Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 16 Jul 1975, p. 22

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» I - Pr = rr SE 22 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 16, 1975 . ¥ a aaa ees ---- h J Al 4 ! MEERA LH AFT BUA A A AS A A ASR . NEN Wat < ' LEO HOE Tr: F ' 3 { ATEN \ : AS M PL > = XE. sess kihsviiadbines bio lacioscesbiodid adits oat fd ampie sok imi PEA AS « SIF 3 £ v ¥ Vis AR TERROR A ay es 2d WRENS oh y Blackstock area news Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor of Scarborough were Tues. evening guests of his mother, Mrs. Roy Taylor. The twenty-second annual McLaughlin family picnic was held on Sunday after- noon at the Cartwright Com- munity Park. Nearly sixty members of the clan attend- ed. The usual sports pro- gram was conducted by Mrs. Ivan Desgrosseilliers of Pontypool and Mrs. Bill Powells of Peterborough. Next years sports convenor will be Mrs. Jean Mahaffy. A sumptuous pot luck picnic lunch was arranged and en- joyed by all. An afternoon and evening of visiting was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Murray of Manilla celebrat- ed their 30th wedding anniversary at the Legion Hall at Sunderland on Satur- day evening, July 12th. At- tending from the Blacks- stock area were Mrs. Roy Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor, the Arthur Baileys, Mrs. Velva Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe. The evening was spent in dancing and a most delicious buffet salad supper. Glad to report that Mrs. W.W. VanCamp has return- ed home from the Oshawa Hospital. Her daughter Mrs. Ron Drinkwater, Ottawa, is spending some time with her. Rev. and Mrs. Merle Thompson of Melfort, Sask- atchewan are spending some holidays with relatives here and are staying with Mrs. Gladys Thompson. On Sun. Rev. M. Thompson was the special speaker at the United Church service. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin and Kelly spent several days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dorrell and family at Charlton: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Essery enjoyed a weekend holiday at Ottawa and area. Bobbi-Ann Fairey of Bow- manville spent a few days with the Bob Bryans family. On Monday afternoon Tara-Lynne Bailey enter- tained seven little friends on the occasion of her seventh birthday. Elaine Kelly entertained six little friends on Thursday afternoon to celebrate her sixth birthday. On Tuesday evening Mrs. Sharon Essery hosted a brid- al shower in honour of her cousin Miss Karen Yellow- lees. About 25 guests attend- ed and enjoyed several games, etc. The bride arriv- ed and was very surprised to find herself the guest of honour. After opening her many lovely gifts, Karen replied fittingly, A tasty lunch concluded the lovely evening. On Saturday Mr: and Mrs: . Neil Bailey and Tara Lynne went. to Keswick Youth Camp near Port Carling to pick up Howard where he enjoyed two weeks stay. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryans and family were hosts for the annual Bryans picnic when about 50-60 members attended at their cottage at Kelly's Bay. Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryans and family Fair. He quickly accepted - BUSINESS DIRECTORY - MacLEOD ELECTRIC Residential Wiring Alterations, Repairs Electric Heating Oshawa - 723-5674 |GARY YOUNG PLUMBING & HEATING LIMITED Pumps & Water Softeners a Specialty * BROOKLIN, ONT. * 655-4936 Clarence's Mobile WELDING All phases of Welding & Repairs Phone 985-2589 RELIABLE PLUMBING & HEATING Phone For Information Bert Faber 985-3734 BISSETTEE Appliance Service Refrigerator - Freezer Air Conditioning Specialist Call after 6 985-2138 | Electric Motor Rewinding and Repair MITTON ELECTRIC Tel. 668-2670 208 Chestnut St. East, Whitby, Ont. V-Belts and Pulleys Bearings Chain and 6prockets 'Need a Good, Reliable PAINTER INTERIOR & EXTERIOR also Paperhanging Free Estimates Call Morn. or Eve. 985-2930 SANRIDGE San dé& Gravel L.GILBANK Blackstock, Ont. 986 4868 A.). SHEPHERD, B. Comm. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Telephone 985-7031 985-2751 250 Queen St., Port Perry, Ontario. © Ron Rankin AND SONS General Contracting Plumbing - Carpentry - Electric - Phone 985-7679 Walter J. Brown CARPENTRY RENOVATION ODD JOBS Phone 985-3259 Prince Albert, Ont. Superior Aluminum Phone 985-3743 WINDOWS & DOORS -- 3 Week Delivery -- Ornamental Shutters - Custom Made - All Your Aluminum Needs. . CROFTS Driving School Zenith 75900 or 705-786-2982 -- Call Collect -- 194,1,1").4 (3 CERN CIES Sales & Service from the Comfort Specialists R. S. THOMSON -- HEATING -- 985-3365 Y NEED MUSIC? for a WEDDING \ DANCE «/ PARTY etc. " call 985-3089 (after 6p.m.) | EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance -- Port Perry - 985-7306 RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - INTERIOR - EXTERIOR DECORATING paperhanging - painting - spraying __Special Decorative Finishes for Cement and Blocks PERSONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE BRIAN S. JORDON BLACKSTOCK 986-4477 'VYHygrade Fuels 3197 Danforth Avenue, Scarborogh, 24 Hr. Burner Service - After Hrs. 1-705-324-9649 Agent: Arvice Fisher Port Perry: - 985.7951 | | DON MYERS CONSTRUCTION]. EXCAVATING -- DRAG WORK TIMMS GARAGE COLLISION REPAIRS SPRAY PAINTING FREE ESTIMATES attended the Sth annual this challenge which should reunion of the descendants of be an exciting addition to our Mae and Morley Wilkins at fair. " the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Gerald Bsalm. VanCamp, Mr. and Mrs. On Tuesday evening the Percy VanCamp enjoyed a Directors of the Blackstock trip to Northern Ontario and Agricultural Society met at visited Mr. and Mrs. Stuart * the Recreation Centre with Dorrell and family. hd President John Wolters in Sorry that Mrs. M. Argue - the chair. Among the items has had to return back 'to of business was the an- Bowmanville Hospital after nouncement that Mr. E.A. returning home briefly. Starr, Director of Agricul- Quite a number of Junior tural Societies Association .Farmers enjoyed a weekend will officially open our 1975 camping at Moore's Park. fair. The Rebounders, a Miss Debbie McLaughlin Trampoline Act will perform returned home Sunday even- ¢ for three acts in front of the ing from a most enjoyable grandstand. Mrs. Gladys Young Voyageurs program Thompson and Mrs. Ivy when she spent the first Rahm have been rewriting three days at Ottawa where the Centennial Fair Book the 20 young people were and it was decided to print taken on many tours of the 1,000 copies of the new book area. From Ottawa they for sale. Many members were taken to Hafford, Sask- were interested to hear Bill atchewan where they spent a Deegan, D.F.R.B.,, read week visiting the people and » Nancy Knox's challenge to a attractions there. Cow Milking Contest at our ° Masonry, Bri¢k, Block and Stone Work Cottage Raising - Foundatidns - Alterations Painting - Eavestroughing - Roofing BUCKLEY MASONRY Joe Buckley Oshawa 579-1179 or 579-2542 } < I RON"S ROOFING & ASPHALT & STEEL ROOFS ALUMINUM & GALVANIZED EAVESTROUGHING FREE ESTIMATES -- Phone 985-3959 i © Backhoe -- Haulage -- Septic Tank & Trenching POOL SALES & SERVICE 655-3386 - 728-1113 a INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Textured Ceilings & Walls ~~ FREE ESTIMATES Phone: 985-2778 Calvin Moore Custom Built Homes by J he ) STICHMANN HOMES LTD. ( | A oy « 2 N R.R.3 Port.Perry 985.2454 : Port Perry 985-7309 PORT PERRY ;Saintfield 985-7515 985-3142 : ) S. R oO OF, H. F. GRANDER Butt & Son - ROOFING - on ot ct SEPTIC TANK Eavestroughing - Aluminum Siding Phone: (416) 965-3600 WW ron yn For Free Estimates Phone 985.2517 uy A lll. L = : PONTIAC 21V/[ ef ¢ LIMITED PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Oshawa 655-3366

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