Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 16 Mar 1977, p. 8

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8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Mar. 16, 1977 | News of interest from Epsom by Mrs. Jean Jeffery Have you got your tickets yét for the Dofasco Choir Concert in U.S.S. April 11. We have been asked, who is this group? . Dofasco stands for Dominion Foundry and Steel Co., a large steel com- plex in. Hamilton, These men are steel workers who love music and formed a choir hoping to give plea- sure to others. They only £0 out about once a month to give a programme and we have waited for a year. The money we receive from tickets will be given to our local churches. ~~ This "chorus "has visited the V.P.'s in Ottawa, the Winter Carnival in Montreal a short time ago they help-, ed in the opening of the Toronto Exhibition, so I feel we are to be honoured by their coming to our town. Get up a group and enjoy the evening. There will be a bake table sponsored by the U.C.W. ladies. The March meeting of the Bethesda-Reach W.I. will be held Wed. March 23 at the home of Mrs. L. Doble. The roll call: Quote a proverb. The topic will be Education and an interest- ing film will be shown. 2 A NATHADG AER RY: AAAS RV bi Ad B. DeBoer, Mrs. L. Doble, Mrs. G. Nighswander and Mrs, J. Bigglestone. Hostess for the evening are Mrs. L. Meyers and Mrs. C. Ashen- hurst, a On April 1 che W.1. are planning a Pot Luck Suppér at Greenbank Hall followed by cards and a silent auction. We have been asked by the District Executive to hand in some talent money, This is our way of procuring it. Sorry to learn that Mr. Alpin Christie, Mr. Breznj- kar are in Port Perry hospital and Mr. Ted Croxall is" in. County... Hospital - in Newmarket. Don't forget our Commun- ity sponsored variety pro- gramme "March Madness" in Epsom Church on March 26 followed by Cake and Ice cream. Mr. and Mrs. N. Tapscott attended the Daffodil Ball in aid of the Cancer fund sponsored by the Fire Fighters Club of Don Mills and had the lucky number which won them a small coloured T.V. On Saturday morning, March 26 our Cubs and Scouts will be calling for their annual paper drive. Sunday visitors at the Committee in charge: Mrs. gar] Taylors was his - 1 ~~ Railroadhouse hd RS I~ be Motor Hotel y " L_ cud atrelios-- * -- @ 21 Luxurious Rooms ® El Heated - Air Conditioned - Cable T.V. © Breakfast Lounge [Guests Only] ® Facility for Seminars - Meetings, etc. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Telephone: (416) 985-8131 Paul - Asta Larsen brother and Mrs. Taylor and Dr. and Mrs. Turka of Ill, USA. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Potter of Don Mills and boys were: weekend guests - with Mr. Potter's brother, Paul Baster, Mrs. Baster, Cathy and Julie. Miss Alvena Jeffery and Mrs. Wm. Huggins of Orillia called on brother Gordon and Mrs. Jeffery on Sunday. Next Sunday, March 20 there will be a special musical service at Utica Church. Ward 'will be in charge. - --Come-and bring a friend. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Clow were pleased to have Joan's mother, Mrs. Outhwaite of Kingston, visit them for the weekend. : Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ashton attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Ethel Thompson, then Lorne and Lucille had supper with the Ashtons. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Catherwood, Brian and Barry of Oshawa celebrated Newman at Scugog Municipality Con- servatives gathered in strength last Wednesday in the Manchester Hall to meet with provincial MPP Bill Newman and to hear details of local planning for the provincial general election which is expected later this year. Local P.C. Chairmen Hugh Baird of Saintfield, Doug Hogg of Port Perry, Jim Van Camp of Scugog and John Goss of Blackstock convened the meeting of 60 poll chairmen and key elec- Mike and Cathy Barry's birthday at Grand- ma and Grandpa Ashtons on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ashton and children of Sonya called on Sunday evening. Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Jeffery enjoyed the Quilt display sponsored by Heritage. Museum on Tues- day at Uxbridge Music Hall. Mr. R. Doherty, and son Norris visited with Mr, Jeffery on Tues. afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Goslin were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Goslin of Port Perry recently and "stayed part of the evening. Miss Kathy Goslin of Toronto was home for the weekend and they visited Mr. and Mrs. John Arbuckle and Jennifer of Nestleton on Sunday afternoon. We are pleased to hear Mrs. Gordon Taylor, a former neighbour, has returned from a pleasant winter vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. A, Watson were supper guests on Sun. with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watson of Ajax. PC meeting tion workers to outline the responsibilities of the local group and the activities that will take place when -the vote is called. Agriculture Minister Newman, who represents the area at Queen's Park, reported on his current series of meetings in all parts of Durham-York pro- vincial Riding and respond- ed to an active question period. A social evening followed the formal part of the meeting. STAR 191 Queen Street - Port Perry, Ont, 985-8123 Stationery & Office Supply - A Division of Port Perry Star Co. Lid. Electric or Portable TYPEWRITERS We have an assortment of both Electric & Portable Typewriters in stock, including these two models by Smith-Corona. SMITH-CORONA"® CORONET CARTRIDGE 12 SMITH-CORONA® STERLING AUTOMATIC 12 pa SIGNAL LIGHT SPACING REPAIR SERVICE T0 ALL MAKES & MODELS OF OFFICE MACHINERY. nn bY i EE ER A A 2 RE 3 ps Farm Scene © Heart, Hands and Health, These words symbolize, learn new skills. i BN 2 J 2 ARE Ss CE 4-H AGRICULTURAL CLUBS ' the month of March, the 4-H Agricultural' | Clubs in Ontario County will be re-organized for the. "# coming season, 4-H comes from the first letter of the words Head, mental, emotional, social and physical growth. The 4-H motto is "Learn to do by Doing". The 4-H program is -- . 1. For rural boys and girls between 12 and 19 years of age as of January 1st, 1977, 2. Belonging to a club in your local community. 3. "Having fun at regular meetings, ......... 4, Making néw friends. abilities as you participate. . 5. Having a volunteer adult leader to help you 7. Learning to do by doing. 8. Working on a specific project. PROJECT AREAS : Dairy - This project includes selecting and raising a dairy heifer, keeping records, and preparing and showing the calf at a local achievement day.. Calves may be Junior or Senior, with Junior : Calves to be born between January 1st and April 30th, 1977, and Senior Calves born between July 1st and December 31st, 1976. The Dairy Club Leaders are as follyws -- South Ontario 4-H Dairy Club - Ron Werry Wilson and Don Simmonds John Leask Thomson, and Paul Hadden North Ontario 4-H Dairy Club - Maurice Jebson Senior 4-H Management Club - Robert Flett Senior 4-H Dairy Management Club - This club is open to boys and girls 17 to 19 years of age as of i ¢ January 1st, 1977. Members will also belong to their 2 it local 4-H calf club, and show their calf at the local club achievement day. : Registration has now been completed for this i -# club, and no further members can be accepted. : : 4-H Beef Clubs - This project is similar to the i it Dairy Club, with the exception that members will i: #- raise a beef calf, either steer or heifer. 5 i. Ages of the beef heifers will be the same as for the ;; dairy heifers, and there will be no age limit on steers. ; : Members of the Beef Club, who wish to show their - steer in the Queen's Guineas Competition at the Royal 7 :-Agricultural Winter Fair, must be 15 years of age or i older. Club. "Ontario County 4-H Tractor Club - The 4-H Tractor © Club will consist of keeping tractor maintenance © records, match plowing instruction, and taking part in a tractor rodeo or safety check. Many of the meetings i will be held at farm machinery dealerships. Leaders of this club will be Bruce Walker and Paul Harder. Ontario County 4-H Field Crops Club - The field Stops project will consist of growing a plot of spring grain, potatoes, or corn, keeping records on cost of production, and showing an exhibit at the achieve- Z ment day. Club members will be required to pay approxi- mately % the cost of the seed. The Crop Improvement Association will also assist with the cost of seed potatoes, and seed corn will be provided through the courtesy of one of the seed corn companies, The leader of this club will be Ken Graham. Veterinary Science Clubs - Various topics relating to animal health will be discussed, with members expected to travel with a Veterinarian at least once, : "and submit a report as part of the club project, Veterinary Science Club members must 'have been between 14 and 19 years of age as of January 1st, 1977. Leaders of these clubs will be Dr. Bob McCrae and Dr. Keith Elliott for the South Ontario Club, and Dr. Gary Colley for the North Ontario Club... 3% For---further information, contact the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Box 309, Uxbridge, telephone 416-852-3328. : SCUGOG PLUMBING & Discount Plumbing Supplies RENOVATIONS - REPAIRS and NEW INSTALATIONS Special Rates For Senior Citizens 184 Casimir Street -- Port Perry Phone 985-3837 Port Perry 4H Dairy Club - Keith Phoenix and | ©. Leaders for the Beef Clubs will be Art Richardson : and Bruce Gibson for the South Ontario 4-H Beef Club, : = and George Hewitt for the North Ontario 4-H Beef i 5. Gaining confidence in your self and your 2 Uxbridge 4-H Dairy Club - Lloyd Wilson, Doug E Sunderland 4-H Dairy Club - Ted Smith, Ron - HE a JR n X ER Fd &

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