Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 16 Mar 1977, p. 21

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'® "After by Mrs. Earl Reader Seventeen members and 8 visitors met at the home of Mrs. Joyce Heayn on Wed. "March 9 for the "Head" U.C.W. We were pleased to welcome Mrs. Marilyn Heayn, Mrs. Mary Tetlow, Mrs. 1Ivah Fralick, Mrs. Florence . Fralick, Mrs. Elsie Pogue, Rev. C. and Mrs. Clarke and Julie Heayn. We were happy to see that the pres. Marion Carter has regained her health and vim and was able to conduct the meeting again. E the customary Devotional period was observed, business brought forth several announce- 'ments and decisions as follows: a bus trip to the Eaton Centre, April 19 and organized by "Grace" U.C.W.; a Spring Fashion Show, April 6, sponsored by the Hospital Auxiliary, an annual Presbyterial meet- ing at Simcoe St. March 30; a "Road Build- ers" dinner Wed. March 16 catered to by the "Head" U.C.W.; a St.Patrick euchre and auction at the hall on March 17, sponsored by "Grace" U.C.W. The hos- pital Spring Fair at the Latcham Centre May 28. A private afternoon tea at Mrs, Fitchett's, May 15 catered to "by "Head'" U.C.W. The luncheon and Art and Craft show for April 23. Now here are seven functions to remember so please put the dates in your black book or calendar. There were appreciation notes received from the Aghpridge and Harrison Wed. . ~from the Port Perry Star Phone 985-7383 or Year! Probably no one who's shivered through January 1st celebrations bundled up in parkas hasn't secretely wished that New Year would happen in the Spring, Well, it may Some as a surprise, but there is a calendar followed by a growing number of people that celebrates its New Year at a much more reasonab of the year: h 21st, the first ddy of Spring! The Bahé'{ Calendar was designed in the last century to mark the be ginning of a new spirit- ual age in the life of mankind. It has 19 months of 19 days -- nine of its own holi- 21st is 134 year's old. For everyone who's always wanted to celeb- rate New Year in their shirtsleeves, here's your chance! ...a much more | reasonable time for Néw Year! BAHA'IS OF WHITBY Box 221 - Whitby 668-6015 576-267 days--and on this March |-f & families, Mrs. Helen Hor- top, Mrs, Marion Carter, Mrs. Wylie and John, Mrs, Beryl Pearce brought a report from the Museum Board. stating the plans that are suggested for - decorating and restoring the "Head" museum Church in the near future'in order to benefit from a gov't. grant. For the April meeting, we are requested to bring used "clothing for the bale to Simcoe Hall, The guest speaker, Rev. C. Clarke was introdacted as bringin vice. Mr. Clarke told of his early experiences in North- ern Ontario, with White River as his central location for a surrounding area ex- tending 60 to 100 miles. At one period he was security chaplain in a reformatory. Later he ministered in various cities. The northern people could not be served without funds from missions. 28 percent of the money raised stays in Canada. 25 percent goes to other countries to teach them to help and do for themselves. Reta Wilson thanked Rev. Clarke for his interesting talk which was flavoured with several amusing anec- dotes. Three varied read- ings followed by Rev. Clarke, Reta Wilson and Marion Carter. With joined hands all joined "in prayer, led by Rey. Clarke. We have a law in Ontario which permits any pregnant woman, married or not,-to take a 17-week unpaid leave of absence from work to have her baby. This law covers part-time as well as full-time employees, working for the same employer for at least 63 weeks before the information "regarding Missions and Ser- This week Mr. and Mrs. Russ Pogue have the plea- sure of caring for little granddaughter Jennifer while their daughter, Grace and her husband, vacation in Nassau. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burn- ham and Mr, and Mrs. Joe Dowson are hard at work again after an enjoyable rest in Florida. Tho' the robins are back singing of Spring, there are still many area people travelling south. We were sorry to hear --Mrs-Lil- Moore had to spend a few days in hospital last week, Mrs. John Sweetman was very happy last week when her sister, Mrs. J.L. Cham- berlain of Toronto was able to spend a couple of days at the Sweetman home. Aileen doesn't manage a visit very Scugog Island area news often so it was a special occasion. It was interesting to hear that Roy Pogue of British Columbia called his parent- al home on Sunday and gave news of a recent holi- day to California and 'Mexico enjoyed by him and his wife. . We all rejoice in hearing of life and success of the young people who were raised on the Island. For some reason there was a drop in Island Church attendance on Sunday. How- ~ever 'Rev. Linstead had a good illustrative story for the children and inspiring message for adults. If any- one is ill or wishes to con- tact the minister, please call Rev. Linstead this month. As his number is not in the book yet, it is 985-8653. Manchester U.CW. The U.C.W. met at the church March 3. Mrs. Pat Kingstone and Mrs. Bernice Dobson gave a very interes- ting devotional. Pat read Luke 11 1-13 followed by Lords Prayer. Bernice gave a reading followed by "What a Friend we have in Jesus". Their theme "What would happen if Jesus came to your House" with Margaret Ann Lamb taking charge. The minutes read and adopted. The roll call answered by 16 members expected date of birth. When she returns to work, the new mother is guaranteed the right to her former position orto a comparable... position with no loss of seniority or benefits at the same salary. Naturally, pregnancy does not prevent an employee from being dismissed for valid reasons not connected but pregnancy alone cannot be the cause of dismissal where an employee is eligible for leave. An expectant mother is required to give two weeks' * notice in writing of the day she intends to leave. She is entitled to begin her leave any time within 11 weeks before the baby's birth but she must take at least six weeks of her leave afterwards. If the employer wishes the employee to begin her leave before she wants to do so, the employer must prove that she is unable to perform her normal duties adequately. with pregnancy, rovided that they have been and 2 visitors. The committee and reports all good, the corres- pondence read, a donation and letter of appreciation from Rev. G. Wylies sister in Scarboro was received. The Spring Fair to be held at Latcham Centre, May 28. Donations were received for layette for hospital this spring. A pot luck supper to be held at church March 18 at 6:30 p.m. The April meeting to be held at church on April 7. A delicious lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. birth. Labour The employee is eligible for Unemployment Insurance PORT PERRY STAR -- x Mar. 16, 1977 -- 21 Utica or area news by Mrs. Jack Crosier Service will be held in Utica United Church on Sunday, March 20 at 11:30 a.m. with Mr. Mike Ward officiating. On Sunday evening, March 20 at 7:30 there will be a special informal service at Utica United Church. This will be an evening of worship through music with Mike and Cathy Ward leading us. All are invited to join us. Midweek Lenten Service continue each Wednesday United Church at 10 a.m. At 7:45 p.m. each Mon- day, a class for Bible Study meets at the manse at Goodwood. The Epsom Choir is pre- senting their program "March Madness' at the Epsom United Church on Saturday, March 26 at 8 April 11 at 8:15 p.m. is the date of the Dofasco Male Chorus concert in Uxbridge Secondary School. This is sponsored by the United Churches of Uxbridge and Epsom-Utica. Happy Birthday to Master Mark Kendall who celebrat- ed "his eighth birthday. Michael Sutcliffe, Stephen Langille and Hudson Isher- wood and Lee Wilbur were his guests. They enjoyed an afternoon of swimming. at the Uxpool and returned to his home for his birthday party. Congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fielding who will celebrate se If you are employed and going to have a baby, you're entitled to pregnancy leave. This is what Ontario is doing to male certain you receive it. benefits during her pregnancy leave (even if she does not intend to resume work when her leave expires) if she had at least 20 weeks of ensured employment during the year before the birth. At least ten of the 20 weeks should have fallen between the 30th and the 50th weeks before the If you would like more information about pregnancy leave or.other labour legislation of interest to working women, write to: Employment Standards Branch Ministry of Labour 400 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario M7A 1T7 and we will send you a brochure. Bette Stephenson, M.D., Minister of Province of Ontario through Lent at Ballantrae their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary on Sunday, March 20. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Thompson were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs, Dave Parks of Bowmanville 'on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johns- ton of Oshawa had lunch with Mrs. Delia Harper on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Sut- cliffe and Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'Sutcliffe visited with' Mr. and Mrs. Clare Brock aan of Courtice on Sunday. cliffe and family were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Crawford of Cavan. . Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Scott of London, Mrs. Eric Wallace and Cheryl Wallace of Bolton, Mr. Dean Beare, Mr. Clare Vernon and Mr. Ron Vernon were recent visitors with Mrs. Jack Crosier. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Diamond and Margo and. Michael of Yonkers, New York, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Diamond. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Schofield and children of Oshawa had supper with Mr. and Mrs. George Harper on Sunday. You are invited to a Com- munity Shower and Dance in honour of Miss Debbie Sutherland and Mr. Wayne Storms to be held in Utica Memory Hall on March 25th. Ladies are asked to provide lunch. William Davis, Premier Mr. and. Mrs. Peter. Sut-..... Se . 3 - " s y Sr o Td IN RE CRONE oo Sas fe HT Sh tn » ap rile ed > . 3 hl Se - SN x "3 "et Bn A 0 MY ah SS am Nr rn LS i Co " SRE at . ~ CRE

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