Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 30 Mar 1977, p. 24

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if ~~ 24-- PORT PERRY STAR Card of Thanks Our sincere thanks to neigh. bours and friends for help given our family and expressions of sympathy during our recent bereavement, Victor and Ruby Parsons PR i = Ah ry Thanks to our friends and neigh. bours for kindness shown during my illness and the Martha Group of the U,.C.W. Lloyd Robinson I would like to say thanks to y friends and relatives for cards, gitts and inquiries while in hos- ed pital, also to all the wonderful A nurses, Dr. Hammett, Allin and i Cohoon. Thanks again, fi Clara Dowson Yn Wi My sincere thanks to my family and friends for. the visits, flowers and cards that | receiv. ed while | was a patient in the Hospital. Thank you to Doctors Martin, Hill and Hatchinski, to my nursing colleagues and to Brignell Ambulance for the greatest of care. Also to the Dietary, Housekeeping staff, the Office girls, the volunteer ladles and also, Rev. Brawn, for their kindness to me, Marie Gray We would like to say thank you to friends for cards and flowers during our recent bereavement of my father, Fred Leveck. Francis and Clara Leveck | would like to. take this oppor- tunity to thank all my neigh. bours, friends and relatives for helping me while | "have been disabled. A special thanks to Britain Lodge 316 for the lovely fruit box, cards and phone calls | received and to those who helped in any way, a sincere Thank You. Ross Nottingham . = We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends and neighbours oa who remembered us In prayers AL and with cards during our recent 1 bereavement. La Mary and Dave Irvine i a x. We would like to thank all our it 'Scugog Island friends and 5 relatives for your lovely gift of # money. Gary and Shelley Davidson Birth gd SRS ; -- Wednesday, Mar, 30, 1977 Announcement Mr. and Mrs. M. Appleton are pleased to announce the forth coming marriage of their son, Richard George Raymond to Deena Melanie Rosen, daughter of Mrs. B. Rosen, Toronto. Wedding to take 'plate April 2, 1977, Port Perry. In Memoriam WHITFIELD - In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Irene Whitfield, who passed away April 4th, 1975, Oup lips cannot tell how we miss her, Our hearts cannot tell what to say. God alone knows how we miss her, In_a _home that is lonesome today. Lovingly remembered by husband Frank and family. MCCLURG - In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Joseph, who passed away sud- denly March 30, 1970. Gone Is the face we loved so dear, : Silent is the voice we loved to hear, Too far away for sight or speech But not too far for thought to reach _ Sweet to remember him who was here Who gone away is just as dear. Sadly missed by wife Dorothy, Dale, Brian, Debbie, Terry, Sharen, Dwayne, Greg and Dawn. . . BROOKS - In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, Andrew, who passed away March 19, 1970. His weary hours and days of pain, His troubled nights are past And In our aching hearts we Know He has found sweet rest at last. Always remembered by daughter. Dorothy . and grand- children, Notice TAKE NOTICE that the Mayor of the Township of Scugog here- by proclaims the week of April 10th to 16th, 1977 Fellowship Week. Lawrence S. Malcolm Mayor TOWNSHIP of Scugog Annual Awards Night at Port Perry Town Hall 1873 on Wed. March 30th, 1977 at 8:00 p.m. featuring Scugog Choral Soclety. Every- one welcome. (7% FONTYN - Frank and Karen are wn happy to announce the birth of yo their daughter, Brook Michelle, I on March 20, 1977 at Port Perry i Hospital. Many thanks to Dr. NS Allin and maternity staff. Bd {#1 KING. Peter happily announces - : 7 the birth of his new brother, Jay Francis, weighing 8 Ib. 11% oz., i born March 18, 1977. Proud Ta parents are Ron and Roslyn. & Grandparents are Mrs. Wesley hd Taylor, Tyrone, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd King, Port Perry. Many thanks to all the kind nurses and staff in maternity. Thanks to Doctors. Cohoon and Allin and a special thanks fo the C.C. man. DANCE, Saturday, April 2, 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. at Greenwood Community Centre. Music by Rich Johnson's County. Admis. sion $3.00 at door. -. CLUB ANNRENE Dance and Banquet Hall, available for your groups fund raising activities. Book your next year's dates now, while choice dates are still avail- able. Contact Don Armstrong at NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG Announces 1977 Com- pulsory Program of Warble Fly Inspection & Treatment to begin April 11th, 1977. INSPECTOR: Len Hance - 985-7813 SPRAYING COSTS: 75c. per head, mini- mum charge $5.00 per farm. (Make all che- ques payable to the Township of Scugog.) THE INSPECTOR: keeps records, collects fees and has the aut- hority to enter on your property to inspect your cattle for war- bles. You have 'the cattle under his in- spection. He will ar- range. treatment should you fail to do so. Cattle which are war- ble-free are exempted from the program. Doreen M. Van Camp, Clerk. © 985-3609, 985-3111, -|Apr.-23---Son - right to treat your own . Notice IF YOU WANT. fo drink:alcohol and can, that's your business, If you want to quit and can't, that's our business. For help call T.F BELLY DANCING for fun and exercise, Thursday evenings, Latcham Centre. .Phone 1-705 786-2192 for information.- T.F. CLUB ANNRENE Dance Band' Schedule Apr. 2 - Positive Qutlook Apr, 9-Something Blue Apr, 16 - Lockerbie Apr. 30 - Par 4 Little Caesar & the: Consoles Coming June 11 NO JEANS 'RESERVATIONS DON ARMSTRONG 725-4344 or 576-6599 Coming Events LUNCHEON Is served, Wednes- day, April 6th 'at 12:30 p.m. in Port Perry United Church, ~ Admission $2. 00. ; 30 } "Coming Events Coming Events LEGION BINGO, Thursday, March 31, 1977. $240.00 .in 57 numbers. 7:45 p.m. RUMAGE SALE : Port Perry United - Church Basement, ~ March 31, 1:4 & 7.9; April 1, 10-2. PORT PERRY Lions Club Binge every Tuesday at Latcham Centre. Earlybird game 7:30 p.m. sharp. Doors. open: 7. p.m Jackpot $250.00 in 54 numbers, minimum $100.00. =~ Admission $1.00. KINSMEN BINGO every Mon- day night at Latcham Centre. Earlybird Game 7:45 p.m, $5.00 per line, $10.00 full card, New schedule, bigger and better prizes, new jackpot. Come and 3a for yoursel, BAKE SALE and Tea, Saturday, April 2, 2 p.m. Also Silent Auction at St. John's Presey. "terian, Church. HOT LUNCHEON "Yogl Bear}!'!. 'Preschoolers 75c,. ' Special Attraction 'The Bad LEGION MEL SAYS: : FREE-FREE-FREE Mel the Music Man will play records FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1977. We will try the new speakers $0 please come & hear them in the Club Room. BRING A GUEST! Everyong Welcome. p.m, til1a.m. 'Lest we Forget' the Legion will be closed April 8, Good" Friday. So | wish everyone a Happy Easter. ? SPRING TEA - Bake Sale, Anglican Parish Hall, April 16th, 2-4 P.M. + Maybelle Rebekah Lodge holding a Hot Luncheon on Wednesday, April 20th in. 1,0.0.F. Hall, 11:45 to 1:15 p.m. Price $2.50 per person, NEXT MOVIE - Latcham Hall, . Friday, April 8th, 7 p.m,, Special Children:Show, 'Hey There, its Admission $1.00 8:45: p:m: News Bears', (Tatum O'Neal, Walter Matthau), Admission +$).75, all agesii:/ MAPLE: on RUP - FEST ore AL FARM SCUGOG ISLAND 'SAT. APRIL:2nd & . SUN., APRIL 3rd. Adults $2. Children $1. (includes pancakes, syrup and coffee.) Everyone Welcome. Sponsored by Port Perry L.O.L, "Evening with Whipper Billy Watson presented by CARTWRIGHT P.C. ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING & ; PARLIAMENTARY REPORTS BY OUR MEMBERS: | The Hon. William Newman & 'M, P, Allan Lawrence - WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 - 8 P.M. NESTLETON RECREATION CENTRE [scucoe RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION 'THURS., MARCH an 1. Election of Officers." . 2 i Developement in Scugog. Speaker from the Durham. ; : Region Department of Planning & Developement. ATTHE MUNICIPAL OFFICE £3 Good Friday AT PORT TAVEI RN --12noonto8p.m. ; Sea Food Platter ; Glazed Ham vii "1 Salads - etc. 4.75 cacn 8:00P.M. ~ SMORGASBORD | TOWN HALL 1873 Port Perry COMING EVENTS Tickets $2.00 576-5522 or 576-6599 SCUGOG CHORAL SOCIETY ; ~------presents MUSIC - MUSIC - MUSIC VARIETY PROGRAMME ~ INTOWN HALL 1873 | . Friday & Saturday APRIL 1 and 2 - 8 p.m. Students & Senior Citizens $1.00 Available at Port Perry Star or by phoning 985-3043. { FOR TOWN HALL RENTAL PHONE 985-2293. UXBRIDGE & DISTRICT MINOR SOCCER ASSOCIATION "HOUSE LEAGUE" Registration of Player 6 to 14 years. 'Saturday, April 2, 1977 9 a.m. 1012 noon gh AT PORT PERRY OLD ARENA Season starts mid May. Games and Practice will be scheduled Monday through Thursday. .. Registration Fee - $10.00 per player. Family Plan. $10. Yofor: 1st Player. KINNUNEN - Keijo and Arylie are happy to announce the birth of their son, Darren Keith, on March 12, 1977, 7 Ib. 2'2 oz. at Port Perry Community Hos. pital. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rodd and Mr. and Mrs. Lauri Kinnunen. J Great-Grandparents Mr. and Riel Mrs, Ed. Sherwood, Manilla. i Special thanks to Dr, Millar and NEN Dr. Spears and maternity staff. 38 KINNUNEN - Mauri and Ann i are very happy fo announce the b arrival of their daughter, Leea Vo Hope, on March 7, 1977. Sincere ul thanks to Dr. Cohoon and the io maternity staff. i ih DODD - Colin and Maureen are i pleased fo announce the birth of & their first child, a daughter, Lisa A Debra, on March 15, 1977, uy Special thanks to friends, Dr. E Millar and maternity staff of 6 8 Port Perry Hospital. . 1 U3 * HURREN - Larry and Kay (nee 1 Porrill) are happy 10 announce 1 the birth of their son, Mathew Ryan, 6 Ibs. 12 oz. on March 25, 1977. Proud grandparents are Pat and Jean Porrill of Black: stock and Fred and Elva Hurren of Oshawa, Club Annrene THIS SATURDAY NIGHT - APRIL 2 Boogie! Bump! to a Great Band! "POSITIVE OUTLOOK" FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: ~ Don Armstrong 725.4344 or 576-6599 «oe KE SJ ¥ 4 « @ « * < | [4 * ' > ow rn. > 4 * | 2 w 2 ow» x x

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