22 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Feb. 25, 1976 News of interest from Blackstock area donation of chocolates for By Mrs. Joyce Kelly 1H On February 16, our 4- group met for our fourth meeting at the United Church. We started off the meeting with the 4-H pledge. We discussed plans for Achievement Day. Then we went into our groups and our leaders showed us how to put rick-rack and lace on different types of material. Press Secretary Marlene Parsons BROWNIES . The Brownies of the 1st Cartwright Pack welcomed nine new Brownies into their ring on Monday, February 15. Mothers and fathers watched proudly as Com- missioner Sleep presented pins to Paula Nicholson, Rhpda Williams, Tracy Staniland, Angie MacLeish, Lisa VanRyswyk, Lisa Little, Tara Lynn Bailey, Karen Kyte and Kelly Russell. Commissioner Sleep per- formed a dual duty when she presented Golden Bars to Debbie DeVries, Kelly Hine- man, Cathy Paisley, Debbie Luke, Laura Shaver, Julie Bryant and Ann Hoogeveen. The Guiders wish to thank the mothers and the fathers who gave their support to these Brownies who worked' so enthusiastically toward their goal. O.N.O. The February meeting on the O.N.O. was held on Thursday, [February 12 at the home of Kathleen Dor- rell with eighteen members present. Following the read- ing of the minutes of the January meeting, the 1975 0.N.O. financial statement was distributed and discuss- ed. The current treasurer's report .was given. The Social Committee report in- cluded a card party for February 20 and many other suggestions. for enjoyable and entertaining outings together. The Parks Board representative gave us a brief account of present business being carried out by the board and the duties of those renting the halls. Present business included OLDSMOBILE Chevrole A Beal SINCE 1919 | 268 QUEEN ST. - PORT PERRY - 985.7351 ors GREAT NORTHERN FINANCIAL CORPORATION A Canadian Public Company whose only business is helping people WE UNDERSTAND -- WE CAN HELP YOU If you own a home, farm or property in City, Town or Country, old or new, paid for or not, our low payment Mortgage Plan is probably your answer. Thousands of folks all over Ontario have let us help them and their friends. We would like to help you too! eo Consolidate all your debts ¢ oe Got that extra cash now ¢ ® Have one low payment ¢ WAYNE SMITH 1 (705) 645-4557 CALL COLLECT the two weddings to be catered, the purchase of a ping-pong table for the Blackstock Teen Organiz- ation, Hard Times Dance, March 27 and a film by the Cancer Society to be spon- sored by the O.N.O. at the Rec. Centre on March 3rd. The meeting concluded with the roll call, "Bring a Good Book to Lend" and was. followed by games. Kathleen and her group served a most delicious lunch. Blackstock lost another of its esteemed Senior Citizens when Mr. Chas. Smith, recently a resident at the Community Nursing Home, Port Perry, passed away on Saturday. Funeral services were held on Monday after- noon from the Port Perry Funeral Chapel. Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends. Sympathy is also extended to the wife and family of the late Melville Werry of Charl- ton of Northern Ontario. For many years, Mr. and Mrs. Werry operated the well-known Fruit and Vege- table Garden and stand on Highway 7A. Their daugh- ter, Mae, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Parker and family are residents of the area. Mr. Werry's funeral also was on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Earl Bradburn and Mr. Donald Bradburn visit- .ed the Mackey Funeral Chapel at Lindsay last Tuesday to pay respects to their aunt, Mrs. Carrie Lathangue of Omemee. On Wednesday they were accompanied by Mrs. Leonard Richards of Bow- manville when they attend- ed the funeral. Payments Too High Need Extra Cash Too-Many Payments g@ Visitors last weekend of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryans and family were Mr. and Mrs. George Bryans and boys of Cameron and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Parlianient of Fenelon Falls. This weekend Gordon Bryans « visited Leanna McLay of Malton. Mr, and Mrs. Roger Lafontaine 'and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryans attended a Bowling Dance in Oshawa on Saturday evening. - Winners at the weekly Senior Citizens Card Party - were: WERE: 1st - Marjorie By- ford 87; 2nd - May Wright 80; 3rd Jean Mabhaffy 79; 4th - Mrs. Reid Cook 79; 5th - Mrs. Grace Bradley 77; 6th - Percy VanCamp 77. Low prize - Pearl Day. On: Wednesday, Mrs. Mae Shortridge, Mrs. Jean Mabhaffy, Mrs. Dinah Abbott, Mr. John Wolters, Mr. Harvey Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly attended the * Agricultural Societies Convention.held in the Royal York, Toronto. His many friends were all so very much relieved to learn last Thursday that Craig Paisley was able to return home from Sick Children's Hospital with a clean 'bill 6f health without having to have any treat- ments. This was after a few very anxious days when he was undergoing many, many tests. Congratulations to Sharon Bailey - who passed her Grade V piano with honours. She is a student of Gladys Thompson. Congratulations to Debbie Mappin and Shelley Scheweihert who placed 2nd in the Legion finalists on their Remembrance Day essays. They were present- ed with a trophy and certifi- cate at the Zone Meeting on Tuesday. Congratulations to Frances Groves and Daryl Leatherdale who celebrated their 5th birthdays on Feb. 18. They attended, along with their mothers, a party at the home of Mrs. Somer- ville, Seagrave. Mr. R. George Young and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mark of Toronto were weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ress Weir and family. On Sunday, they acted as judges af the Legion Public Speaking Con- test at Port Perry. cart- wright had several entries of which we can be proud. Winning placings Nancy Leatherdale who won second in Gr. 4, 5, and 6 division, and to Barry Van- Camp who placed first in the Gr. 11, 12 and 13 class. Congratulations. ! Mr. Merrill VanCamp along with Mr. John Goss of Nestleton were Cartwright's representatives at the Pro- gressive Conservative Leadership Convention in Ottawa from Friday until Sunday. Quite a number from here attended the Musical Con- cert of Maureen Forrester at the Gala Opening of the Port Perry Town Hall. It was truly an outstanding event. A warm welcome home is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Byers who have returned from a most enjoy- * able holiday in Florida along with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin. Mixed Curling Bonspiel On Friday the annual Parsons were. Mixed Curling, Bonspiel of "the Blackstock Curling Club was held at Port Perry Curl- ing Rink due to the mild weather making ice condit- ions very doubtful. Twelve rinks competed in fine fellowship and keen competition. At the end of the playing, Vice-Pres. Rub extended her regrets that President Elaine Bailey was unable to be present due to illness. She also extended appreci- ation to' Turner's Green- houses for Roy's generous assistance in the prizes and to. Jim and Ann McGregor of Blackstock Store for their prizes. President Ernie Swain of the Men's Club expreSsed his thoughts on the fine day. Gerald Kelly who had donated a trophy for this annual event, presented it to the day's winners...the High School entry made up of Paul Larmer, skip, Cindy VanCamp, vice; Colin Assel- stine, * second and Louise VanCamp, lead. Ruby pre- sented second prizes to Neil Werry's rink who had tied the High School. Neil's rink was made up of Eleanor Werry, Robert Taylor and (continued on page 23) | Cartwright HS activities | Well, here we are again. Is it spring? It looks like it. A few weeks ago we had our Winter Carnival and I've been told that some people haven't yet heard the results. Well, the Alicats won overall, next Ookpiks, and then Tigers. What really decided it was the snow sculptures. They were fantastic! ated a huge walrus which looked so realistic, it seem- ed it might just hop off its pedestal and head for Lake Scugog. Congratulations 'Alicats. They won the snow sculptures. Ookpiks placed second with a huge Lochness monster. '"'Seamore" took a lot of work and snow and the final result made many Ookpiks very proud. Next came the Tiger's creation. This was a huge lion on a The Alicats cre- . pillared threshhold and was quite well-done. Congratul- ations Ookpiks and Tigers. Tug-of-War: Boys - Tigers; Ookpiks, Alicats; Girls - Tigers, Ookpiks, Ali- cats. : Broomball: Boys - Ook- piks, Alicats, Tigers; Girls - Alicats, Ookpiks, Tigers. Floor Hockey: Boys -. Tigers, Ookpiks, Alicats; Girls -. Ookpiks, Alicats, Tigers. Snowmobile Obstacle Course: Alicats, Alicats, Tigers. Carnival King was Tom Wotten. First Prince Paul Larmer, second Prince John Lloyd. Heart Queen Cindy Van- Camp, first Princess Cindy McColl, second Princess Deb McLaughlin. Carol Rushton REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLANS . enable us to make substantial savings on your income tax and at the same time prepare for a comfortable retirement. * NOW PAYING 0" * Rates set January 1 and July 1. LAST DAY MARCH 1, 1976 ONTARIO TRUST J.A. PHINN Supervisor of Branches-& Manager 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Member, Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation = w LB <« | € 8 | ¢ BY rT ® L "3 ® - @ < 4 } * * 4 [ 1