: % i, 26 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Mar, Pore must rou "NEWS of interest from Epsom and Rev. Bev. Thompson' for income supplement Health and Welfare Mini- ster Marc Lalondé recently reminded the more than one million Old Age Security _pensioners, who- receive Guaranteed Income Supple- ment benefits, of the March' 31 renewal deadline. If pensioners fail 'to re-apply by then, their benefits may be interrupted. "Application for the federal government's Guaranteed Income Supplement, paid to pensioners - with limited incomes, must be made each year. The Department of 'National Health and Welfare sent application kits (con- taining informative booklets and application forms) to all Supplement recipients in late December or early January. Two reminders will also be sent before the March 31 deadline. As a further way of ensur- ing that pensioners continue #0 receive their Supplement regularly, the department will operate 76 satellite offices in small towns across the country between now _ and March 31. The dates, hours of operation and loc- ations of these offices will be announced locally. Pensioners can receive assistance with their Supple- .ment applications at these satellite offices as well as at For Photograph REPRINTS from the. Port Perry Star Phone 985-7383 the 10 regional offices in the provincial capitals and at the four district offices (Montreal, Ottawa, Calgary and Vancouver), i During the 1975-76 fiscal year, pensioners received $923 million in supplemen- tary benefits. This was almost one-quarter of the total $3.9 billion paid to Old Age Security pensioners during that period, Each month more than half of the two million Old Age Security pensioners receive some additional pay- ment through the Guaran- teed Income Supplement program. The amount of Supple- ment paid depends on a pensioner's income. For example, a single pensioner, receiving the basic pension of $141.34 a month, would also receive the. maximum Supplement of $99.13 a month if his yearly income, including the Old Age Secur- ity pension, was less than $1,720... A married couple, both pensioners and receiv- ing the maximum Supple- ment, would be paid a total of $458. 74 a month in pension and Supplement if their combined yearly income, including the OAS pension, was less than $3,440. The Supplement is reduc- ed gradually by other income until it reaches zero with a total yearly income, inclusive of the Old Age Security. pension, of $4,096 ~-for-a- single" pensioner. and $7,664 for a married couple where both are pensioners. 2, 977 USS RO 4 by Mrs. Jean Jeffery The community social : calendar for the spring sea- son is beginning to bulge. The Epsom-Utica Couples club entertained several couples. from. the Uxbridge Baptist Church on Saturday evening in Trinity United Church Hall in Uxbridge: They enjoyed the evening _ playing volleyball, The Ux- bridge group had much superior teams, The team of Allen and Joan Clow with Faye and Keith Ashton proved to be a superior team also as host and hostesses for the evening. A real terrific turnout of about sixty-five enjoyed this beautiful evening of fellow- ship. on March 26 at Epsom Church there will be a programme 'March Mad- ness'. A real community effort by those in the community willing to share their talents. They plan to serve cake and ice cream for lunch, There will be a Church session meeting of Stewards and Elders on March 14th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baster at 8 p.m, The Cubs and Scouts re- port that their seeds have arrived. Now we can start gardening. I've started. I had a house rose bush that I thought had flowered its self to death last summer but I put it down in the basement. - It "decided to grow. I brought it up, so have my first roses of the season to welcome lent. We heard most joyful news yesterday when -we learned that the Rev. Robt. have become parents of a wee daughter, 4 Ibs 12 oz. in Grand Falls General Hospit- al, Newfoundland, We" re- joice with them. April 11, . The Dofasco Male Choir - will be at the Secondary School, Ux- bridge. Several of us have tickets for sale. Contact myself or Mrs. Bushell, The Bethesda Reach W.I. held a Feb. meeting at the home of Mrs, T, Burnett. The guest speaker was Mr. Wm. Henry of Leaskdale who talked of his work with ceramics. March 20, there will be an informal church service at . Utica Church with Mike and Cathy Ward in charge. There will be loads of music, Come and join us. Everyone welcome. Our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor and family in. the loss of his' mother, who was laid to rest Saturday. Sympathy also to Mr. and =} Mrs. Frank Andrews in the loss of his sister. Mrs. D. Bissette .enter- tained several ladies with a Tupperware party last "Tuesday evening. March 2 is our W.I. Quilt- ing Achievement day at Trinity United Church. March 8 there will be a special 'program at Ux- bridge Music Hall for those interested in quilting. March 3rd the Sandford W.I. are planning an even- ing with a guest speaker - just returned from South Africa. Bethesda W.I, are invited. The Bethesda Reach are * 100% NYLON HEAVYWEIGHT SAY * RUBBER BACK Regular List *12.95 sq.yd. NOW ONLY 95 5 COLOURS IN STOCK. Where does the best cost less? CASH & CARRY BALLARD LUMBER HOME BUILDING CENTRE HRY SAAT iol FORT FERRY ONT OR5.T35 THLE FET PERRY planning a family evening y a Greenbank Hall for April "ve. are sorry to report Mr. Z. Breznikar is in Port Perry Hospital and Mr, Lionel Drew is in Uxbridge Hospital, friends speedy recovery. "Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerry called on her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stear- man "at Port Perry Villa, also called on Walter's uncle, Mr. Harold Kerry, at Port Perry Nursing home on Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bol- ton and family were 'in Sunderland on Saturday to help celebrate the fifty-fifth . wedding anniversary of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Meyers of Zephyr. It was also Mrs. Meyers 80th birth- _ day. Our congratulations. Jimmy Powell had several of his friends help celebrate his birthday with a party on Saturday. % AN x a ehy Tak Flybe nein pai ian We wish these BANGOR: Nae Birthday congratulations also to Jennifer, Janice and Neil Evans. : Mr. and Mrs. Bill Goslin were visited by Miss Cathy Goslin of Toronto for the weekend, Mrs and Mrs. John. Arbuckle and Jennifer of Nestleton on Saturday; John and' Bradley of Port Perry Saturday evening, A most beautiful program - at Port Perry Town Hall featuring the Oshawa Civic Band.was much enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. N. Tapscott and Anne and Mr. and Mrs. Oldnall and girls, Wayne Hockley of Union- ville went to a hockey match in Peterborough with his cousin Grant Evans then stayed over night at Grant's home. Belated congratulations to Ann Tapscott who won- a public speaking contest for Grades 7 and 8 at Port Perry then came in third at (continued on page 27) FARM CONSTRUCTION e Farm Buildings (Pole Construction) e Berg Barn Equipment - o Cuckler Steel Buildings : ® Liquid Manure Tanks/Concrete Work o Nesseth Manure PUMPS e Hallman Silos/Unloaders e Horse Barns & Arenas o Steel Roofing & Siding HUBBLE & SON LTD. | FARM CONSTRUCTION, PETERBOROUGH i : Roger Hubble 705-745-7388 : Elgin Hubble 705-745-8161 5 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 OO ~ Special Airport Rates In" SERVING PORT PERRY, SCUGOG, PRINCE ALBERT & SURROUNDING AREA 7 DAYS A WEEK AIRPORT SERVICE EASTERN OSHAWA 728-1400 The following is the Rate Schedule for- Raglan, Port Perry, Scugog, Scugog Centre, Manchester, & Prince Albert, Passengers picked up at One Address. NO. OF PASSENGERS 10 RATE $15.40 $18.70 $22.00 $24.40 $78.60 $31.90 $35.20 $44.00 $52.80 $61.60 The above rate is for passengers picked up BETWEEN 6:00 A.M. and 12 Midnight. Surcharge in AddHion to above rate is applied BETWEEN 12:01 AM. and 5:59 A.M. Skiis $2.00 per pair extra. | | A *