PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Oct, 8, 1975 -- 7 Scugog Island Revised budget deadlines set by Region »® (continued organizations of Scugog Island and Manchester. New members, please plan to attend, to get familiar with the work. Sunday evening saw over 100 people gathering at the "*Head" Memorial Church for an old-fashioned "Har- vest Home Service. Actual- ly. only one-third were Island residents. - Others were former residents who wished to come back to the old memories. Then there were many new people who enjoy- .ed themselves so much, they promised a repeat visit next year. The music of the Lake Scugog Choir was outstand- ing as usual and made us forget all our problems. The decoration was in keeping with the season and occasion. The message by Rev. Preisler appealed to all ages and was much appreciated by everyone. The pie social and period of visiting added much to this annual event. This heritage church, though 115 years old, still fulfills its purpose. We hope to see all the "Head" U.C.W. members and their husbands at Red- man's tonight, where we have been invited to share in their recent. honour and recognition. The Women's Institute will meet at the Hall as usual on Wednesday evening of 4 _ immediate Delivery ATTENTION FARMERS! WHY PAY ~Farm Tanks .. Pumps Avallable X OIC October 15. 'The guest speaker will be Mrs. Judy MacColl from the Children's Dept. of the Scugog Public Library. The roll call will be the name of a Children's author, children's book series or other children's books of interest. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hortop who cele- brated their 25th Wedding Anniversary on Tuesday. Last Friday night they were invited to a surprise party in their honour in Grafton, near their former home. Congratulations also to Mrs. Mabel Stone, who will celebrate her 80th birthday on Sunday at the Latcham Centre. Mrs. Stone is the mother of Don Ashbridge. Several years ago, she and her husband purchased the . farm, where they worked until his death. She continued on the work, with the help of her young son until he was in a position to carry it on. Mrs. Stone was an ardent worker "in the "Head" community and greatly missed when she moved away. We hope to keep in touch with her for many more years. While talking to Mrs. Retta Hardy recently, welearnthat her son, Fred Gow of Oshawa, who once lived on the Island has lost his wife very suddenly. Our sym- pathy goes to him. MORE? SAVE ON © DIESEL FUEL es MOTOR OIL © GASOLINE Premium Quality "and OUT OF TOWN CALLS CALL COLLECT \_ WHITBY se8:3381 quiet, low-cost operation. What's clean, quiet, hard-working and economical? Electric Tractors No exhaust. No fumes. No engine vibration. No heal. No plugs. poinls distributors. gaskets. With the New Idea Electric Tractor you only get clean, There are 35 accessories available that make this tractor a big timesaver. Come in and take a look. The electric tractor backed by dependable NEW IDEA DEALER SERVICE Battery power is better ROBERT C. HERON LTD BROOKLIN, ONT. 655-4401 o cl. 22 TE ARETE ARNE a SF? 54 SNP HEIN ny ay JANN ARE oH PE The possibility of the region's setting its 1976 cur- rent and capital budgets on time became evident when the regional finance commit- tee gave its approval to a revised schedule of deadlines for the various stages in the development of those bud- gets Thursday. ; Along with the schedule the committee also endorsed a set of guidelines for depart- ments to follow in submission of their estimates for next year's current budget. The proposal was present- ed by Finance Commissioner Jack Gartley, who expressed hopes it will prevent the long delays in setting budgets that the region's finance depart- ment has experienced in the two years since the inception of regional government. The proposal, which now will be forwarded for council approval, allows for later completion dates by cach of the region's departments - a move that Mr. Gartley said should allow an earlier 'real- istic" budget setting day in council chambers. Mr. Gartley told the com- mittee that in the past the department estimates were never presented within the time period set 'and, hope- fully, this year we are being a little more realistic in our "dates to eliminate that problem." --- "SCHEDULES Key completion dates in the budget scheduling are: --Deec. 19, for the standing committee or board review of the budget estimates and its recommendation to the fin- ance committee. --Mar. 12, finance commit- tee final review of the con- solidated budget estimates and preparation of that com- mittee's recommendation to council. --Mar. 17, regional coun- cil's consideration of the cap- ital and current budgets. Inits guidelines for the 1976 budget, and included in the recommendation to council, the finance committee pro- poses to ask all departments - to provide no increase in the levels of service with only two exceptions. Increases imposed by senior levels of government through changes in govern- mental programs op legis- lation and increases resul- ting from new programs which have received specific approval of council are the two exceptions. Each department and board will also be instructed to provide "only for those inflationary increases for commodities and services that are specifically known and are essential to main-- taining existing levels of service." The proposal asks tht Nis appropriations be ,z¢6ided for in departmental cstim- ates for theatquisition of new capita)-aSsets and also rules out-"major renovations or improvements except where necessary to maintain the existing level of service. Canadian Dealers will be showing furniture, pottery and primitives prior to 1900 ? il Also a good selection of glass and china prior to 1925 A PRIVATE COLLECTION OF DOLLS AND RELATED ITEMS ~~ WILL ALSO BE ON DISPLAY ~~ i Admission: $1.50 per person For Information Call: 416.985.7633 -------- <> I -- : i h4 | ' 'a. i | to be held at : | | i // SYA ' "The Town Hall 187 | : ~ PORT PERRY, ONTARIO LY ] . on -- a | OCTOBER 16 - 1:00-9:00 P.M_/ i | | | | OCTOBER 17-11:00-9:00P.M. | | AJ FEY Lg ivh vi ROT API J} SERIALS V Ye a TT TTY YY YY YY PHA VV9899888838 PBB 355D 3353553535355 353 38383883838 ln a \ Ar ~ CSA >