Master of Ontario, Brother Harry Wade for the term of 1974-75. In the past year, Clem has travelled many miles and attended many Lodge func- "tions. He has just completed his "term as of June 10-20th play- ing the Grand Piano, in the Concert Hall, of the Royal York Hotel, for the Annual Grand Lodge Sessions. Clem is a Past Noble Grand, of Warriner Lodge No. 75, Port Perry and has ~ been a_ member of the local [.O.O.F. for 31 years. He has enjoyed his past year, and has made many new friendships, which shall long be remembered. Clem received a beautiful Jewel, engraved 'Past Grand Musician" from the Grand Master Brother Harry Wade, at the Installa- tion Ceremony on the even- ing of June 19th, 1975. On Saturday, June 28th a number of former students of Port Perry High School neld their 6th Reunion. This cvent takes place every 3 vears. It was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Harris at View Lake. The afternoon was spent visiting, * reminiscing and swimming and then a delicious buffet supper was served. Mr. Tom Harris welcomed everyone and read letters and mess- ages from those unable to be present. Dr. Beverley Small- man thanked Evelyn and Tom for their kind hospital- "ity and also thanked Helen Casson, Dorothea Koch, Hazel Slemmon and Eric Nasmith for making all the arrangements. Those attending were: Ev- elyn and Tom Harris, View Lake; Susan and Beverley Smallman, Kingston; Mary and Arnot Van Nest, Brant- ford; Helen and Dick Casson Willowdale; Eric Nasmith, Toronto; Jean and Ken Pearce, Orangeville; Thel- ma and Ralph Lyle, Toronto; Lorena and Bill Lyle and daughters, Kitchener; Ruby and Walter Phoenix, Toronto Marion (Goode) Hodgins, Cave Creek, Arizona; Will- iam Grant, Lakefield; Dor- othy and Donald Shepherd, Duclos Point; Josie and Oscar Bradley, Scarboro; Elinor and Bob Harris, Doris Johnston of Uxbridge; Kath- leen Burley, Irva and Mike England, Marjorie and Glen Wannamaker, Helen and Campbell McMaster, Dor- othea Koch and Hazel Slem- mon, all of Port Perry. The Port Perry T.0.P.S. Club's best. Best loser for the month of June was Mrs. Penny Duncan, with a weight loss of 8', Ibs., runner up was Mrs. Bonnie Kellow with 712lbs. If you have a weight prob- lem come and join us, we meet every Tuesday night at "7430 in the Prince Albert Community Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cochrane have spent the past weeks visiting in North Wales, with side trips to Edinburgh, Scotland and Manchester and London, England. 0.P.P. expand phone service The Whitby Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police haverecently expanded their phone service so that residents of the Township of Scugog may direct dial the 0.P.P. detachment without having to go through the operator. The new number is 725-6581 and 725-6582. The Ontario Provincial Police request that anyone calling from a 985- number use this new number. In an emergency the Detachment can still be reached by phoning 668-3388 or contacting the operator and asking for the emergency Zenith 50,000. On Sunday, July 6th the Historical Society Choir held a picnic in the Township. Park at Caesarea with about 30in attendance. Following a buffet supper a short bus- iness meeting was held and plans made for the fall season. Later in the evening the choir was entertained at the home of Mr. Charles Reesor listening to the tape and viewing movies of their Spring Show '"'Crandella Cruise." On Saturday evening at the Oddfellows Hall a surprise party was held in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Claire Howsam on the occasion of their twenty-fifth wedding anni- versary. The celebration was attended by some 82 family and friends and plans and preparations were made by their son Glen and wife Joanne. The evening was spent dancing and visiting with a buffet supper later in the evening. Soccer: Scala Brother Chargers were successful in their last two games. On June 26 they were victorious with a 7-0 win over the Uxbridge Kings. Last Thurs- day the Chargers had their best team effort this season. Everyone had the ball some- * time during the game and were instrumental in a successful game. This team effort resulted in a 1-0 win over the Uxbridge Road Runners. VAL REN WET AAR LG PER . + 0. i EX VFA WB DIECHRTARAERTIESAT TH Results of music exams Music Examination re- sults of the Western Ontario Conservatory of Music, held in Port Perry in December, February and June of 1974- 75. These are students of Marie Devereux. PIANO: A. Mus. Teachers: Honors - Kyte. Grade 10: First Class Hon- ors - Beverley Simmonds, Mary Skinner. Honors Kathy (Sonley) Malcolm. Grade 9: Honars - Paula Jeffrey, Eileen Bath, Janet Watson. Partial - Joy Pana- baker, Anna Robertson. Grade 8: First Class Hon- ors - Heather Darnley, Jan- ice Gibson, Joy Panabaker. Honors - Dorothy Keyzers, Anna Robertson, Carol A. Morrison, Jane Emslie. Pass - Lisa Ball, Debbie Short, Janice Till, Mary Jane Ball, Paed. Linda OshawaF air cancelled For the first time since 1905, there will be no Oshawa Fair. Unable to find a suitable site for this year's fair, officials of the South Ontario Agricultural Society have decided to cancel the event for this summer only. The fair board was denied use of the park for a full-scale fair and midway earlier this year after residents of the area complained of noise and damages resulting from activities in past years. The board's 65-year lease of the park expired Dec. 31 and city council refused to grant an extension. * Judy Passmore. Partial Perry, Joyce Lane, Beth Janice Lee, Joyce Mulder, Underhill. Philip Wilson, Patricia Cur- THEORY: Grade 3 History: tis Dawn Real Valerie Davis. First Class Honors - Kathy Grade 6: First Class Hon- (Sonley) Malcolm. ors - Mary Evans. Honors - Grade 3 Harmony: First June Harrison, Brenda Har- Class Honors - Karen Stone. wood, Christine Noble, Jan- Grade 2 Rudiments: First ice Parrott, Elaine Elliott. © Class Honors - Cindy Para- Grade 4: First Class Hon- dine, Patricia Curtis, Mary ors - Jennifer Simmonds. Clugston. Honors - Gregory Honors - Tracy _Blayone, Fedyk, Nancy Evans. Pass - Sandra Bolton. Philip Wilson. Grade 2: First Class Hon- Students of Marie Dever- ors - Jennifer Fedyk. Honors eux - taught by Linda Kyte A. » - Lisa McKinzie, Linda Smith = Mus. Paed. SINGING: Grade 10 - Par- Grade 6 Piano: Honors - tial - Karline Skuja. Barbara Gibson. © Grade 9: Honors - Mary Grade 4 Piano: Honors - Holt, Karline Skuja. Pass - Eleanor Kuipers. Christine Bone. Grade 3 History: First Grade 8: Honors - Nancy Class Honors - Janet Watson, Evans. Pass - Sharee Karen Stone, Mary Skinner, Brethour. Paula Jeffrey, Beverley Grade 6: First Class Hon- Simmonds. ors - Joyce Mulder. Honors - Taught by Barry Devereux gp. Kathy Stone, Janet Watson, - Grade 5 Piano: Honors - Susan Evans. Pass - Janice Lori Clark. Parsons. In December 1974, Marie Grade 4: Honors - Andrea Devereux received 83 per- MacGregor, Julie Downing, cent on the Associateship Mary Clugston. Pass - Lori written examinations of the Hope. Trinity College of Music of Grade 2: Honors - Lana London, England. Ng 4th ANNUAL / WESTERW | - a THURS., FRI, SAT., SUN. Aug.7-8-9-10 SPONSORED BY PORT PERRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PORT PERRY CHRYSLER MANCHESTER, ONT. - 985-7329 SS-- BRAND NEW our 1975 pas covered by th <lude the replacement ¢ of . Jo shoth absorbers. tal detats NOW HERE'S "THE CLINCHER!" New 12 month unlimited mileage warranty Its going to take better care of the people who buy our cars. For the first 12 months of use, any Chrysler Canada Ltd dealer wil fix without charge for parts and labour, any part of y (except tires. which are mywhchproves defective loaner free of charge Visit your pipes and mufflers should they wear out in normal use during the first twelve months. Participating dealers will supply a The warranty period for polxe cars and1axis is twelve months of twelve thousand miles whchever occurs frst local Chrysler Canada Ltd. dealer for complete / 7A & 12 HIGHWAY 1975 CHARGER SE <-- Radio, vinyl roof, Body side moulding. electric heated rear window. P.S., P disc B., V8 Automatic, y/4 Radial Tires. J Reg. List $6,211.00 5,473" See Our Late Model A-1 Used Cars 1970 CAMARO Z 28 V8, Automatic, P.S., Headers, Radio, Sporty car. Lic. AKY-883 Lic. VOV-041 1973 HORNET Two door, automatic, Radio, Deluxe interior. Only 33,000 miles. 2,487" stick shift, 1967 DODGE Hard top, 6 cylinder, mileage, gas saver. Lic. FBE-679 Radio, low 1968 VOLKSWAGON Perfect second car, economy plus. Lic. DKN-693