RN pn RE Np OE Sn FE, 10-- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 9, 1976 Water everywhere -. Water quality of the Non- quon is clear as mud. . At least the explanation of the water quality report put before - council at the last meeting isn't exactly the clarifying experience it should be. " The long-awaited report. was to have outlined the limits of Port Perry's growth, but council quickly realized that the report con- tained pages and pages of aphs, charts, and tech- nical information with little information about what it all meant. . : day SSL VELA AS A) WAIL AR a, po "TE BATT ANS BAPTA ERC A OR EB RS ; ' HS PA BAER SEA 'and not a drop to flush 1 Mayor Lawrence Malcolm said he'd get the infor- mation, and on Monday ex- plained to council that hé- still didn't know.,.not exact- ly, anyways. -He said he'wasn't told how much further development could be allowed in interpre- tation of the report, but said engineers can calculate those figures by using all the information in the report. He was told that the present treatment operation is almost at capacity now. He was told the infor- mation in the report could be used to design adequate treatment plans to handle any additional development. WEDDING INVITATIONS "I was told that you can anything you want...the sky's the limit...depending on how much you want to spend." Township consultants are now examing treatment by INTERNATIONAL OF STRATFORD Choose your wedding invitations with complete confidence from our elegant selection...which . pand sewage treatment fac- includes announcements and all the ilities. correct wedding accessories. Port Perry development : ground to a halt earlier this year when government 'reports were reported to show that the Nonquon couldn't handle any addition- al discharge from the town- ship's sewage lagoons. Our wedding gift to you... ~ a Keepsake copy of your Invitation processed in luxurious gold. We also have personalized wedding napkins, matches and cake boxes. For Photograph Port Perry Star PRIN \ 8 Queen St. - Port Perry, Ont. - us1% Port Perry Star Phone 985-7383 If you like The Port Perry Star ... you will love winning $400. That's right ... $400. and a gold medal is yours if you can write the best essay on what the Port Perry Star means to you. "This is a unique award made to the reader of a CCNA member paper who best describes in his or her own words just what the weekly paper means to him or her. It is not open to the paper's staff or regular contributors. : The objective is to encourage the readers of weekly papers themselves to think about what their newpaper means to them, their families, their lives and their communities and to set these. thoughts" down in straightforward language. Polished literary expression is not sought." This written expression of frank opinion should be at least 250 words, and not more than 700. Judges will not look for excessively high praise of the weekly; they will study the judgement and understanding by readers ° of the paper's function. This could come from a paper of any size - large or small. This award is made possible by the generosity of dominion exile kx limitee All entries must be sent to The Port Perry Star, 235 Queen Street, ( 5 CNA Port Perry, Ontario, 1.0B 1N0. Representing the Community The deadline is June 23, 1976. | Press in Canada --| design almost anything to do methods in an effort to ex- - | "REPRINTS | Brooklin's Spring Fair got off to a good start on Thursday with the staging of the annual beauty contest, won this year by Lesley Everett. First runner-up Kim Hawkridge, is on left. This was the first year the fair was held for three days, and judging from the crowds, it was a successful three days. The 1-2 Punch for Summer Comfort aa | LENNOX | ata Nifty Weather Electronic Machines |. Air that cool and'| clean the air can make a world of differance in your summer Central X13 Conditioning As Low As '859 Cleaner As Low As *347% living. Includes Lennox HS8-261 : They're Includes Lennox Model EAC7-14 Condensing yo; indoor col, efficient, quiet, lon. imitation ure. set. Installation extra. dependable. Install quickly. For TOTAL summer comfort, pick the 1-2 punch from Edin Outdoor cooling unit has isolated Lennox. re Sener Hissin compressor and upward air dis- charge for quiet operation. De- pendable, cool comfort. heating system. Deluxe self-clean: ing model also available. THOMSON HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING ~ Phone 985-3365 Prince Albert