TT -- ' D0 YOU PETE EEEFEETEEEE E JHEHHHPHHY probably your answer. | NEED MONEY o If you own a home, farm or property in town, city or country, old or new, paid for or not, our low payment mortgage plan is FEAR AR SE RAIMI With only five minutes to go in the: Home game ------ Henry Street High PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Oct. 6, 1976 -- 19 School and trailing by a demoralizing 30 to zero, the Port Perry High School Juniors put on a last ditch effort to get on the scoreboard. It was Scott Wilbur who managed the touchdown, off a perfect pass from quarterback Gord Simmons. At right Scott breaks through the Henry Street defence and (left) puts Port Perry on the board. The Monday afternoon game saw a final score of 30-8. Pine Ridge cubs hold bike rodeo By Akela Paul Saulnier On September 25, 64 cubs from Pine Ridge district met in Blackstock for the annual bike rodeo. The rodeo was the brain child of Henry Smits, Ray Wilson and Paul Saulnier back in 1971, and every year since, the cubs go for a day of bike safety and riding to WETTER EERE EEE ERE EEE EVERETTE EEE ETE . @ Consolidate All Your Debts | | Get Extra Cash Now 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgages as low as 12% %. | We would like to help you. Call me personally today. TH HHH VEER EEE EH WAYNESMITH | 1 (705) 645-4357 CALL COLLECT Meetings held in the privacy of your own home. A CANADIAN PUBLIC COMPANY WHOSE ONLY BUSINESS IS HELPING HHH PEOPLE. complete for two trophies. The rodeo is under the super- vision of the Ontario Provin- cial Police. Bike and rider must be both in top shape to compete and win. The 1976-77 champions are Cub Woodrow, "C" Pack Port Perry and Cub Ray Meisner, 1st Greenbank. Last year, Port Perry pack was in bad shape and parent support was at an all-time low. Well, this is all past history now, the 1975-76 Par- ent Association have been great. The executive are: President Tom Soomre; Vice President - John Pratt; Secretary Carol Coon; Trea- surer Linda Bray; Building Management Treasurer Mrs. Brock and Caretaker Paul Saulnier. Any boys who would like to become a cub should come and see Akela Saulnier on Monday night, 7:00 p.m., or Akela Johns on Wednesday night, 7:00 p.m. STAR reprints call 985-7383 OVERSEAS You'll Need A PASSPORT PHOTO 985-7383 PORT PERRY STAR Heres a nice clean story For years, the bask ingredients of some of Canada's finest cleansers have been made at the Chemical Division of Canada Packers So. when Shur Gain decided 10 provide its customers with quality cleansers and sanitizing products. it began with years of experi ence. With such a start, you can see why our growing Chlorinated Cleaner. Excellent for removing fat and protein residue and especially surted for cleaning dairy utensis and bufk tanks Shur Gain sanitation line has developed so fast. Now, your Shur Gain dealer offers one stop service with every product required in good dawy sanitation Supe rior, proven. hard working products thal carry a punch--""our punch ne' \ Germ Kill for Dairying. An dine base germicide for udder washing. manual cleaning. nflaton sanding and storage, premise disinfecting Milkstone Remover and Acid Cleaner. Non foaming. For removal of milk stone and mineral film from prpehines and milking equipment Pipeline Cleaner and Sanitizer. A non foaming, chlorinated cleaner and sanitizer for CI P systems, Built in sequestrant if used regularly. an acd post nnse after each milking is not required Teat Dip. An wodine base germicide for prevention and control of mastitis. Effective, fast acting and non irritating Udder Towels. High quality Kraft with manmum wet strength and absorbency. Indmdual disposable towels help control mastitis. Shur-Gain . . . for the modern farmer. Wallace Marlow Co. Ltd. Blackstock, Ont. Phone 986-4201 ow - i a : ag " =, A a ae aad Sa ONL ng ay - A) YTS wg vo ' Bsr ay a [A NA Re 2 EET aby ag ry ot SE a TP