] A x 3 eo 32-- PORT PERRY STAR Town i for Donriellys Sat.' (continued other items, he considers "finishing off". Electricians are now work- .ing installing house lights _ and other electrical equip- ment, and technical equip- ment such as theatre lights and sound equipment is being .installed.\ The finished product, thinks Mr. Mina, will be an, excellent theatre, few like it _ anywhere. The experienced actor said that the unique theatre is '"'more than ade- quaté" to run a successful = program here. "The accustics," he said, "are beautiful." About $20,000 to $25,000 will be used to compléYe the theatre part of the prepar- ations. Such things as light- ing, sound, seating, staging, and more. At the going rate for equip- ment, that's reasonable, and Mr. Mina said -that much more could be spent if the money was available. He emphasized, however, that the technical equipment will be adequate. "We could use a lot more money," he said. 'But what we will have ~willgetus going." Unlike the' expensive renovations of the building, additional equip- - ment-can-be-purchased any----- time when money becomes ~ available. With the NDWT perfor- . mance in December, the theatre should get the boost it needs to sustain a permanent community program ranging from western music to more professional theatre. Heavy emphasis is, how- ever, on local activities. The building, points out Mr. Mina, will be available to any and all local groups such as school, amateur theatre, vocal groups, art, or even to __meetings-on a rental basis. Although programming is still 1n the early stages, the "local" aspect shows through. Plans are under- way for a film series for young and old, as well as a major production, of a local™-- theme, performed by local amateur theatre. There will be art shows, probably par- ticipation by schools and other groups such as the INVEST NOW! Victoria & Grey Trust Guaranteed Investments 34 % d Years INTEREST is payable half yearly or may be left to compound EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 193 Queen St. Port Perry Telephone 985.7306 Scugog Historical Society, and even workshop pro- grams to help local actors, musieians, and artists. Even a program of western music is planned. In short, the centre, coup- led with an active program, provides a widé range of new interests 'and entertainment never before ottered in the ar®a. In fact, said Mr. Mina, there isn't anything compar- able, even in Oshawa. 'm . i het it a success. community behind us." limited budget, LIYE: L EL ERS Food Rules The potential is tremen- dous, thinks Mr. Mina. Yet it will take more than'active programs and well-known professional theatre to make "What. we have to do, said, "'is get people in the' operation depends largely on volunteers. Organizers will have to, draw volunteers from the community to help in maay areas of the operation of'the centre. 'Without volunteers, » phe Wwe couldn't do it," Ké said. How" do 'you introduce many 'people to theatre who ~~ And "getting people behind havén't had the opportunity us" doesn't only mean atten- dance. Operating on a vefy---- The" Dorinellys, "' Mina the centre's points out, "if anything, will before 2 draw people out, even in a VALUE CHECKED -- BRANDED -- ROASTS SHORT RIB_ 95: community whe opportun- ities for theatrefhave been limited. Itis of ifjterest to all ages, and inclufes dancing, music, but is ato a heavy, serious type of play." As for the regular, local program, organizers are con- fident-that local interest will develop. "It takes time to from there." develop an audience," said Mr. Minal. Drawing people to the com- munity from outside the area during the week. shouldn't be 'too difficult either, thinks Mr. Mina, "We are. located just north of the large centres, and are in an excellent position to draw He suggested that weekend activities at thecentré could , develop into a hroader base, ° attracting many from out- side the community, 'while the community could take advantage of the facility SCHNEIDER'S SAUSAGE - |#=%*1.09 | "SHANK CUT [mire a amory STEW BEEF | res $y ¢ SECRET" 99: ib. : 1.28 CURAD 4 49: be BLADE New Oop No.l Crisp Tasty: SOHNEIDERS JUMBO ~~ FRESH - MEATY . 3 EAKS Tokay Grapes v.59 3 POLISH | PORK HOOKS + 63 = BAY © BEEF HEARTS = 59° [PORK LIVER =» 44° 88 Mcintosh Reds 3 is. 89° SCHNEIDER'S SHORT CUT - CHEF STYLE oth and 7th Abs Ontario - Na Grade Large Slicing Tomatoes qt. as*1. 195 0 ! 0 i Fall Crop - Fancy Grade Ontario o [4] | Vommrasssmend HEADCHEESE & DRESSING - eo se wn BG° TENDER - MEATY - BONELESS STYLE LEAN BLADE STANDING RIB roasts *1+ [5 Roasts®1™ 1 "PRUNE NECTAR -59. 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JUICE "5 51 McCAIN PIZZA $1.99 Mech Pizh 5139 § SERSGNING MIX 249 0 FRIES 2-1 59 g il 0 Coffee WHITE SWAN 1. Oz. Bottle tL LEA & PERRIN'S FEATURE! -- LEMON OMARGED BORAX FAB DETERGENT FEATURE! -- BERNARDIN -- (Pints or Quarts) FREEZER BAGS B-Lb. Phy. Pure Spring Gingerale Sanborn '1.19 2195 fn nm 35 w3/41.00 | plus deposit PORT PERRY, 37s ONTARIO night till9 p.m. 4 i]