-- on Said EAE SR ANCEIEaI Canada contest Monday i night competitions against 25 UXBRIDGE other contestants. She is the iy acemak partner of Port Perry's Sy DENTURE CLINIC | Bh pacer 66 Brock Street West - Uxbridge, Ont. S$ FURNACE i 852-5291 OFFICE can save you | 3 APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE NOW. SUPPLIES? money, fuel, and space * HP For Complete Denture Service. : 4 Ele Diu call 985-7383 , 2 Member of the Denturist Society of Ontari Port Perry Star H Hl 4 ember of the Denturist Society of Ontario i y eres ow [4 The Spacemaker uses fuel' SPEC. 1 sparingly and efficiently, so you get the most from your on ® heating dollar. L The modern Spacemaker " minimizes fuel wastage wv -v pn -~ ££ » " himself, and proved to be more physically fit than the hockey player. Tests were run on breathing and run- ning equipment. land required to achieve the ! GOTT CIM ICI La ember 3, the driver examin- housing targets in the available at the .er's neck, demanding that their picture be taken, Well, ; ation office will operate on desired period. If such ad- "the whole world may be a ham, but this smile on ! 9-year-old Rick Millenaar's face just couldn't be eo | resisted. Rick's message: Hi, out there. Week Ending October 30th Admissions ...............c..... 39 Emergencies. .................. 178 Operations Discharges.... Remaining no longer be conducted on Mondays and Thursdays in Port Perry, the ministry of Transportation and Com- munications announced last week. The week beginning Nov- Fridays only at tne Water Street office. Information about appoint- ments can be obtained by telephone. Hours of oper- ation on Fridays will be from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. WHEEL HORSE = TRACTORS Future. The firm warns against the method of desig- nating residential land, say- ing that it is considered unsound to designate only the net amount of residential vance designations are not provided, Carlan warns, the municipality is in fact sup- porting a "cartel' postition, inflating the value of the only land available. Miss Berezowski placed third runner-up in the Miss WINTARIO TICKETS Port Perry Star Tractor now e receive Fré ee choice) a new There's nothing more routine in the normal day-to-day business of photography than youngsters seeing the camera dangling around the photograph- OFFER EXPIRES DECEMBER 15, 1975 1d WAIT-SKUTTLE Gi Buy any model Wheel Horse susmatle Humidifier FREE! What an offer. It you have natural gas heating SPECIAL OFFER caused by old. inefficient systems. The Spacemaker is neat and compact, giving you extra space for family living. No down payment Up to 10 years to pay in monthly installments on your gas bill This is the time 10 buy! 2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Nov. 5, 1975 OPP report ) ' 4 Up & Down As a result of information ' received from officials at Port Perry High School, : the Street Prov. Const. A. Kehoe has y - charged Jean Fortin, age 18, X Pe 45 McDonald Street, Peter- . , . . borough, William Roy Evans ER Eight members of the Tops Despite cancellation of the The Ministry of the Envir- age 18 23 Park St., Peterbor- fit i club attended the 4th Annual performances of the Don- onment urges that local ough and Glen Davis, age 17 Rally at Sikorski Hall in . pellys at the Town Hall, a residents with suggestions sg Aylmer St., Peterborough Oshawa on Saturday when number of activities will about the 550-acre Scugog ° with causing a disturbance. \ one of their members, Mrs. take place, starting in Island provincial park plann- - portin has also been charged EERE Mary Cannon received her December. The programme ing and development should jth committing an Indecent ETH five-year KOPS attendance committee presented a tent- have those suggestions Act. The incident arose when 3 : : pin. Those attending from ative schedule of events at ready and in the form of a they were asked to leave the TH 4 this area were Mrs. Ruby the last board meeting start- brief to be presented at the gchool on Wednesday, Oct. 1 'Peyton, Miss Debbie Peyton, ing with a Jamboree and Information Centre to be set 9 1975. ' HL | Mrs. Sandy Wood, Mrs. Western Country Music on up by the ministry at Club Hgajiowe'en quiet | Dorothy Aird, Mrs. Bonnie pecember 7; a play staged Annreneon Scugog Islandon Agide from the usual = Kellow, Mrs. Penny Duncan, hy High School students on November 22 and 23. Hours pinor complaints: of egg ee 4 Miss Gail Wallace and Mrs. December 13; Christmas Re- are from 10 to 12a.m. and 1 throwing 'and a few minor Mary Cannon. flections will be staged by tor 5 p.m., Saturday, and fires Whithy O.P.P. enjoyed 5% FO the Historical Society Choir Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. a quiet Hallowe'en in Scugog € 20 The 1st Greenbank Brow- December 19 and 20, and a Township. Acting on infor-. 1. nie Pack held a very success- New Year's Ball is planned DISCUSSION PAPER mation received from a * ful Rent-A-Brownie Day for the last night of 1975. On Carlan Enterprises Ltd., Township employee regard- yk recently and appreciate all january 18, a Jamboree will owners of the lands compris- ing persons opening fire hy- 4 . those who helped out in their take to the stage, and on ing the Mauti Subdivision at grants Prov. Const. A. undertaking. January 31, the first of sever- the north of Port Perry, have Kehoe charged Brett Camp- al movie performances will submitted a brief to the pe] R.R.2, Port Perry and Local skater David Porter pe presented. Durham planning and devel- Wayne Lioyd ey a took part in C.T.U.S. Hockey opment department in (Oshawa with Mischief. A Joey bast Sanday. porter CHANGE OF HOURS answer to recent public pipe wrench was seized in was pi against a hockey . So } meetings on Discussion i i player yea younger tion Driver examinations will Pager e Choices for the relation to this offence. - installed right now, we will give you a power humidifier absolutely free. And that free humidi- fier can help cut your fuel bills, too. Because a properly humidified home feels warmer at lower temperatures, you can lower the thermostat set- ling, save on fuel -- and be just as comfortable. A SNOW THROWER ora LAWN MOWER ATTACHMENT MODEL 90-5 REGULARLY $109.00 FIND OUT MORE ABOUT NATURAL GAS IN YOUR HOME CALL THOMSON HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Union Avenue -- PRINCE ALBERT - Phone 985-3365 See us for all your Farm & Garden Supplies. FISHER'S FARM SERVICE ASHBURN, ONT. -- PHONE 655-3842 | Rl