Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 24 Nov 1976, p. 25

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4 . Seagrave and area news of interest | by Marilyn Beacock It hardly seems possible but Christmas 'is fast approaching. Only four weeks left until the big day. During the next few weeks there Will' be. the usual hustle and bustle of office parties, shopping trips and all the rest of the jazz and - razmataz associated with that time of year. Person- ally I love every single minute of it! While we're on the subject "T'll. mention a few items of interest. On Thursday, Dec. 2, Mrs. Wanamaker, Mrs. Beacock and Mrs. Carr will be hostessing a Cradle Roll party at the church for all the little ones four years and under who are register- ed with the Cradle Roll. 1 hear even old Santa Claus has been given the word to drop in and say hi to all his little buddies that day! We hope to make this. years party just as much of a success as last years so be sure to keep that date in mind folks. On Monday, Nov. 29, our U.C.W. gals will. meet at 6:30 the Port Tavern to enjoy a smorgasbord dinner and later, due ta the kindness of the B.L. Wana- makers, we will gather at their home to discover who our Fellowship Sister ha been all year. 7 The White Gift service at Seagrave United Church will be Sun. Dec. 19. Please plan to attend this very meaningful service. The Ladies Auxiliary for the Cubs, Beavers "and Brownies of Seagrave 'and Greenbank cordially" invite you to attend their Christ- mas Bazaar at Greenbank - United Church on Sat. Dec. 11. There will be a bake table, white elephant table and of course a host of bazaar items. Each auxi- liary member is asked to .donate one bake item, one bazaar item and an item for the white elephant table if possible. All items for the bazaar must be at the church on Friday Dec. 10 from 7-9 p.m. or not later Trustee, Board Vote YVONNE CHRISTIE for SSP _ J of Education than 9:00 a.m. Saturday December 11, Our thoughts are with Mr. Tom Venner this week as he will be undergoing major surgery. We certainly wish him all the very best. Unit 2 gals and their hubbies are going to rattle around - the Port Perry Bowling Lanes this Satur- day night. Should be 'a great thing to watch such "professionals" at work! Sure would be terrific if I could get my score above 60 - this time! Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock of Prince Albert and Mr. and Mrs. ~ Bryan Beacock and Philip of Shirley were dinner guests of the Don Beacock's the occasion being Bryan's birthday. Welcome to our newest neighbours Mr. and Mrs. Dykeman and two sons, Derek-and Daryl who have moved into the home re- cently vacated by. Jack and Donna Warren' and family. Mr. Reg. Abraham cer- tainly is on the bit in mak- ing his Christmas plans. He informed me the other day that he's going to be enjoy- ing his Christmas turkey with son Barry 'and wife Gail and family in British Greenbank UCW. The Evening Unit of the U.C.W. met on Tuesday evening, November 9th, at the home of Elma Roundell. The theme for the Devotions was "Remembrance", and the group in charge was Elma Roundell, Ruby Dusty and Jean Kerry. Helen McKean, Unit Leader, chaired the business part of the meeting. Gail Denby read the Minutes and Velma Foster read the Treasurer's report. A motion was passed that we send $20.00 donations to each of the following: Victor Home, Street Haven, J. Mil- ton Society, Fred Victor Mission and C.N.I.LB. We are to cater to the United Breeder's Lunch at noon in the hall on Friday, Decem- ber 10th. It was agreed that all ladies of the-community PORT PERRY STEREO & CB LAKEVIEW PLAZA - Lit] & WATER STREET Brings you 4 a car - stereo 'package Hom" pr Audiovox that proves... Sound is our name. You know it. ID-400 "The In-Dasher" 8 TRACK STEREO TAPE PLAYER WITH AM/FM RADIO Power output: A unique combination of many listening experiences. Now, with in-dash mounting, you practically eliminate theft and insurance problems. state sound center incorporates the latest mechanical and circuitry design innovations available today. Features such as AM.FM slide-bar selector, local-distant reception switch, Tape program indicator lights, stereo lens and flip-away dial scale.tape cartridge door combine for ultimate enjoyment. 7 watts per channel. This compact solid- FM 12 Volt Neg. be invited to our Christmas meeting. Helen then mentioned there will be an Overall Meeting of the U.C.W. to which we are to bring ideas for the better- ment of our U.C.W. on Mon- day, November 29, beginn- ing with a Pot Luck lunch. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction after which the group served a delicious lunch. Helen Thomson and Mrs. Fred Puckrin were her sister and hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gale of Manitoulin Island. Saturday evening at the Keith Puckrin home was the scene of a reunion with al- most 30 former school chums and friends from the Audley area. Also attend- ing this - get-together was Mr. and Mrs. Roy Puckrin. One of our newest brides must have been a very busy. young. lady on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gord Hooker of Little Britain entertained her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred Puckrin, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gale, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Puckrin and boys, 'Mr. and Mrs. Roy Puckrin and family .and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis and daughter of Oshawa to dinner Sunday evening. . Saturday night about 40 neighbours and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Durward gathered at their home to honour Him on his birthday. And not to be outdone by the neighbours, the grand- children arrived on Sunday afternoon to wish Grandpa SEASON HIS HOLIDAY WITH GIFTS TO WEAR by Arrow "Sweaters: by Jockey \ Dress Shirts Long Sleeve......... from 11.00 Underwear Bikini, Hip Brief and Boxer Styles...from Sleeveless V-Neck, Crew Nack. SR Turtle Neck and Cardigan Robes Judo-Style, Terry Cloth... Socks All Wool & Nylon Blends from Leather Cloves . wun$4.50 Scarves an wool Leather Accessories Wallets, Key Cases, Travel Cases... 2.00 NUCL aN. 1 a v wt PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Nov. 24, 1976 -- 25 % 0 Columbia. Hope Santa has all the best on his big day. ii% been notified of your temp- 'Grandma got busy then and fi orary change of address, invited them all to stay for on Reg! supper. Sounds like quite a or Weekend guests of Mr. weekend. Cohgratulations ih " 'y Jim 'and. many more happy days just like that one. . The Seagrave Single Ha Sweethearts 4-H Club had a ) great time on Saturday. During the day they attend- ed the 4-H Achievement Day in Uxbridge where they put on a display entitle 1 "General Rules for Stora ,e' wilh Karen Carr and Che 'yl Standish as commentators. All members received credits for completing the unit and Karen Carr was presented "with County Honours for finishing her 6th unit. Mrs. Nicholls also got a leadership award for her five years service in the club. In the evening all hands journeyed to Oshawa where they did some bowling then " went to Mother's Pizza Par- lour where they surprised Mrs. Belair with a birthday cake and everyone had all they could eat thanks to an interested gentleman friend. Happy Birthday Enid! Donna Wanamaker is your correspondent for next week. Please give her a call at 985-7530. I Sete a Ee a ™ a ™ a ™ $26.95 . ey SERRATE Sessa $2.50 oF 2 £2 SEE from $5.00 | Ask about our Christmas Gift Certificates & Christmas Lay-a-way Plans. MODEL COID-69-20 2 DELUXE COAXIAL STEREO SPE 6" x 9" Coaxial with 20 oz. magnet -- foam roll air suspended Hy ed and 3g separate high efficlenc = 1" voice coll -- 1 input ~ - 20 Watt ng TAY Abi --- requency response 000hz, -- 8ohm Impedance -- 2 speakers = = © Reg. *269.95 Separate Package on Sale Now for Only 3169 J ---- -- --_p--_--_f--_--_fo--_--__f--_f--_--__--_p--__--_f--_p--_--__o--__-- o_o po pp po or a Ed a a a a a Sn ed wn wd Ww ---- < Wen 4 ( Wea n " / Gregory 3 CHARGEN cn ec © cn ©

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