by Mrs. Jack Crosier There will be no church service in the Epsom and Utica United Church until the special Centennial Ser- vice at Epsom on August 29 "when the Rev. John Hunter will be the guest speaker. During August the Rev. Archie Scott will be in charge of the Church service at Goodwood on Sundays at 9:45 am. Sincere sympathy is ex- tended to Mr. Bruce Langille and family in their recent bereavement of Mrs. Lan- gille. The Epsom-Utica U.C.W. would like to thank all:those who helped in any way to make the sale of lunch at the Mole sale such a success. Mr. and Mrs; Les Beare of Vivian called on Mrs. Lloyd Taylor on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Diam- ond and family of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Bill and children of Toronto visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Diamond on Sunday. On Friday, Bill and family leave for Yonkers, New York where he will be on the staff of Columbia University. Mr. and Mrs. Hillis Wilbur, JUNIOR 10 yrs. & under (TTT TTT TTT HTT TS a } '76 KACS-70 Wide-Side SENIORS 16 yrs. & over Entries must be in on or before Sept. 1st. FRED'S HOBBY SHOP 233 QUEEN ST - PORT PERRY 985-8035 S000 AA Todd and Lee spent a few days at Sarnia last week. Mrs. James E. Mitchell attended a bridal shower for| Miss Joy Smith of Port Perry at Mr. and Mrs. Milt Parkins home last week. Mrs. Mitch- ellhad supper with the Ivan Grays on Sunday. Mrs, Walter Phoenix of Greenbank called on Mrs. Cecil Harper on Tuesday. Mrs. Mabel McLaughlin of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Clark of Brampton and Mr. and Mrs. Meritt of Toronto were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ballard. Among those who enjoyed the Tap Dancing and Fiddler contests at Bobcaygen dur- ing the weekend were Mr. Mervyn MacCannell, his brothers Ted and Grant and nephew Scott and Bob Mac Lean of Shelburne; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bailey; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ross. Mrs. Charles Bell spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Appleton and family of Baldwin. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lowe were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brennand and Mr. John Brennand of MODEL CONTEST 3 AGE GROUPS - 3 PRIZES IN EACH GROUP INTERMEDIATES 11 yrs. - 15 yrs. Sn ---- There are trucks and then there are GMC Trucks. The difference is that GMC Trucks are built to do any hard work you've got in mind while being mighty easy on people. And if you do you own driving, you'll find its a difference that pays off plenty. You might be tuckered out at the end of the day, but that won't be because of your truck. GMC Pickups are easy riding, easy driving, with foam padded or optional full-foam seats for comfort, logically located instruments and a host of features meant to keep you worry-free as far as your truck is concerned. For the complete GMC Pickup story, sit down with your GMC dealer. Chances are good, you'll like what he has to say! FACTORY FRESH 1976 PONTIACS - BUICKS - G.M.C. TRUCKS "On the Spot G.M.A.C. Financing" High Trade-in Allowances PHILP PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED 150 WATER STREET - PORT PERRY, ONT. DIAL 985-7309 2 Sales Department open 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday Friday til 6:00 p.m. Ask for: Saturday til 4:00 p.m. Howard Elson, Morley Parish, Bryce Philp "The friendly dealership where people make the difference" Streetsville, and Mr. and Mrs, M. Howlett and family ,of Toronto. Sunday visitors with the Sutcliffes were Mrs. Stewart Bray, Mrs. Clair Brockman and Michelle, Mr.Ryan Sut- .cliffe and Mrs. Jack Miller who is spending a few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Geer, Dale and Randy spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dearborn at Maple Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cleveland of Bradford and Mrs. Phyllis Clark of Marsh Hill were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Thomp- son. Prize winners at the euchre in the hall on Friday evening were: Caroline Bell, Renee Anchor, Elva Kidd, Marion Honingh, Mildred Thompson and J. Poots. Winners in the Freeze-Out were Elva Kidd and James Houghland first and Jack Hill and Bruce Houghland, second. Wedding Invitations available at the Port Perry Star 985-7383 Model i Limited to available inventory Now thru July . . Utica area news Byrketo by Stanley Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Ted Holroyd and family of Bowmanville were callers of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holroyd and family on Sunday, Mrs. B. Smith of Oshawa, formerly of Burketon, is a patient in Bowmanville Hos- pital. - We hope she will soon be well again. Mrs. E. Carnochan has been in Port Perry Hospital but has now returned home feeling much better again. Mrs. R. Sharp is in Bow- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 28, 1976 -- 25 manville Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, Toronto are building a new home on concession 10 of old Darlington township across from the former Fred Tabb property. We welcome them to our community. Rev. and Mrs. E. McCaig and family of Harbor Grace, Newfoundland are visiting in this community. They will be taking up residence near Ottawa on a circuit there. Wecome back to Ontario n and area news after being away for 5 years. Miss Sharon Grace is on holidays from Harbor Grace, Mrs. A. Abrams, Tyrone, called on Mrs. K. Roblin who is a patient in Bowmanville hospital. Better health is our wish for Mrs. Roblin. Mr. Donnie Holroyd, Lind- say called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holroyd and family on Saturday. Mrs. M. Bailey, Port Perry formerly of Burketon, is a patient in Port" Perry hospital. TAYLOR'S TEXACO Corner of Union & 7A Hwy. Specializing in: e MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION STATION eo TIRE SALES & SERVICE (New & Used Tires) eo MINOR REPAIRS & TUNE-UPS oe OIL CHANGE & LUBRICATION eo FRONTEND & BRAKE REPAIR Accepted Credit Cards Rc 985-3655 d Vo } \ BEES Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday -8:00a.m. t0 6:00 p.m Sunday - 10 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. TEXACO - CHARGEX - MASTER CHARGE MF 230 Tractor MF 235 Tractor MF 255 Tractor MF 265 Tractor MF 275 Tractor MF 50A Backhoe Loader We offer personalized MF financing plus complete parts and service backup. MORROW FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. Massey-Ferguson Farm Machinery SUNDERLAND, ONTARIO CALL 357-3121 or 357-3120 \ 30...SAVE BIG on these, and other new Massey-Ferguson models.. *700.00 Tr re a Ca -- LR os rad *. Le RUST APO ol PES aN y NON A Pa Noes Re . ~ A wy = es oC Tom nT At a eA NE SE RETR Bray LF EERE RE SE SR RA PY rx PAR eS LRANESTWS, Ae vr aE A » - C5 FAR AR So -. PGR Cis A amie Soa eel