* FRI.EVENING, OCTOBER 15 . Broadloom throughout. SALE TIME: 7:00 P.M. REAL ESTATE AUCTION The property of Mr. and 'Mrs. Douglas Lummiss, 3 Centre St. in Uxbridge (corner of Brock & Centre) - 3° bedroom split level * "home, with the following fea. "tures; 30 x 15 living room, 24 x 15 mastér. tiédroom' with full bath, "+'kifchen .With: dining area.com. plete with "frig... and stove." ; Base: ment-has. large rec room with fireplace, 2 car, garabe. This property has 165' frontage on Centre Street. Terms: $5,000 ' down evening of sale with cash or certified- cheque. Balance to be arranged in 45 days. .Property sold subject' t6 approval of owners. Open house will" be Wednesday, October 13, from 8:00 - 9:30 p.m. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager. & Auctioneer, Ux- bridge 416.852.3524. on SATURDAY OCTOBER 16 Sale Time: 12:30 Auction sale of 76 head of Charo- lais and Hereford cattle, plus machinery, the PROPERTY OF BASIL MURPHY, Lot 25, Con. 4 Ops Twp., '2 'miles north of Hospital on Angéline. St. 'N-and 2 mile west or 2.miles north of Kawartha Lakes School and V2 mile east. Farm Sold. Cattle: 1-4 yr. old Charolais Cow record- ed; 9 Recorded heifers 12 yrs. from v2 to 7/8 (open); V1 heifer calf recorded 7/8; 14 heifer calves (can be recorded 2); 3 Charolais cows 4 yr. old; N Charolais cows 3 yr. old; 4 Charolais cows 2 yr. old; 1 Charolais cow; 2 Hereford cows; 6 bl. and wt. face cows; 17 steer calves; 2 heifer calves; cows exposed to purebred Charolais bull July 13. Machinery: M.F. 35 Diesel tractor; 3 pt. hitch 3 furrow Ferguson plow; 3 pt. hitch Ferguson cultivator, all. corn attachments; New Holland baler No. 68; Cockshutt 7 ft. power mower; Cockshutt PTO side delivery rake; 26' hay ele- vator; M.H. 13 disc drill; Int. 15 disc drill; Int. manure spreader 16' Tandem trailer, good hay rack; rubber, tired wagon; bale buncher; catlle oiler; 18' feed rack; fanning mill; steel stone beat; drag harrows: milking machine; portable milk cooler; ' qu. used lumber; qu. scrap iron; set of farm scales. feed: 3000 bales of well saved hay; approx. 100 bales of straw, plus many more misc. articles 100 numer- ous to mention. Lunch. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Don Corneil Auctioneer, R.R.1, Little Britain 705-786-2183. 014 SATURDAY OCTOBER 16 Sale Time: 1:00 p.m. Auction sale of livestock, imple: ments, and some household furniture the PROPERTY OF SHERSBY CURRINS, Lot 27, Con. 8 Ops Township, 3 miles north of Lindsay on Hwy. 36 and 1 mile east and '2 mile forth or 6 miles west of Dunsford to 8th Con. and V2 mile south. Farm Sold.Cattle: 31 Hereford cattle. 8 mature Hereford cows with 7 Hereford calves by side, bull exposed June 5; 2 Hereford heifers 2 yr. old, bred May and August; 5 Hereford steers, 3 yr. old; 4 Hereford heifers 1) yr. old; 4 Hereford steers 1 yr. old. Machinery: M.H. No.30 tractor; John Deere 14T baler PTO; New Idea 7' trail type power mower; Cockshutt side rake; Int. drag cultivator; M.H. manure spreader; M.H. seed drill; set of sleighs (Sheboggan); 3 drum land roller; Jackson fanning mill with bagger; new 14' gate; electric fencer; Sunbeam cattle clippers; scuffler; Surge milk- ing machine, pump and motor; Del aval separator. laying hens, forks, shovels, chains, many other articles too numerous to mention. Wood: Approx 8'2 cord of mixed stove wood, split. Furn- iture: Refinished square table; lawn mower; antique clock; quilt box; radio; buffet, table § chairs, oak; dinette buffet, table 4 chairs; fernery; hall tree; 2 tarpaulins; coal oil lamp; 3 iron pots; sap kettle; rocking chair; writing desk; pine cupboard; antique stove; Air Way vacuum cleaner; set sad irons; bells; 16' cedar strip boat and trailer; 40 h.p. motor; buffalo robe; wood- en hand fools; brass top haimes; many other itmes found on a Century Homestead. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Lurch avail. able Sale at 1:00 p.m. commenc- ing with household furniture. Ward Holmes, Ed Allen, clerks. Carl and Greg Hickson, Auction- eers, Reaboro, Ontario 1.705 324.9959. ou SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16 SALE TIME: 12:30 ESTATE SALE 'FURNITURE & REAL ESTATE Auction sale including a 3 bed. room, storey and half home. _Upstairs is used as'an .apart- ment, main floor has 3 bed. rooms, large kitchen, living .room, sewing room, and bath. room. This home is in excellent condition and will sell'at 3 p.m., subject to the approval of the executors. Terms: $5,000 down day of salé; balance to be arran- ged in 30 days. The property - may be inspected by contacting Mr. Cliff Lunau, 898-1496. Also complete contents of this home include: 2-3 pc. bedroom suites, - cedar-lined chest; china cabinet; vacuum cleaner; pole lamp; radio; brass lamps; mantel clock; occasional chair; chester- field & chair; dishes; table & chair; sideboard;' kitchen cabinet; dresser; washing mach. ine (Viking); cups & saucers and many other items. The property of the Estate of FLORA LUNAU, 345 Ontario Street, Newmarket. Go 2 blocks south of Davis Drive on Main St., and then go west on Ontario St. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager & Auctioneer, Ux- bridge, Ontario. 852-3524. on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. REAL ESTATE Auction sale of the home of MR. '& MRS. JIM WOOD, 42 Toronto . St. N., in Uxbridge. A lovely 3 bedroom split level home with fieldstone front. This modern home is beautifully decorated throughout. Includes living room, dining room, large Kitch en, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, den, family room, 14 x 22, with fireplace and large storage base- ment. This home was built and decorated for present owners and as a result has many features such as large amount of closet space. Area is zoned Commercial. Terms: $5,000. down day of sale. Balance to be arranged in 30 days. Property sold subject to approval of owners. Home may be seen by appointment by contacting owners at 852.3237 or Lloyd Wilson. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Man. ager & Auctioneer, Ux. 416 852-3524. 013 SATURDAY OCTOBER 16 Sale Time: 1 p.m. Auction sale of household furni- ture the PROPERTY OF LEONARD HODGMAN will be held at Caesarea, turn left at the store and watch for signs. Gen. eral Electric refrigerator, Moffatt stove, dropleaf table and 4 chairs, qu. of dishes, pots and pans, space saver couch, swivel rocker, two occasional chairs, 1 upholstered chair, desk, bedside table and lamp, 3 chest of draw- ers, 2 single beds, bed and bedside table, qu. of other furni- ture, lawn chaise and lawn chairs, power lawn mower, canoe, many other articles will be added to this sale. Property sald. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Reg and Larry Johnson, Auctioneers ou SATURDAY, OCTQBER 16 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Auction sale of House and con. tents (many antiques), the pro- perty of MR. & MRS. PERCY BUTCHER, 107 Simcoe St. E., Beaverton. House being a 7 room new aluminum siding, 4 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, large living room, dining room and kitchen. A very well kept home situated close to downtown. Contents include: Oak dining room fable; ant. writing desk; 2 sets of 6 pressed back chairs; ant. record cabinet; ant. secre- tary; Heintzman piano & bench (like new); B&W T.V.; chester. field & chair; wicher fern stand; corner cupboard; 2.door fridge; H.D. elec. stove; 8 cu. ft. freezer; "bedroom suite; 2 single beds; 2 wash stands; oak dresser; 3 old chests of drawers; 2 quilt boxes; trunk; parts of wash stand sets; bedding & linen; set of dishes; other old dishes; crocks; pots; pans; etc. ; electric lawn mower; 32 ft. ex. ladder; lawn roller; other garden tools. All kinds of useful items found in an old home. Terms on contents, cash or known cheque. House sold at 3 p.m., subject to low reserve bid if not sold prior to sale date. (Owner will hold 1st mortgage at 10% int). For terms, inform. ation and viewing, phone 426-7009 or 426-7356. Aurel Renout, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. . REAL ESTATE Builder in distress offers 2 homes by auction in Village of Udora, 10 miles straight north of Uxbridge. Go North past store, turn right on York St., homes on north side. These homes are well finished with large lots, 92.5 x 202. Homes may' be seen on'. Wednesday, -October 13, 7:00 -°9:00 or "by appointment, Very picturesque lots with river as back boundry. 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, fam- ily room with fireplace. Selling subject to owners approval. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager & Auctioneer, Ux. 416-852-3524. O13 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16 SALE TIME: 12:00 P.M. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES SMALL TOOLS Auction sale of Furniture and Antiques, the property of MRS. RICHARD DAY in" Balsam, 6 miles west from Hwy. 12, 4 miles east of Claremont on 9th Con. 8 pc. dining room, suite; fern stand; 6 press back chairs; hand-made table;old flower stand; small carved corner shelves; Magnus organ and stool; rocking chair ; 3 pc. bedroom suite; 1 dresser with mirror; 3 light pole lamp; B&W T.V.with stand, practically new; odd pieces of bathroom sets; coal oil lamps; McClary frig; Viking elec. stove; brass candle holders; Chinese pattern bowl; China; copper cake plates; silverware; glass ware, numer- ous other articles. Terms cash. No reserve. Earl Gauslin, 640- 3079 & Norm Faulkner, 640-5691, Auctioneers. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Gigantic Auction Equipment, Trucks, Crawler, Backhoe, Woodworking tools, . Electrical and Plumbing tools and material, property of MOYNES CONSTRUCTION, Cameron (turn on Long Beach Road, 1 con. turn right, 1st on right). 1976 Ford '2 ton pickup truck; 1975 John Deere 310 backhoe, 1500 hrs; 1976 Case 450 crawler load- er; 1974 dual-wheeled flat bed 1 ton, 4 speed transmission, 22000 miles; 1968 Ford 2-door custom, good condition; complete wood- working tools for manufacturing cabinets; drafting board; General 10' table saw (single phase); 12" Dewalt radial arm saw (single phase); 16' jointer (8 bed floor model); cyclone blower system with pipes; drill press with morticing attach: ments; 12° band saw; routered carbide attachments; skill saws; va' drills; Va' drills; Milwaukee Sawall complete; 2 h.p. rebuilt air compressor; power nailer; 2-3000 gal. water tanks; 14' Crest. line boat; 40 h.p. Johnson elec. motor; boat lift; ramset; indus- trial vacuum; triplex crimpers; Greenlee knockout cutters; staple guns; jig saws; sanders; tires & wheels; steel scaffolding; insulated truck-van; building supplies; hydraulic jacks; tran. sit level; refrigerator; ceramic tile cutters; pipe wrenches; pro pane tanks and torches; 300 old used brick; step ladders; wash basins; wire ang cable; oil burn. er parts; Ski-Doo trailer; other numerous items. No reserve. Giving up construction business. Terms cash or ap. proved cheque. Note time: 10 a.m. Come early and register. Orval McLean, Auctioneer, 324 2783, Lindsay. SATURDAY OCTOBER 16 Sale Time: 10 a.m. PROPERTY OF MOYNES CONSTRUCTION, Cameron. GIGANTIC AUCTION, equip- ment, trucks. 1976 Case 450 crawler loader; 1974 dual wheel flat bed 1 ton, 22000 miles; 1968 Ford 2 door (good condition); 1975 John Deere 310 backhoe, 1500 hrs.; 1976 Ford '2 ton pickup fruck; complete wood- working tools for manufacturing kitchen cupboards; saws; drills; blower system; drill press; many types of saws; 14° Crest. line boat; 40 h.p. Johnson motor boat lift; sanders; building supplies; scaffalling; insulated truck van; jacks; transit level; pipe wrenchs; used brick, plumbing and electrical supplies very large qu. of excellent tools and eugipment. Nb Reserve. Giving up construction business. NOTE TIME 10 a.m. Come early and register. Orval McLean Auctioneer 324-2783 Lindsay O14 DTT ATR Wai MONDAY, OCTOBER 18 SALE TIME: 12:30 FURNITURE & ANTIQUES Auction sale including Findlay Oval cook stove with reservoir, antique pine chest of drawers, Viking 2-door refrigerator; Frig- idaire dryer; Moffat. Electric stove; antique oak bed with matching chiffonier, both with claw feet; antique bed; wash- stand; chesterfield; wicker flower stand; drop leaf tables; 2 pine blanket boxes; antique sew- ing machine; antique hand washer; several antique pictures and frames; antique dishes; cruet set; chairs; dresser; anti- que chest of drawers; books; 1907 Canada Almanac; 1900 By- Laws of Co. of Ontario; 2 antique pine desks; many other articles and antiques. The contents of the home of MRS. FORD LAPP, 3 miles north of Uxbridge, 1% miles west on Sandford Road, then 1v2 miles north on Con. 6. Terms cash. Sale at 12:30. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager & Auctioneer. Uxbridge, "416- 852-3524. on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. "Property of PERCY SULLIVAN, 220 Main St., Bobcaygeon, across from Rokeby Lumber. 'Furni- ture, appliances, some antiques, antique closet; copper: boiler; kettle; tall chiffonier with swing mirror; washstand; small tables; old batk to wall pine cupboard; 3 antique trunks; bake board; wicker baskets; pine cupboard; 3 antique irons; 2 oil lamp; good portable tele: vision; upright freezer; 24'* auto. electric range; Zenith brown automatic washer; Inglis refrig. (new in May); Coleman oil heater; gas space heater, 1 yr. old; spacesaver couch; double pedestal desk; metal utility cabinet; small tables; coal skuttle; wheelbarrow; polisher; garden tools; dishes; etc. No reserve. Terms cash or approv- ed cheque. Orval McLean, Auctioneer, 324-2783 Lindsay. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. real estate furniture - ANTIQUES 199 Acre Farm and full contents of a Homestead from 1837 to 1976, the property of the late A. E. WILSON, Lot 13, Con. 10, Manvers Twp., 13 miles south of Lindsay on Hwy. 35 to 10th Conc. and '2 mile east, or 10 miles north of Hwys. 35 & 115. Household Furniture: Wingham coal & wood stove, like new; G.E. h.d. stove; square oak table & 6 chairs; 2 antique rockers; 2 antique mantle clocks; wash stands; odd chairs; antique bed- room suite, high top bed, high top dresser & matching washstand; many other articles from a homestead settled in 1837. Real Estate: 199 acres of farm land, more or less. Large 8 room stone house built in 1859. Large barn 120° x 36'. L-shaped barn 90' x 26°. Running creek through farm. 65 miles from Toronto, 25 miles from Peterborough, 13 miles from Linday. Terms on Property 10 % down day of sale, remainder in 60 days. Farm will be offered for sale at 3:00 p.m. subject to low reserve bid. For further information, contact Cliff Fallis 705-277-2183 or Auctioneer. Terms cash. Noreserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, 705 324.9959. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. The property of KAYE NAYLOR, Lot 7, Con. 6, Fenelon Twp., V2 mile south of Cameron and 1 mile east or 7 miles north of Lindsav on Hwy. 35 north & 1 mile east. Machinery - M.F. 165 diesel tractor, approx. 1400 hrs., power steering with Robbin manure loader, hydraulic buc. ket, 6' gravel bucket, manure forks; M.F. 12 baler, pto; MF. 4.12's trip beam plough, 3 pt.; M.F. 12' cultivator; New Idea cut.ditioner 7'; many other implements and items too num. erous to mention; Hay - approx. 3000 bales of well saved mixed hay; Cattle - 18 Hereford Heifprs, 1yr.old; 10 Hereford steers, 1 yr. old; Furniture . Swivel chair; antique wicker chair; iron pot; chrome table; typewriter; many other articles. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Cameron U. C. Ladies will serve lunch. Carl & Greg Hickson, Auctioneers, Reaboro, Ont. 705. 324.9959. 020 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20 SALE TIME: 12 NOON HOLSTEIN & DAIRY EQUIPMENT Complete Carlsholm Holstein Dispersal, owned by the Estate of the late CARL BOYNTON, Nobleton Ont. Selling at the farm on Hwy. 27 at the south end of Nobleton. 90 head Registered, Classified and R.O.P. tested. 20 fresh or springing at sale time. 9 by Roybrook Starlite, 6 by Qual- ity Ultimate, 6 by Marquis Ned, and 6 by Paclamar Bootmaker. Also selling: Dari-Cool Pipeline milker with 4 units, 3 Delaval milk meters, 4500 Ib. bulk milk tank; 25 vials Citation R Maple semen. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Man- ager & Auctioneer, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2) SALE TIME: 7:00 P.M. Antique Auction consignment from Bobcaygeon at McLEAN AUCTION CENTER, Lindsay (enter parking lot off Little Britain Rd). Very old antique furniture; washstand; commode chest, porcelaine knobs; high pine dresser; high wooden beds; cabinet radio; cow kicker; parlour table; old cupboard; lamps; cheese can; pine box; 2 hand churns; ice cream maker; old picture frames; parts of toilet set; chichen incubator; ornate pine bureau (3 miniature drawers on top, large porcelain knobs & keyhole trim); small antique bureau (teardrop pulls); music cabinet; iron bed; brass trim; kitchen cupboard; Ren. frew white enamel cook stove; antique wall clock; old wooden ice box; sealers; old flat to wall; matchbox; old cupboard; drop leaf table; antique wooden rock- ing chair; odd wooden chairs; oak hall seat; quilting frames; neckyokes; horse harness; ex- cellent pressback and antique chairs; electric stove; numerous small articles. No reserve bids. Come see October 20, 7-9; come buy October 21. Note time: 7 p.m. Orval McLean, Auctioneer, 324-2783 Lindsay. 020 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23 12 NOON SHARP 19th Annual All Black Breeder & Feeder sale, 500 head. 400 feeders, steers and heifers; 50 breeders, mostly cows and bred heifers; 50 commercial cows, bred to calf in March and April. 15 outstandifig open yearling heifers from Alberta at PETER. BOROUGH SALES BARN, south of amber light on Hwy. 7. Sale commencing with the breeding cattle. Lunch available. Malcolm Bailey, Manager, 985.7583, Uxbridge. Bruce Wood- row & Ross Bailey, Auctioneers. i 020 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23 saletime: 11:00 A.M. Property of MRS. SHIRLEY HOLDER, 1395 Rouge Mount Drive, 1 street east of Altona Road, north of Hwy. 2 (north of Stroud Fruit Market). Tiffany lamps; buffet; oil lamps; dishes; saw; pumps; tables; chairs; movie screen, etc. Terms cash. No Reserve. Norm Faulkner, Earl Gauslin, Auctioneers. 020 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES MACHINERY & HOLSTEINS Auction sale including 40 Hol steins, 30 fresh or close. These are young cows and first calf heifers, D.H.I.A. tested and blood tested. Good uddered cows ready to work for fall product ion. Also 2 Int. trail plows; Gehl Hammermill; 5 section harrows; Cockshutt side rake; cattle oiler; roller; Mayrath elevator (needs repair); Bearcat hammermill; large qu. of scrap iron; Hoover washer.spin dryer, like new; Pine flatback cupboard; iron and brass bed; buggy wheels; wood- enpumps; 2 churns; wagon seat; pop cooler; antique washstand; oil stove, good; wringer washer; T.V.; antique oak writing desk; drop front desk; wicker fern stand; antique kitchen buffet and matching drop leaf table; Water loo 20 garden tractor and attach. ments; 5 pc. kitchen suite; many other items. Farm bought by Century City. The property of STAN FEASBY, Lot 12, Con. 4, Uxbridge Twp., 1% miles east of Goodwood on Hwy 1A to Con. 4, then '2 mile south. Ladies will serve lunch. Furni ture sells first. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager & Auctioneer, Ux. 416 852.3524. 020 To RRA RENIN Ne ARN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23 SALE TIME: 12 NOON Excellent auction of tind modern furniture, appliances, good dishes, power lawn mower, green refrigerator & automatic stove (like new), color television, piano, china cabinet, bedroom suMes, dryer, spin washer, chesterfield; aluminum ext. ladder; good furniture and extremely large quantity fancy dishes, silverware, bedding, etc. 1972 Chevelle sedan, 23,000 miles, Estate of late JAMES LESLIE REA, 155 Angeline St. N., Lind- say at Mclean Auction Center, Lindsay (enter off Little Britain Road). Don't miss this sale. Preview October 22, 7.9 p.m. Note sale time: 12 Noon. No reserve. Terms cash or cheque. Orval McLean, Auctioneer, 324-2783, Lindsay. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23 sale time: 1:00 P.M. Household Furniture and Anti. ques, the Estate of MRS. BEATRICE BAYLES, 321 Rosa Street, Port Perry. French Provincial chesterfield suite with 2 chairs; Colonial dining room svite, round table, hutch and 5 chairs; 26 colour T.V., R.C.A.; R.C.A. radio; bedroom suite, twin beds, dresser, chest of drawers, night table; coffee table; 2 rocking chairs, antique; cabinet radio, antique; 5 wooden Captain Bar stools, antique; other articles too numerous to mention. Furniture in excellent condition. Terms cash. No reserve. Earl Gauslin, 640-3079 & Norm Faulkner, 640-5691, Auctioneers. 020 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27 SALE TIME: 12 NOON HOLSTEINS Annual Breeders Special Hol. stein Sale to be held at Malmont Farm Sales Arena," 2 mile south of Blackstock, Ont. 70 head Registered, Classified, Produc: tion tested. This is an excellent opportunity to build fall milk supply. 60 head fresh or due to calve soon. Cows milking up to 100 Ib. per day. Many with full pedigrees. Young cows by Rock- man, Ned, Starlite, Hermanster, Chieftain, Emperor and Nugget, etc. This sale includes 15 from Orchard Vale Farms; 12 from Lillcroft Farms; 12 from Ernest Barnhardt; 15 from Far-Vu Hol- steins; 15 from Sabson Farms; plus some Very Good cows and high Good Plus cows from area breeders. Also a group of short bred and open heifers with full pedigrees. A sale you won't want to miss. All blood tested and. ready to move. Lunch available. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager & Auctioneer, Uxbridge 416 852 3524. 020 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. PRINCE ALBERT HALL Furniture, antiques and tools, the property of MRS. E. COX, to be held in the Prince Albert Hall, 2 miles south of Port Perry in the Village of Prince Albert. Duncan Phyfe Mahogany dining room set, includes 6 chairs, table and buffet; beautiful candle antique chandelier, Tiffany lamp, chamber & bed brass oil lamp; coal oil lamp. antique oak love seat; small antique stove; kitchen table, wrought iron chairs; 3 carpets; brass pail, chairs. copper boiler, light fix tures. paintings. antique picture frames. pink depression glass; dishes; cookware, aluminum; set Taylor Forbes antique irons; books, lamps; flushomatic & basin, electric hedge clippers, electric jack hammer with chisels; 1'2 h.p. skill saw; hand saws; pipe. wrenches; drills; carpenter tool set; heavy bolt cutter; motors. pipe fittings, set stocks & dies; railroad lamps, and many more very interesting items. Come early and register Lunch available. No reserve. Murray Jackson Auction Service 985 2459, Port Perry 020 If you're on a reducing diet, how much weight should you lose in a week? No more than 2 pounds. A greater weight loss isn't healthy- and it doesn't help you to change your eating habits. You may want to lose weight fast, but remember, a loss .of two punds a week gets rid of 8-10 pounds of fat in a month. ag Fe Spr EE a Sa pe