PORT PERRY TF #1 oor La on io i »] 'PORT PERRY STAR -- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1975 -- PAGE 17 Antique Show held "Town Hall '73: A reality After over a year of penny pinching, fund - raising, knocking door-to-door in Ottawa, Queen's Park and making-the-best-of-what"s- available, the newly renovat- @ ©d Town Hall 1873 hosted its first major event last week. and the reaction by visitors as well as local people was overwhelming. "You would first see exhi- bitors walk into the build- ing," said Helen Calder, des- cribing the almost 20 exhibi- tors who set up their displays Thursday for the two-day Antique Show --and--Sale. "They'd stop, then take a long look around. They're first comments were things like "fantastic, wonderful". Local attendance showed equally surprise, as many had not been in the building for at least months. Not only had work moved ahead dur- ing the past weeks, but there ' / Mrs. John Hammett and daughter admire antique collection. ea YL was a great push to get things ready for the Thurs- day and Friday show. As well as special efforts made by contractor Dale Procunier, many people in- volved with the Town Hall project put their own efforts into the last minute decer- tions. Among those who provided such help were Catherine Christie, who gathered doz- ens of quilts to cover an unfinished wall at the rear of the upstairs hall. Not only was the remedy effective in solving the problem, but at least one exhibitor comment- ed that the wall "quilting" was one of the most original and beautiful decorative ideas she'd seen. But perhaps one of the most beautiful finishing touches were the lighting fixtures. Also a last-minute effort, the lights were de- signed by Miss Christie and Evelyn Zering. Mrs. Calder, organizer, of the antique show, described, the hall as "an ideal sett. ing".. Co-operation and sup- port from the committee (Town Hall) was "fantas- tic," according to Mrs. Calder, adding that the pleasant surroundings could not have but helped atten- dance to the show. The show itself was a resounding success, accord- ing to Mrs. Calder, in"both quality and quantity. The over 600 people who attended in the two days equals the attendance of many larger shows, in. larger centres, running for a longer period of time. Although she said several thousand dollars of pur- chases were obviously made. (continued on page 28) a a LY (a) +] ln NZ % Sih Mixture of charm, elegance, and warmth radiated by newly renovated _ EL i Py Light fixtures designed locally. [TONER GY ce PH AION SG RR VY ENA OR town hall a a