24 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Dec. 17, 1975 aaa Rs Yi Young people's production captures hea: Delightful, fun, entertain- ing, amusing and thoroughly enjoyable probably ih enough to describe Port Perry High School's ambit-. ious production of a Child's Christmas in Port Perry, presented to audiences at three different . perfor- mances this week, but it was all that and a lot more. The production, based on Disneyland characters and the Wizard of Oz, was the brainchild of PPHS music department head, Russ Baird, and Diane Lackie, who heads the school's drama department. Over 75 and 10Q students were involved in the produc- tion, basically .drama and music groups in the school, preparing and rehearsing for the production for about a month and a half. If the performance of the young actors and musicians was the highlight of the show, then costuming took a very close second. Amazing is' the fact that the budget didn't exceed $100.00, and Mrs, Lackie said much of the costuming was done through improvision, imagination......and scrounging. "Participation theatre' was the idea behind the presentation, and by that measure alone, the -show was an overwhelming suc- cess, youngsters, when not direct- ly involved in the goings-on, showed an enthusiasm and interest far surpassing 'tele- Ernie and Burt of Sesame Street fame show how to decorate a Christmas Tree See » Wag, ' id . wil ind at, sf JE he fa de Kevin Bruce: big hit with the kids MG (A Fa eS PI NIE XK The audiences of" vision's best. But the enjoyment went both ways, according to Mrs. Lackie. '"They (music- jans and actors) enjoyed it as much as the kids," she Yin Man Rick Creviburg gets oil job Good performance by Brice' said. "They get a lot of experience out of this kind ef» thing." : © Special mention should be made for an excellent per- formance by Kevin Bruce &' by*spell whose ges Liow could the au A fin 1 a SA A AT SATA AS eS STs Photo feature {NA SIRE AE BIAGIO ERVIN LOO EAE I a Aa VE FAR LE