on v Cmed re 2 So 7 a Classified Ads 30 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Oct. 6, 1976 Help Wanted Work Wanted Work Wanted LEARN TO DRIVE today, Futura Driving School. Call colleci 705 277 2251 after 5 p.m. weekdays or anytime on week end. Free home pick-up in Port Perry, Lindsay, Orono areas. DAY CARE in my home. Phone 985-8076. HANDYMAN with truck will do odd jobs and maintenance, cut down trees. Phone 9853534. TF PLASTERING -- Stucco. Re: pairs cement work. Free esti mates. Phone 985-7288. T.F. T & T TRENCHING, Custom Back Hoe. Reasonable rates, call 985-3016. T.F. ELECTRIC FENCE Service, factory approved, service centre for Shur Shock fencers. Repairs to all approved makes. Battery, Hydro and Solid State. Walter Wright, Blackstock, Phone 416- 986-4818. DEAD STOCK FREE REMOVAL Fresh, dead or disabled animals. Margwill Fur Farm Hampton 416-263-2721 BISSETTE APPLIANCE SERVICE Port Perry Call 985-3125 Authorized Warranty Service for Kelvinator, Roy, Gibson Lenord & Bay Crest AMANA Sales & Service PARTS AND SERVICE Jor all makes CUSTOM KILLING Book your Fall Killing Requirements Now. Sides 95c. - Cut & Wrapped Cawker Bros. Abattoir 985-7327 INSULATION and Lathing. Phone 985-3890 or 723.0708. T.F. Help Wanted PART TIME sales help for Ladies Wear, Friday and Satur- day. Must be able to drive to Toronto at least once a month. Box 22, Port Perry Star. PERSON FOR full or part time help, more suitable for male, in hardware store. Apply in person to Uxbridge Home Centre, 89 Brock St., W., Uxbridge. HAIRDRESSER wanted for Hair Centre for Port Perry Plaza, good guarantee, plus commission. Phone 985-7232. Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors and others having claims against the Estate of Russell Creighton Brown, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned, solicitors for the Executors on or before October 29th, 1976, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to claims that have been then received. HARRIS AND HARRS, Barristers and Solicitors, 170 Queen Street, Port Perry, Ontario. 014 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Edward Alfred Hoy, Deceased. : All claims against the Estate of Edward Alfred Hoy, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, Retired, deceased, who died on or about the 22nd day of November 1975, must be filed with the undersigned personal representative on or before November 17, 1976; there- after the undersigned will distri- bute the assets of the said Estate having regard only to the claims then filed. Dated at Whitby, Ontario, this 28th day of September 1976. DOROTHY HOY, Execulrix, by her Solicitors, Coath, Livingstone & Jqhnston, 101 Dundas St. West, Whitby, Ontario LIN 554 020 CUSTOM 36 Years Experience BUILDING Homes - Cottages - Additions also ELECTRIC - PLUMBING - CARPENTRY RON RANKIN & SONS 985-7679 20in Business T.F. qualifications: Willingness to Learn. necessity. Full company benefits. Apply in writing to: HELP WANTED Person to Train for Baker's Helper "Persons applying must have the following Excellent hygiene standards. Must have at least grade 10 education. Any Baking Experience an asset but not a If previously employed, must submit at least two references with application. Excellent working conditions. Better than average starting wage. Opportunity for advancement. Box 21, Port Perry Star. Port Perry, Ontario. PART TIME, full time, you can choose your own hours in this fantastic highest . prestige cosmetic business. . Qualify for superior income security, new car and other benefits. Free training call 640-5842 between 9:30-11:30 a.m. Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Reg & Larry Johnson AUCTIONEERS (20 Years Experience) LIVESTOCK FURNITURE SALES Sunderland 705-357-3270 RON KING AUCTIONEER Auction Sales of all types. Phone Port Perry 985-2643 FARM, FURNITURE, | ESTATE & ANTJQUE AUCTIONS EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER Claremont -- 649-2115 Stouffville -- 640-3079 JOHN ANNIS ORVAL McLEAN Auctioneer . FURNITURE ) i d Modern Auctioneer (antigua and Mater 15 Yr. Experience Ruiner; Cinsstun All Types of Sales Bi your place MURRAY JACKSON AUCTIONEER 30 WILLIAM ST. S., Auction hall and Sale Barn Facilities LINDSAY 324-2791 Home 324-2783 Livestock & Implements FURNITURE & ANTIQUES Port Perry 985-2459 4 Legal Notice STEVE LIPTAY AUCTIONEER Livestock - Estates Blood Horses For bookings or in- formation contact: Steve Liptay Hampton 263-2117 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO BETWEEN: GEORGE VAN DE WALKER and GLADYS VAN DE WALKER Plaintiffs and JAMES ALAN BENTLEY and DONNA MARIE BENTLEY Defendants PURSUANT to the judgement and final order for sale made in this auction there will be offered for sale by public auction in one parcel, by the undersigned Master in his Chambers at the Court House, in the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, at the hour of 12:00 noon on Thursday the 14th day of October 1976, the lands and premises known as part of Lot 13 in the 9th Concession of the Township of Scugog, formerly the Township of Reach, more particularly described in the mortgage register- ed in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham No. 40, as instrument number 256534. THE property will be offered for sale, subject to a first mortgage securing $43,000.00 principal money, with interest thereon at eight per cent (8 per cent) per annum, from the last day of May 1976, said interest being payable half-yearly on the last days of May and November in each year, and the principal falling due on the last day of May 1978, which mortgage shall be assumed, and paid by the purchaser, and subject to a reserve bid fixed by the said Master. THE purchaser shall pay down to the Vendor's solicitor on the day of sale 10 per cent of the purchase money and shall pay the balance of the purchase money into Court, without interest, on or before the 29th day of October 1976. Adjust- ments are to be made as of date of closing. The purchaser shall search the title at his own expense. In all other respects the conditions of sale are the standing conditions of sale of the Court, as modified by the conditions of sale settled by the undersigned. ON the premises is said to be erected a swimming pool and change house. Further particulars and conditions of sale may be had from Jones and Jones, Solicitors, No. 130 King Street East, City of Oshawa, Ontario. LOCAL MASTER. The property is located on the east side of Highway No. 12, one quarter of a mile south of the intersection of Highways 47 (Uxbridge Rd.) 8 12. It is locally known as "Wellspring Park". It has 875 feet frontage on Highway No. 12-by a depth of 1904 feet. It is believed that all requirements can be met that are prerequisites to operating the property as an over-night trailer park but no warranty is given that this is so. The purchaser must satisfy himself on this point. JONES AND JONES, Barristers and Solicitors, 130 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. ACTION §-- BY Port Perry 985-8161 KAHN AUCTION SERVICES AUCTIONS OF ANY TYPE Prop. of "Herongate Country Auctions' Located 1 mile south' of Whitevale Every Wed.7 P.M. "Consignment and Estate Selling Our Specialty." THURSDAY OCTOBER 7 Sale Time: 7 p.m. Good estate sale of furniture, some antiques, appliances, 1965 Pontiac convertible, Moped, at MCLEAN AUCTION CENTRE LINDSAY (on Little Britain Rd) Good green chesterfield; antique parlour table; wash.) stands; dressers; spool bed; very old pine quilt boxes; old table; pressback chairs; crocks; copper boiler; hall tree; brown refrigerator and automatic range; utility cabinets; lamps: office desk; electric adder; single beds; good vacuum; occasional chairs; round wicher table; beige rug; sealers; qu. of other furniture. No Reserve. NOTE TIME: 7 p.m. Orval McLean Auctioneer 324.2783 Lindsay. CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY OCTOBER 8 Sale Time: 7 p.m. 3 miles east of Little Britain, 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay Little Britain Road. 9 pc. dining room suite; marble top washstand; wicker rockers; walnut end tables; Dial candle. stick telephone; large spinning wheel; pine blanket box; small wood stove; tea wagon; Gone with the Wind banquet lamp; brass Aladdins lamp; large oak roll top desk; love seals and matching chairs; 1971 Vauxhall. Plus many more antiques, furni- ture and household articles. Open for showing Thursday, October 7, 7-9 p.m. Terms Cash. Don Corneil Auctioneer, R.R.1, Little Britain 705-786-2183. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. REAL ESTATE Builder in disfress offers 2 homes by auction in Village of Udora, 10 miles straight north of Uxbridge. Go North past store, turn right on York St., homes on nor th side, These homes are well finished with large lots, 92.5 x 202. Homes may be seen on Wednesday, October 13, 7:00 - 9:00 or by appointment. Very picturesque lots with river as back boundry. 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, fam- ily room with fireplace. Selling subject to owners approval. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager & Auctioneer, Ux. 416-852-3524. O13 Auction Sales | SATURDAY OCTOBER ¢ Sale Time: 11:30 a.m. Auction sale of furniture and anfiques the PROPERTY OF MR. AND MRS... ERNIE TRIMBLE, in the Village of Greenwood, 10 miles east of Markham off Hwy 7 (watch for signs). Victorian love suite, 4 pcs.; Stanley concert" piano, excellent; oak sideboard; chest. erfield; 3 pc bedroom suite; antique table, 6 wooden chairs; Normandie Chime clock; wicker fern stand and cake caddie; Orthophonic radio; Chinese design oval wooden table; V4 cut oak bed, excellent; 1934 fridg.; iron bed; sm. chest freezer; upright freezer, excellent; electric stove, fridg. and dryer; set Pioneer pressed glass, all pedestol, cake plate, lg. water pitcher, fruite bowl and cover, six nappies, cream and sugar with cover and covered butter dish; dropleaf sewing machine; Cranberry sugar shaker; Royal Nippon China; Royal Bayreuth Goose Girl cream and sugar; 12 pc dinner set; Jardineer; press- ed glass dresser pieces with silver tops; brass candlesticks; bellows; antique foot warmer; steel engraving 45/x36", Queen Victoria & prince Albert open- ing "The Great Exhibition of all Nation in Crystal Palace 1851'; new blankets, sheets, quilts, hobnail bedspread; Nadco exer- cycle; sealers; shotgun; roto- tiller; Toro lawn mower (new); electric sander, saw; 200' under- ground wiring; sledge hammer, axe, hoe, iron pipes, mower, shears, etc., etc., many more items. An excellent sale you should attend. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Earl Gausling 640-3079, Norm Faulkner 640-5691 Auctioneers. SATURDAY OCTOBER 9 Sale Time 1 p.m. Auction sale of furniture and antiques, and real estate, the PROPERTY OF 'MR. AND MRS. RUSSELL PILKEY, Leaskdale, 6 miles north of Ux- bridge on 7th Con. V4 mile east of Leaskdale General Store. REAL ESTATE: 2 bedroom bungalow on 2 acre. This home has many desirable features - aluminum siding, full basement, real nice garden, river runs through rear of lot and is near store and post office, on a paved road. Terms on property 10% day of sale, balance to be arranged in 30 days with owner. Immediate possession. This property may be inspected before sale by appointment with owner, Phone 649-2238. $5.00 free prize to the person with bidding number guessing' nearest the property selling price. FURNITURE and ANTIQUES: Antique mantle clock; kitchen table, 4 chairs; antique hall rack; 4 chest of drawers; antique spirrow leg table; 2 double beds; antique dresser with mirror; duplex bed (like new) oak dresser and mirror; chesterfield and chair; lamps and mirrors; dishes; Moffat frig.; 24'* Moffat range; Hoover vacuum; Maple desk and chair; 19' Admiral B/W TV; record player and speaker; 10 pair hand made candle hold. ers; 2 spoon racks, G.E. vacuum sm. chesterfield; occasional chair; 50' garden hose; Master Craft lawn mower, like new; washstand; Coleman camping supplies; 3-2 wheel bicycles; electric _hot plate; telephone chair; vinyl swivel rocker chair; odd chairs; rubber tire wheel barrow; picnic table; numerous tools. Property to be sold at 3 p.m. Selling by number. Lunch available. Terms Cash. Earle Pilkey 649-2238 Auctioneer. MONDAY OCTOBER 11th Sale Time: 11 a.m. Thanksgiving Day auction sale of registered Polled Herefords, farm machinery, furniture, the PROPERTY OF WHITE HOUSE ACRES FARM, Ux: bridge, | mile south of Uxbridge, 7th Conc. (30 mile northeast of Toronto), featuring 18 registered hereford; 20 eligible for regis. tration from Oakland Ridge, Zato Rollo, Britisher, Four Square Leonard blood lines; IHC tractor with loader; MTD 16 h.p. lawn tractor with snow blower cab; spreader; 1000 bales straw; 500 bales hay; dining suite; TV's chairs; Europz2an dinner and kitchen ware: many other articles. Terms Cash. Sale at 11 a.m. Norm Faulkner, Earl © Gauslin, Auctioneers. 06 + 9 a *® 9 » & [4 ° 4 e (* 1 1 $ & 2 4 » 2 1 rs v L