Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 22 Dec 1975, p. 22

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(AE } \ LS TRS WAG "SAA Ten dead PORT PERRY STAR -- Monday, Dec: 22, 1975 -- 23 News from Epsom area News of interest from Seagrave area j hd By Jean Jeffery Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Powell munion wil] be held in Utica By Mrs. Keith Puckrin to perfection. And worrying This little fellow I heard is A Christmas Wish plan to spend the holiday United Church at 8 p.m. As that very special about whether the Church going to start boarding at May vou have the gladness with daughter, Betty. and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Evans season approaches the will be full enough certainly the home of Mr. and Mrs. of Christmas which is Hope her family in Toronto. attended the United Co- magical aura of Christmas has never been a problem, Bryan Beacock of Shirley. #® The spirit of Christmas We are pleased that Mrs. Operatives of Ontario ban- seems to envelope each and - at least on that particular On behalf of the corres- LJ which is Peace H. Gourlie is home from the quet at the Royal York, and everyone of us. All the night! pondents from Seagrave, we The heart of Christmas hospital and is feeling much the annual meeting which excitement, anticipation and On Monday night, the gals wish the staff of the Port which Is Love better, but we are sorry to followed. last minute shopping rush from Unit 2 were entertain- Perry Star and all of its May you (one and all) have 'cport- that Mrs. Findley Mr. and Mrs. John Goslin geems all worthwhile when ©d at the Keith Puckrin readers a very - Merry a very Merry Christmas. Munro is in Oshawa hos- and Bradley of Port Perry, (hose little faces light up residence for our Christmas Clyistmas and a happy and The Bethesda-Reach Pita. We do wish both and Mr. and Mrs. John pyrighter than the Christmas Meeting. Diane, as usual, ocperous New Year. Christmas party was held at friends a speedy recovery. © Arbuckle and Jennifer of tree on Christmas morning. had planned a very beautiful Please phone next weeks the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs Munro will be home for Nestleton visited their pPar- oh, to sce Christmas devotional and not to be news items to 985-2094. Harry Boadway. December Xmas. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill through the eyes of a child! outdone on that, she served PS. I hope Roy. Keith, : ® 17. when members and their The friends in Epsom were Goslin this week and hope to Many young parents enjoy- va very delightful lunch. The Greg, Ge.rge, Gord husbands enjoyed a Buffet * saddened to learn of the be back with all the family oq the Carol Services which girls then presented her with 14 Cliff remember to hang Dinner and after dinner, passing of a former neigh- for Christmas festivities. were held in the Greenbank a poinsetta in appreciation their stockings up!' cuchre was played bour, Mrs. Marion Boynton Mrs. Walter Kerry is a Public School on Thursday for all the work she has done } Mr. and Mrs. "Howard at the home of her son, busy lady as she will enter- afternoon and in Epsom this year as our group . Ashton expect to entertain Donald, in London. She was tain the Kerry family on Public School on Friday leader. Many thanks again, Wintario Tickets their family for Christmas. Mrs. Donald Asling and Mrs. Howard Ashton called on Mrs. Donald Card and & baby on Thursday after- noon. Miss Kathy Goslin of Cal- gary will make her family very happy this Christmas with a visit home. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hartwick of Kincardine also expect to come home for the day. Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeffery called on Mr. and Mrs. John Moore and family of Oshawa on Wednesday afternoon. Sunday was a happy day at the Watson home. The three sons, their wives and child- ren were home to celebrate the holiday and so thankful mother was feeling so much better. in her 89th year and was laid to rest at Victori Square cemetery. The White Gift service at Epsom was well attended and we do hope our chosen families have a Merry Christmas. Epsom Sunday School will have a programme in the Church on Monday evening at 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. Mothers please bring cookies. Remember there will be Open House for Bugle Charge at the home of our minister 'at the manse at Ballantrae. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Scott will be pleased to welcome everyone from their charge. On December 24, a Christ- mas Eve Service with Com- Christmas Day and the Stearman family the follow- ing Sunday. Our good friends, Bill and Betty Stear- man of London with wee Christopher, will be holiday guests. Brother Arnold and Mrs. Stearman and Bruce of Edmonton have already arrived in the East and their daughter, Lucia of Nova Scotia, is joining them here and will move to Edmonton when they return. For Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baster are expec- ing Mum and Dad Jones of Glen Major, Miss Olive Bentley of Brighton, Mr. and Mrs. John Ellery and daugh- ter, Corrie of Mississauga, and on December the 26th, Paul's family will be coming for the day. morning. A great deal of credit goes to each student who participated in this event and a special "'thank you' to the teachers who arranged such an enjoyable time for us. I doubt that anyone ever tires of the wonderful sound of Christ- mas carols. Because of our news dead- line this week, I am not able to report on our annual Christmas Concert but I think I can safely say that it will be its usual fantastic success. I hear Santa has been booked for months so it seems safe to say that he'll be there for sure and, of course, the teachers have been working for weeks gett- ing all the songs and skits for each class whittled down Diane! Don and Marilyn Beacock are pretty excited this week as they have a handsome new nephew to boast about. available at the Port Perry Star 985-7383 STINT i Hho ors 268 QUEEN ST. - PORT PERRY - 985-7351 MacLEOD ELECTRIC Residential Wiring Alterations, Repairs Electric Heating Oshawa - 723-5674 GARY YOUNG PLUMBING & HEATING LIMITED Pumps & Water Softeners 4 a Specialty * BROOKLIN, ONT. * 655-4936 Clarence's Mobile od WELDING S All phases of Welding & Repairs Phone 985-2589 Need a Good, Reliable PAINTER INTERIOR & EXTERIOR also Paperhanging Free Estimates Call Morn. or Eve. 985-2930 BHRECRO Telephone 985-7031 A.J. SHEPHERD, B. Comm. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 250 Queen St., Port Perry, Ontario. 985-2751 of Joe Buckley Masonry. Britk. Block and Stone Work Cottage Raising - Foundatidns - Alreranons Painting - Eavestroughing - Roofing BUCKLEY MASONRY Oshawa 579-M179 or 579-2542 SANRIDGE Sand & Gravel Sr L.GILBANK Blackstock. Oni. 986 4868 CROFTS Driving School Zenith 75900 or 705-786-2982 -- Call Collect -- Walter J. Brown CARPENTRY RENOVATION ODD JOBS Phone 985-3259 Prince Albert, Ont. Superior Aluminum Phone 985-3912 WINDOWS & DOORS EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance -- Port Perry - 985-7306 RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - INTERIOR - EXTERIOR DECORATING paperhanging - painting - spraying Special Decorative Finishes for Cement and Blocks PERSONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE BRIAN S. JORDON BLACKSTOCK 986-4477 RELIABLE -- 3 Week Delivery -- PLUMBING & HEATING Ornamental Shutters Cu For Information Phone - Custom Made - Bert Faber All Your Aluminum Needs. 985-3734 Y ° DOG GROOMING | | Ron Rankin Clipping - Bathing - 10 yrs AND SONS experience - Pick up General Contracting Service for Small and . Ee Plumbing Carpentry Taunton Rd. E. near Wilson' - Electric - 728-5723 -- Oshawa Phone 985-7679 J ' ELECTRIC Tel. 668-2670 208 Chestnut St. East, Whitby, Ont. V-Belts and Pulleys Bearings Chain' and Sprockets LENNOX CRIES CINE Sales & Service HGINRUTE Comfort Specialists R. S. THOMSON -- HEATING - "VYHygrade Fuels 3197 Danforth Avenue, Scarborogh, Agent: Arvice Fisher Part Perry: - 985.7951 24 Hr. Burner Service - After Hrs. 1-705-324-9649 RON"S ROOFING & EAVESTROUGHING . ASPHALT & STEEL ROOFS ALUMINUM & GALVANIZED EAVESTROUGHING FREE ESTIMATES - Phone 985-3959 LES BROWN 655-3386 Backnoe -- Haulage -- Septic Tank & Trenching POOL SALES & SERVICE - 728-1113 EXCAVATING BERNARD T. CHANDLER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT PORT PERRY, ONTARIO 985-3972 (evenings) INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR Textured Ceilings & Walls FREE ESTIMATES Phone: 985-2778 Custom Built Homes by Calvin Moore H. F. GRANDER Ontario Land Surveyor 30B Water Street h ntario Phone: (416) 985-3600 COLLISION REPAIRS SPRAY PAINTING FREE ESTIMATES Saintfield 985-7515 TIMMS GARAGE - 985-3365 OO HEATING CO. FREE FURNACE CLEANING & 24 HOUR SERVICE TOOUROIL CUSTOMERS Complete Parts Plan $16.95 per yr. Call 985-3998 ) STICHMANN HOMES LTD. ( > 4 = i Ink R.R.3 Port Perry R. R. JONES SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Seagrave 985-3481 985-2454 DON MYERS CONSTRUCTION EXCAVATING -- DRAG WORK PORT PERRY 985-3142 WTP Fitaser ESRC AS YS HE - hr RS Te . 2. ~~ ow BE WISE . a Sens SACRE ar We She 4 SRAM, GE pas; - An Spain faa ee at are x = - Raa Bi > -- STARE ~~ 3 »

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