E 4 a L 4 » LJ 4 AJ J » Auction Sales SATURDAY, JULY 31 SALE TIME: 12 P.M, Estate of late JOHN OLIVER MCcINNES, Kirkfield (sale held in Town Hall on Main Corner). 1974 Nova sedan, certified, 4900 miles (reserve bid); good appli- ances; furniture, some antiques, dishes. Findlay frost-free 2-door refrigerator; Moffat 30 automa- tic electric range (both like new); white coal & wood annex; chrome set; RCA 26 console colour television (like new); French Provincial chesterfield; gate-leg table; platform rocker; chesterfield suite; lamps; humidifier; modern love seat; piano stool; desk; beds; vanity; washstand; high boy chest; trunks; bedding; Sunbeam vacuum; rug; antique lamp; antique wooden rocking chair; davenport; radio record player; double wardrobe; wheel chair and walker; single beds; cedar chest; good buffet; wicker chair; Beatty wringer washer: machine; Captains chair; "oil lamp; lantern; Woodland box stove; large iron sap bucket; old pulper; good Woods freezer; electric lawn mower; set Royal Winton dishes; tools, tool chest; garden tools; dishes; other good furniture and numerous items. No reserve. Note time: 12 Noon. Orval McLean, Auctioneer, 324-2791 or 324-2783 Lindsay. J28 SATURDAY, AUGUST 7 SALE TIME: 11 AM. Antiques, 1952 Chevrolet car, Estate of late SUSAN SINCLAIR Cambray. Washstands; antique quilt boxes; iron bed, brass trim; dressers; 7 pc. toilet set; antique rocking chairs; 10 pc. Jacobean oak dining room suite (round table, server, buffet, 6 chairs, china cabinet, glass on ends); cedar chests; 2 spool beds; oil lamps; old trunks; single spool bed; 8 good arrow back chairs; old cabinet radio; spooled washstand; gingerbread clock; wicker baskets; set Limoges dishes; organ stools; irons; 5 cane bottom dining chairs; copper boiler; antique box stove; antique pump organ; flails; Morris chair; good up- right piano; portable television (new in March); corner what. not; library table; parlor table; chesterfield; wicker arm and rocking chair; drop front desk; round oak dining table; antique clock, buffet; Findlay white cook stove; Frost Free 2 door refrigerator; wringer washing machine; antique cupboard, drop leaf tables; exceptional large bureau; dishes; tools, etc. Note: Time 11 a.m. No reserve. Lunch available. Orval McLean Auctioneer, 324-2791 or 324.2783 Lindsay. Aus SATURDAY, AYGUST 14 | SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Household furniture, Antiques, the property of NELLIE TAYLOR, 231 Bigelow Street, continued proved in the last tew years. This is partly because non-- profit groups such as the Canadian Guild of Crafts and Centrale d'Artisanat du Quebec have helped artisans not only upgrade their skills, but to market their goods. Craftsmen are advised re- garding the quality of their products, their market value and methods for selling them. Most of these groups, in addition to offering guid- ance, have their own shops or display areas and sponsor craft festivals, competitions and markets. The Centrale d'Artisanat, for example, has three boutiques in Mont- real, including the large two- story main centre, and one in Quebec City. These four shops at- present are selling the work of about 300 Quebec craftsmen. The Canadian Guild of Crafts (Ontario) runs a shop in Toronto and later this year will stage a four-week exhibition titled Art in Craft. It will be held in the London (Ont.) Public Library and Art Museum beginning Dec. 6. Every August the guild sets up a show and competi- tion in the Better Living Centre at Toronto's annual Canadian National Exhibi- tion. It's the only annual juried craft show in the country. Circle Craft Co-operative, a Victoria group founded less than two years ago, besides selling crafts in its perman- ent display area, sponsors special markets, festivals (Women in Crafts Festival, Quilt Show, Fibres Festival) -and training workshops. With a few notable exceptions, crafts used to be something people did in their spare time. Now, more and more artisans are finding they can become full-time professionals. '"There is an enormous demand for good | quality hand-crafted goods," I according to Paul Bennett, executive director, Canadian Guild of Crafts (Ontario). Port Perry, north of the main street. Terms cash, No reserve, lunch available. Property sold. Auctioneers Earl Gauslin, 64033079 & Norm Faulkner, 640-5691. Aus | In an effort to meet and | capitalize on this demand, provincial governments, | colleges and other education- al institutions are sponsoring PORT PERRY CHARGE The United Church of Canada Rev. R. Brawn, Minister SUNDAY, AUGUST 1 Port Perry & Prince Albert 9:55a.m. Combined Services at St. John's Presbyterian Call Rev. S. McEntyre for Pastoral Care SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. George Wylie SUNDAY, AUGUST 1 9:45 a.m. Scugog 11:15a.m. Manchester PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA SUNDAY, AUGUST 1 St. John's Port Perry 10 a.m. Congregation will worship in the United Church Burn's Church, Ashburn 10:00 a.m. Church School 11:15 a.m. Divine Worship Listen to Amazing Grace Sunday morning at 9:15 CKLB OSHAWA - Dial 1350 Minister: The Rev. Stuart McEntyre Manse: 985-3409 Study : 985-3881 1 PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. D.C. Payne, Pastor 9:45 a.m. Bible School 11 a.m. Morning Worship ,7 p.m. Drive-In Service Fairgrounds - Enter by north gate All Welcome CHURCH OF ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. R.C. Rose, Minister Hon. Assistant Rev. A. Woolcock SUNDAY, AUGUST 1 Trinity VII 11:15 Holy Communion ST. JOHNS, BLACKSTOCK SUNDAY, JULY 11 9:30 a.m. Morning Praver SUNDAY, AUGUST 1 Trinity VII 9:30 Holy Communion PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Rev. R. Batten Rev. I, MacLean 10 a.m. Family Bible Hour 11 a.m. Praise and Worship 7p.m. Evang. Service an ever increasing number of craft courses aimed at training artisans of profes- sional calibre. The New Brunswick Craft School, for example, operat- ed by the Handcrafts Branch ism in New Brunswick, offers a two-year program plus one year's apprentice- ship. The five crafts studied are fabrics, jewelry and enameling, pottery, weaving and wood. sance of crafts in North America in the past five years," says John Richard, Handcrafts Branch director. "Craftsmen are producing more functional items that are both beautiful and use- Vey PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 28, 1976 -- 31 Canadian crafts are a going concern ization as opposed to mass production." For further information about buying Canadian handicrafts contact the Canadian Government office of Tourism, 150 Kent Cll di alin of the Department of Tour- "There has been a renais- - Keeping It Clean Leave your car to its own devices Let's clear the air about automobile emission control devices. Tests show that decreased fuel economy in 1975 and 1976 model cars is the result of many factors. Here's how those factors compare: Pollution control devices 6 percent; increased weight to meet more stringent federal safety regulations - 8 to 14 percent; air conditioning - 9 percent; automatic transmission - 6 percent. For a typical new-car driver buying 585 gallons of gas at 80 cents a gallon, emission control equipment accounts for an extra annual expendi- ture of about $27. Many motorists believe, incorrectly, that disconnecting the pollution control system on new cars results in better gas mileage, but the opposite is true. The system does its job by aiding in a more complete combustion of fuel. Tampering with the pollution control system leads to inefficient combustion and decreased fuel economy. Worse, tampering with or disconnecting the system can often lead to serious engine damage. In the case of the air injection reactor system (AIR) this could lead to burned-out exhaust valves and engine overheating when the air pump used to force air into the exhaust manifold is disconnected and the cooling effect lost. Similar problems can arise if the exhaust gas recirculation system found on many cars is tampered with or disconnected. The system directs some exhaust gas back into the engine, reducing the production of nitrogen oxide ful. The tasteis for personal- Street, Ottawa K1A OHS6. pollutants. Not only can an inoperative EGR system result in overheating, lack of vacuum to the shifting mechanism of the transmission can lead to serious damage. And if that's not enough, car owners who tamper with the pollution control system face reduced trade-in allowances to meet the dealer's cost of restoring the controls to operating condition, a requirement under law. The law is the Environmental Protection Act and by it, dealers who offer to sell cars with missing pollution controls face fines up to $5,000. The act also permits maximum $5,000 fines for owners who tamper with their car's pollution control system, and court convictions to date have resulted in fines up to $100. But winning court cases is not the goal of Environment Ontario's extensive spot check program. Using its permanent Toronto testing facilities and two mobile units, Ontario Ministry of the Environment has spot checked more than 12,000 cars a year since 1971 when the effective use of automobile emission controls came under its' authority. The thrust of the program is not to weed-out the handful of car owners who tamper with or disconnect the control system in blatant disre- gard of the law. The goal of the program is to inform car owners that properly functioning emission control devices not only serve the interest of cleaner air but also the interest of more efficient and economical vehicle operation. Once the message is out that the goals of ecology, energy and economy are very often the same, we'll all be on the road to a cleaner environment. STAR Stationery & Office Surprly 191 Queen Street - Port Perry, Ont. 985-8123 A Division of Port Perry Star Co. Ltd. J OFFICE SPECIALS File Folders Available in carton lots of 500 Only! $ave *12.50 $ave *15.50 Letter Size Legal Size Reg. $42.50 for 500 Reg. $52.50 for 500 SPECIAL SPECIAL 30.00 | ?*37.00 Dymo Mark VI TAPEWRITER 0195 Includes 2 extra Letter Wheels 4 Dymo Tapes & a Desk Caddy \ STAPLERS ---------- 2 Assorted Colours SAVE $2.10 SAVE 2.10 APSCO A-72 APSCO A-17 Reg. $5.95 Reg. $8.95 Save $2.10 Save $2.10 '3.85 *6.85 Come in and browse gh our book section: throv Choose From Over 950 Titles ances se + tactequin EOF . Adventure & SUSPET Emilie f Weekly + Humour Sellers Be Fiction «Westerns These Specials Are By Order Only- Offer Expires July 31st EN -- - Sas va " DEAT TOC pr nd Hy ST To sat -- = Ea A eX: ASR O & MASI BS . <L 0d --.Te an we ALA RAE TERR TAO NN IT MOLINE b Sen 7 tg --- ERY Ps -a i hh a " a aT AT ARS el Tn Cl ht BT A »