Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 27 Aug 1975, p. 2

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Toad EER 0 ARS AN te gant a = wv » ut i BE NE Fin SER rai a aN COE ey Shen RT on is cg a PATE ra. - ,2-- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Aug. 27, 1975 Up « Down: the Street On August 23rd the Port Perry Snowmobile Club started their® 75-76 season with their annual corn roast. Even though it did rain it didn't dampen the crowd as they had erected a large tent to be on the safe side. The crowd was not as large as last year, but all enjoyed the "outing. d The weatherman provided a good day for the Irvine family picnic on Sunday of last week at Fantasyland Park. All present enjoyed this annual outing. Mrs. W.J. O'Brien of Ottawa, Mrs. J. Lewis and Brian of Toronto were guests of Mrs. F.D. Slemmon and Mr. and Mrs. HH. Ireland and family last week." The United Church of Canada Rev. R. Brawn, Minister SUNDAY, AUGUST 31 # a.m. The Congregation will join in Divine Worship within St. John's Presbyterian Church SCUGOG Pastoral Charge - Rev. Geo. Wylie Rev. B. Pogue SUNDAY, AUGUST 31 9:45 a.m. - SCUGOG 11:15 a.m. - MANCHESTER BLACKSTOCK PASTORAL CHARGE United Church of Canada Rev. V.M. Parsons, Min. -SUNDAY, AUGUST 31 Blackstock 11 a.m. Combined services at St. John's Anglican Church Nestleton 11:15 a.m. CHURCH OF ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. R.C. Rose, Minister The Rev. A. Woolcock, Hon. Assistant SUNDAY, AUGUST 31 Trinity XIV 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer ST. JOHN'S BLACKSTOCK SUNDAY, AUGUST 31 Trinity XIV 11 a.m. Morning 'Prayer iti Church PORT PERRY CHARGE Mrs. B.F. Koch and Mrs. F.D. Slemmon were in Ottawa for the weekend. Mrs. Slemmon attended the Gunn- Bell wedding. At the backyard carnival held in aid of Muscular Dystrophy on August 16th in Prince Albert, $15.25 - was realized. The ringmasters for this event were two young ladies Misses Mini Faber and Kathy Stapley. Narcotics possession charges against Wilfred Stephens, 19,.of 271 Bigelow St. Port Perry were dropped in provincial court in Picker- ing August 21, after the court found insufficient evidence to back up the charges laid on July 25. Services PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Mininster ~ The Rev. Stuart McEntyre SUNDAY, AUGUST 31 St. John's - Port Perry 10:00 a.m. Joint Divine Worship Service. We welcome the Congregation of Port Perry © * United Chiirch. (Competent Nursery Care available during worship) Burn's Church - Ashburn 10:00 a.m. Church School 11:30 a.m. Divine Worship The Rev. Stuart McEntyre Phone 985-3409 Study 985-3881 QUAL BAP, lisp It PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. D.C. Payne, Pastor 9:45 a.m. Bible School Continues all summer 11 a.m.. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Open Air Drive-in Service During August at Fairgrounds. Wed. 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study " PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. R. Batten Rev. I. MacLean 10 a.m. Family Bible Hour 11 a.m. Praise & Worship 7 p.m. Evang. Service a o_o $ Gon John Gast Editor -- PORT PERRY STAR Company Limited Phone 985-7383 Serving Port Perry, Reach, Scugog and Cartwright Townships ~ P. HVIDSTEN, Publisher Member of the Canadian Community Newspaper Association } Member of the Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association Published every Wednésday by the Parl Perry Star Co. Ltd., Poft Perry, Ontario Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Oltawa, and for payment of postage in cash Second Class Mail Registration Number 0245 subscription Rate: In Canada $8.00 per year Elsewhere $10.00 per year. ' UL? \) ¢ Sa», % S 7 ray J. Peter Hvidsten, Advgrtising Manager ® Single copy 20c Remember Fred Jackson and When? 50 YEARS AGO Thursday, August 27, 1925 At 4 meeting of Town Council it was moved by F. W. McIntyre and seconded by R.D. Woon, that the Reeve, Messers - Hutcheson, J. Roach, I. R. Bentley and Miss Grace Davis be on a commit- tee to procure plans, specifi- cations and cost estimates and toselect a site for the new Bandstand that is being planned. : Thos. Caesar has bought this seasons apple crop from the Nasmith orchards. The price per barrel for Spies, Baldwins, Greening and Mc Intosh Reds is $3.00. - School opened on Septem- ber the first, this year. 25 YEARS AGO Thursday, August 24, 2950 300 Holstein breeders and their wives attended. the annual Twilight meeting of the Ontario County Holstein Club held on the farm of Mr. Orval Chambers in Wilfred. Attending the Purina Ban- quet at the King Edward Hotel from Blackstock were Mr. . ing, Jim Emerton, Fred Hamilton, Jim Marlow, Bill Forder and Allan Rahm. The Women's Academy of " Chiropractic of Canada are holding their annual basket picnic and pilgrimage at the Palmer Memorial Park in Port Perry this year. © 15 YEARS AGO . Thursday, August 23, 1960 Mr. Frank Henry of Man- chester is the new Scout Leader there and this 'week, he and the scouts are out camping at Bruce Holtby's farm. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gibson attended the Wardens "picnic at Little Lake, north of Colbourne. There is evidence this year that a new 7A Highway will cross the Island and the bridge traffic will be closed off for some two weeks. - Miss. Esther MacDonald obtained highest marks in Grade III Pianoforte examin- ations for Oshawa and sur- rounding districts. She is a pupil of Mrs. Helen Stouffér. Mrs. Elsie Dobson of Ux- bridge, Director of Music at the Port Perry and Uxbridge High Schools is attending the Fred Waring Music Work- shop in Shawnee-on- Delaware, Pa. 10 YEARS AGO Thursday, August 19, 1965 Mrs. Charles Dyer of Lilla Street, Port Perry, was the winner of the Lions Club Umbrella draw, the presid- ent of the Lions Club this year was Gordon Goode, and Mr. Al. Pacey was the chairman of the draw. At the Blackstock Fair this weekend, the Antique Car Club. of Oshawa will display their vehicles in a parade on the grounds. ' Jim Martin of Uxbridge was hauled safely ashore by the Oshawa Firemen after his small boat capsized in Lake Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Aldred and Beverley of Scugog Island motored to Saskat- chewan to attend her sister's wedding. Mrs. P. Romeril and Mrs. H. Boothe of Blackstock are attending the U.C.W. School for Leaders in Albert College, Belleville, this week. . Marlow, Gary Venn- Fx anu FLA DS (continued of the L slowly turns until it, points at you. The bent rods are actually 'grave finders," Mr. Jack- son states, a job he's carried out more than a few tires. He'll show you just how it works.,'He takes a bucket, putsiton the floor, then walks over the spot with the two. rods extended. Nothing. The rods stay motionless. g He then turns the bucket over. eS Bg, When he passes over the spot the rods cross. Once over the spot, .they uncross. "It works with any closed box or container,' states Mr. Jackson, -- "Now YOU try it!" Convinced of the foolish= ness behind a lot of supersti- tion, the interviewer passes over the upturned bucket. - Nothing. The rods sit still in outstretched hands. Fred turns over the bucket. This. time, thé rods cross, then uncross. : Suddenly, you feel like you're going to sprout fangs and a few facial warts. It's-all kind of creepy, but Fred only laughs. "It works for a lot of people." There are non-believers, of = course, but Mr. Jackson has found a lot of non-believers who will call him anyways when all else has failed. One island farmer called him after he'd had the fifth hole drilled with no luck. A quick examination by Fred, and he was sure. The fifth hole, 16 RAN more feet down, dould give him water. It did. Regardless, people have been calling Fred Jackson crazy for years. 'It doesn't bother me a bit," says Fred, "Let 'em think what they like." ~ And there's really nothing - too fragile about Mr. Jack- son's abilities. He can witch . water with a forked stick, a Epsom area news * Epsom UCW will open the fall term on September 9 at Epsom Church, Group 2 in - Charge. } There will be a special service for all congregations on the BUGLE Charge at Goodwood this Sunday, Aug. 31 at 11 am. A Sacrament Service with our minister Rev. Mr. A. Scott in charge. The first Sunday in Sep- tember, church will be at 'Epsom at 11:30 a.m, Mr. ichael Ward in charge. Migs Carol Sharpe of Mont- real is visiting the Bushell girls this week. Mr. Kenneth Jeffery. has been visiting with his brother Gordon and Mrs. Jeffery. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hough- land and family were Sunday dinner guests at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Houghland of Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, Oshawa, called on Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeffery on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ash- ton were luncheon guests on "Saturday with Mrs. Olive MacGregor in Uxbridge. the pen piece of "twisted wire, a rubber fan belt, or even a piece of grass. "Anything'll do," he said. And then there's. the. pig trick that anyone cando. A way you can pick up a 200 pound oinker by the ears and, with almost no effort, throw him into the pen.- "I 'swear you won't lift over. 10 'pounds if you do it right." But 'that's another story. Mrs. W.0. Simpson was a guest of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Wilson for Sunday dinner. Both Wilson families attended the Wilson picnic at Poplar Park on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kerry and Mr. Nelson Ashton visited Mr. and Mrs. Mel Lakey of Fenelon Falls re- cently. : Mrs. Margaret. Stearman . of Edmonton visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerry on Sunday. Miss Kathy Card is holi- daying this week in London with her friend Miss Dianne Nash. Mr. and Mrs. Al Christie entertained -the Port Perry Choir and friends after the annual Memorial Service at Breadalbane Presbyterian Church at Utica. 2 fee 28 days. Shur- will get» 1. Shur-Gain 36% Feedlot Supplement Medicated. This supplement is particularly suited to provide calves with a satisfactory start in the feedlot. It contains 36% protein (only 10.48% derived from urea) minerals, vitamins, aureomycin and sulphamethazine to counter respiratory infection and maintain weight gains. Should be fed at constant levels with increasing amounts of grain for / 'Here are two proven methods. situation. ha starter feeds : WALLACE MARLOW CO. LTD. BLACKSTOCK, ONT. - PHONE 986-4201 our ot cattle 'well started! 2. Shur-Gain 13% Feedlot Starter Medicated. Pelleted. This low energy ration assists in getting cattle ready for a full feed program in 16 days, i.e. four, 4-day stages, About 80-100 lbs. will be needed for a 700 Ib. steer. There are a variety of different approaches to get your cattle on to full feed with these products. Check them out with your Shur-Gain dealer and find the one that suits your feedlot La * £4 4

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