38 -- PORT PERRY STAR 2 -- Wednesday, Nov. 24, 1976 Auction Sales News of interest from Epsom * MURRAY JACKSON AUCTIONEER by Jean Jeffer "Burning" and "Quilting accepted on behalf of the knit blocks for afghans Day at Norse Secondary y Je y Action hall ord Sale Barn . Party". congregation, before Christmas. School. © Several from. the Livestock & Implements The Pie Social at Epsom There were several skits ~~ Mr. Donald 'Asling also My. and Mrs. Floyd area from Manchester and FURNITURE & ANTIQUES | Church was a real success- "Bless Our Home", "The presented a beautiful en- Evans, Mr. ad Mrs, Ross Bethesda-Reach 4-H clubs ® Port Perry 985.2459 ful effort. All who took part Scandal", "Mr and Mrs.", graved plaque presented in Evans and Mr. and Mrs. attended. = in the programme are to be and '"The Duke". All were. memory of those who had, Doug Wilson were at the The Earl Taylor family * complimented. Special humorous and well prepar- through the years, kept the Royal Winter Fair one day were all able to be liome for RON KING thanks to Faye Ashton the ed, but the children were church alive. This was an last week. : the weekend. AUCTIONEER organizer and Peter Emm- not expecting the hurriej anonymous donation. *. Mr. and Mrs. Ron' Werry 'Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gar- Auction Sale ings who did such a marvel- visit from Santa Claus as he we all sang (in closing) and Janice of Kedron were dine, Kathy and Jim of UeHion alos lous job directing the left from the North Pole. It "How Lovely It Was", - dinner guests on Sun. with = Toronto were visiting on of all types. choirs. Also a big hand for sure made the little eyes words written by Mrs. Arn- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerry. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Phone Port Perry Miss Beverley Simmonds sparkle. old Kerry, sung to the tune - = Several from the com- Earl Wilson and family, J 985-2643 for her interlude of music' The Ladies chorus sang of "Thanks for the munity attended the- Cub One day last week Mrs. medley from 'Sound of several songs which were Memory". and Scout Parade at Man- E. Taylor - visited her EN Music' én piano and 'Jesus, enjoyed by all. Thanks for the memory chester United Church on mother in Hospital at Lind- JOHN ANNIS The Joy of Man's Desiring'- .- There was a presentation A Post Office and a Store Sun. morning. say and Mrs. Asling visited Auctioneer Bach. Bev's music spreads also made Suring, i sien A Blacksmith Shop and Sat. was Achievement her sister Mrs. Gorrill, FURNITURE to so many that it is ing when Mayor Malcolm of more (Antique and Modern) A a privelege to have Scugog spoke a few words 3 Carriage Shop, a Trav- a he, o Livestock, Estates an 2 to RUS} her with us. and presented a plaque ellers stop The Ch | Sinn So Mike and Cathy Ward from the Ontario Govern. A School and Church of e Upper Chalet - 'were unable to be with us ment to the church which is yore due to family bereavement. celebrating its hundredth How lovely it was. NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE * } The skit by the Young anniversary. Councillor Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson : STEVE LIPTAY People was very well Hunter made the presenta- of Whitby called on Mrs. > TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE : owls Ww AUCTIONEER received. tion to Mrs. Paul Baster, Asling Thursday evening. Featuring Hot & Cold Buffet ; The Mens Chorus sang the chairman of the Centen- We are intérested to learn Raffles - Spot Prizes { 5 "Livestock - Estates "Let the Lower Lights be - nial. Committee, who that riext Sunday evening at oy pol, Sey dul : Blood Horses Jip. me Bapilst Young Music & Dancing : eople are presenting 'The } Wi For bookings or in- PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL ap eh a uA ad Call now for information 649-2006. ! 0 form olen Soniact: production at ir Eas) a_i at... " ay 3 : i Hampton 263.2117 Church in isp 3 ie -- } a sure saany o us will wish to } ¢ attend. . 1 y BA A imiovEvbssa " Baal Te go ni NL heing put d oy d by both a es. a, "| am afraid that when the expanded sewage Largs dispersal oh amigues, fur, -- SAINA CTAWS down Mie seachers and studems. ish Shit den Dan] treatment facilities are complete, pressure will niture, glass, collectibles, in- chimney. Time flies when Qur first "Bake Off" in M Bast d Juli d be exerted to cause Port Perry fo grow too cluding many pine pieces; 75 you're havin' fyn, right connection with Homec rs. aster an ulie an . { chairs; tables; chest of 1c) Kathy. large, too fast. : kids! Week was a great success. : : { drawers; and hundreds of items. . Mrs. Outhwaite of King- } The property of STANLEY'S Plans are now underway First prizes were captured t ; Kend visit ) ibl trolled i ANTIQUES in Leaskdale, 7 for our Christmas assembly by Julie Brignall and Gary Ston was a weekend visitor For sensitive, sensible, controlle J miles north of Uxbridge. A sale as is work for our float for Lane in the mixed couples With daugliier Josiand her th for th ¢ you won't want Bion the parade on. December competition and by Sandy Bughand Ales i grow or the | i "4th. Murdock in the Ladies : hisadgbglaog N Sal Manager & Auctioneer, | Uxbridge 416.852.3524. Our Christmas semi- singles. A lot of work was Vic Yay le hata In Eps COMMUNITY of PORT PERRY { formal featuring "Fludd" is put into some outstanding viny e100! i oy t H Co ¥ SATNDAY MOVEMBER 27 scheduled fof December 17. cakes and these were sold TCS rd unst vote Tor | Livestock and Implements, the We're hoping for another at a price of 5 cents a slice. ™3S ge ay th Nb ng : property of DAVID PATTER. good turnout. Ski season is almost here. Some ng Pod oe gil PAUL ARCULUS . 3 f 30M, Lor 7, Con. 3, Dumas We neglected to mention Port High has a bus load Saangs, Woes if ol a : : wp. 4 mies cast of Peter- our first "Laugh Off" which and a half travelling to : PR | | : podbot Aries Hors was held at our last Bethany for lessons every change Joy : Bove hee Ward 2 Councillor 8 10 Cottesloe & Vz mile north or assembly to honour Homec Thursday, so we're hoping Wy i ing n a yy . 7 miles west of Norwood (7 miles Week. We had a good laugh for lots of white powder. purses oF pr wis ung, . ous) XU Daura). jhachinery: with an excellent show Think snow. © coult! sull: use more tires and motor; Allis Chalmers Work is also underway for _ | Soden ree ae Ts Auction Sales our Winter Carnival. The rors ew Holland 27,1 fou Torage "student's council is taking arvester; 2 New Holland 8-ton ' { £400 CORNEIL AUCTION BARN over 'Merle's territory for _ DORIAN forays bo. gon nay oy FRIDAY, NoyameER 26 the day, and converting the Fashions -- Jahions h ) with 40' of pipes - N 100 13.04, . d's' t tnd hoo Now onan 1 miles cast of Lina Britain or Cafeteria into 'Arnold's' to 187 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY - 985-8274 baler; 1974 McKee 7° snow Miles west of Lindsay on the L along. 'with our es Blower; Holl Lindsay-Little Britain Road. me. bus. manure spreader new Dominion piano and stool; auan. Our thoughts go out this Showing evefything her Santa' will be shopping for. r | Feb. 1976; many other articles !ily of press back chairs; refrig- oak to a few unfortunate i foo Aymersus fo mention. Pre. ie inatisn; individuals who were in a : J" TI Ono SX5 Yas Toa antique dressers and wash hufry to taste the hospital HIGHLAND QUEEN ACCESSORIES: corn silage in silo; Milking Stands; quantity of iron beds food. poo THIRD DIMENSION CO-ORDINATES HANDBAGS Equipment: DelLaval 60 can With brass rails; chesterfields; We're waiting for you TAN-JAY EVENING PURSES milk cooler - new April 1976; 'ea wagons; quantity of tools; Steve, Mel's back. Hu EVENING CAPES Universal pipe line milker with €0al oil lamps; swing mirror; ve, | ac ry DRESSES SIZES: JEWELLRY 'CORO' automatic washer, 3 units, Quantity of sterling silver; quan. home. BLOUSES 51 20 it By Cambrelli | double stainless steel wash ily of china and glassware; plus 0 y Cambrell tanks; 2 Surge Milk Meters with Many. more antiques, furniture JUMPSUITS 38 to 44 SCARVES | clamps; Universal milker pump and household items. Terms H SWEATERS 142 to 24), LINGERIE 2 hp motor; omer items. Cash. Open for showing, Thurs reprints ee SLIPPERETTES « | gale: Lory - Wogriong Rock. Corn, "Auctioneer, Ro call 985.7383 DAY & EVENING L'EGGS PANTYHOSE } Bateman Pontiac Pabst 2076221; Little Britain, 705.786.2183. _ Lot 3 - Rusawhill Dude Maggie A | RIL) 4 RSengale Binge atl ---- . exal Monica 2823164; Lot 6 - " W eoirma Lodestar Laurie Twin) 1971036; Lot 7 - Kenvale The Upper Chalet 1 SPECIAL Paula 002-36.02; Lot 8 . Still. brook Collen 005.22.04; Lot 9 - DU RHAM Stillbrook Peggy 005.22.07; . pi wie 4 RESTAURANT | This Week Only. pasture bred; 60803Y4 Holstein cow, J yr. old; pasture bred; 8 ET t Holstein cow, 5 yr. old; fresh OPEN N CARP Aug. 20; 68120Y 4 Holstein cow, 3 IGHTLY yr. old - pasture bred; W245142 . 8 Holstein cow, 8 yr. old - bred, \A3 due Jan. 23/77; 83571W4 Holstein } \NS 11) t cow, 3 yr. old - due Nov. 12; - Co 1 oa doe FRIDAY & SATURDAY AA SHAG pasture bred; 83535Y4 Holstein Di D MN 0 ay S pW cow, 5 yr. old - open fresh Aug. AW! se n 3 COLOURS T 18; 83569W4 Holstein cow, 3 yr. ISCO ance W ad old - bred; 83539W4 Holstein 4 Anis CHOOSE FROM. cow, 5 yr. old - open, fresh Aug. \ A) 21; 59535T3 Holstein cow, 7 yr. old; bred Aug. 3; 83558W4 Hol- 16; 85555W4 - Holstein cow, 7 yr. di meni ie, 8 TEENS & TWENTY NIGHT. cow w ca Y e; She cal by sion, Hesions 60 WATER STREET - PORT PERRY pregnancy checked before sale. , onday Terms cash. No reserve' Tuesd " Hobie i A Mo AT DAGMAR SKI RESORT Free Estimates * 35-3778 wat ay ) Dairy Equipment at 2:30 p.m. Cattle sale at 3:00 p.m. Carl &. Greg Hickson, Auctioneers, Reaboro, Ont, 1.705.324.9959. N24 Call now for information 649-2006. * Expert Installation amen