Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 16 Jul 1975, p. 5

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4 J SN gifts » 7.3 od 3 TW oy , vi Sat So (Oh ; a SAR At Ty Rt NS Hi Sr YEE A ENN "your paper. 0) | Reader's Viewpoint STP letter "well-written sarbage Dear Sir: I have just read the open letter from the S.T.P. com- mittee that was distributed to the citizens of Scugog. 1 found that I must comment on what I believe to be a salacious letter. This letter makes several insinuations, innuendoes, distortions, and assumptions that I am sure could not be proved by any of the five signatures. For example, in the first para- graph there is a sentence which reads. "Now we can have our own murderers, rapists, and assorted felons staging entertaining riots and dramatic escape attempts on our very door- steps, or cavorting about without restriction in the streets of our towns on week- end furloughs." If the people of Scugog read that sen- tence, and only that sen- tence, I am sure that we would have a penitentiary in' the area within a year. To me, that sentence sounds as though it should be the first item on the program for the Western Weekend. would make sense. The eighth paragraph states - "And think of our young people. They will have to raise their children Then it in the new environment created by the peniten- tiary."" I think there are about five institutions of some type in the Kingston, Ontario area for people who have broken the law. 1, myself, know several people from this area, and everyone of them was once a child. None of them have been Suggests newspaper should parrot the public's view Dear Sirs: Enclosed is a copy of a letter which I have written and sent to Mayor Malcolm to express my view on the proposed penitentiary. Please publish the letter as soon as it is feasible since it contains some viewpoints which were missing in earlier letters carried by If you consider yourself a responsible source of information for the readers in our area you should not just pick an oppos- ing and a supporting view and publish them side by side as it seems to be your practice on many occasions, but you should give adequate: expression to the public viewpoint as a whole, as far as this is possible. I realize that every citizen has a right to his opinion and I wish that mine be publicly - expressed. This is the first time I have ever written to you. Thank you for your co- operation. Yours truly, Erich Holy. EDITOR'S NOTE: We will continue to be "irrespon- sible" and publish both sides of the issues that face this community, and not simply reflect public opinion. His Honour, Lawrence Malcolm, Mayor of Scugog Township, Port Perry, Ontario. Dear Sir: Unfortunately, I have been prevented from attending any meeting on the construc- @ tion of a proposed peniten- tiary in the Township of Scugog, but if the reporting of the Port Perry Star accur- ately reflects the prevailing opinions regarding this issue, the conclusion is in- . which in fact, & Letters must be signed Readers' opinion Readers comments on the events that make today's news are wel- comed in the form of Letters to the editor. with an address inclu- ded but names can be withheld at the writer's request. Letters should be received by Friday for publication the next week. : escgpable that the majority the population opposes and that our municipal poli- ticians favour the establish- ment of the proposed recep- tion centre. Many people have made a conscious and deliberate decision not to live in a highly developed area with all its questionable advant- ages and very real disadvan- tages only to find themselves in confrontation with another government committed to growth for the sake of growth, which will inevitably and irrevocably lead to dis- aster at some point in the future. The psychological adjustment to the idea of "no growth" - because our earth is a closed system which is able to support only a certain number of people at a certain level of development - will be hard and painful after the conquest and rape of a whole continent where there has always been an escape to a new "frontier". It has been said many times that our type of parlia- mentary, democratic governments on every level, because of its inherent flaws, are absolutely incapable to deal with the problems associated with unlimited growth. The example of the Pickering Airport is a classic example that we cannot put any faith in our politicians, and more than justifies the low esteem in which politics is generally held today. I personally, have moved into this area n 1966 to enjoy a rural, self-sufficient life style. Since then, the provin- cial government has moved to rebate to farmers first 25 per cent and then 50 per cent of their property taxes, leaves the rural non-farm population with a proportionately larger . tax burden. In spite of this, I am opposed to the proposed penitentiary which is sup- posed to reduce my tax bill in the future. As far as the need for a penitentiary is concerned, I believe that our social ills will not be cured regardless whether the penitentiary is bult or scrapped. A signifi- cant move into the direction of a "just society" will only be made if there is a fair distribution of the GNP in the first place and a conse- quent acceptance of the con- sequences of one's actions by every citizen. In every sphere of life, we have been brainwashed by psycholo- gists too long! It would be exemplary and refreshing indeed, to see a government act in accor dance with the best interests of its citizenry! Yours truly, Erich Holy. Yes . who likes to Do-It-Himself 1 permanently scarred by the environment created by these institutions. I hope that I have not given the impression by this letter that I am in favour of build- ing a penitentiary in the Scugog area, because 1 never did make up my mind on that issue. However, I am against the type of letter that was distributed by the S.T.P. committee, and I can only hope that the people of Scugog thought the issue over carefully and came to their own answers without the benefit of this letter. In conclusion, I must give credit where credit is due. This open letter was a well- written letter. It uses several literary tactics that have not been used in this area since World War II. However, that still only makes it a well-written piece of garbage. Yours truly, Brian Knight. PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 16, 1975 -- 5 Lilla St. more dangerous than escaped prisoners This morning we were awakened by an earth-shat- tering noise that sounded like a bomb exploding, and jumping from our bed, we ran to our window hearing a woman's painful and distres- sing cries of "'help"! Not to our surprise we realized that there had been yet another terrible accident at our corner, the Queen and Lilla Street intersection. We have lived in this house for only one year, so far we have witnessed more accidents at this corner than we have in all our married years. As concbrned citizens we think something should be done about the situation before someone is killed here or is that what it takes before some action is taken. It seems to be the case in these circumstances. This intersection being left the way it presently is, in our minds, is more dangerous and will claim more lives in the future than any escaped prisoners from a peniten- [ More Letters on page 20 HANDI-MAN . here are a couple of home projects for the man Reg. 299% PRECUT - UNASSEMBLED §x8x¥ BABY BARN i 5 goo Pressure Treated Wood Floor ...*70.00 PRECUT -- UNASSEMBLED PICNIC TABLES Only Six Left Reg. *37% 129" tiary, if something isn't done soon. We don't want to be escort ing our children to the hos pital in an ambulance, oi worse still, the morgue, or having a visit from a local police officer who has come to our doorstep with rueful news involving one of ow children because of some body's negligence. Perhaps a set of lights, or ¢ flashing amber, or even : four-way stop could preven a lot of problems yet come, and come they will. Maybe you'll be the one who gets a policeman knock ing on your door. Think about it. Mr. & Mrs. FF. Walker, J Mr. & Mrs. S. Bajcar Mr. & Mrs. S. MacDonald WINTARIO TICKETS for the JULY 24th DRAW available at the PORT PERRY STAR LAKE SCUGOG MOBILE CONCRETE Our two trucks are ready to give you steady pouring. ORDER YOUR CONCRETE NOW... FOR DELIVERY WHEN YOU NEED IT! -- CALL TODAY -- 985-7391 235 WATER ST. LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER PORT Ladi - 985-7391 - A =. a) (igh) Tr mr I = Lieb . rid od

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