/ @ x ° . ¢ | > 4 d; h v . v The Business Girls Curling League held their annual banquet and awards night on Friday, ending an active year. At left, League president Doreen VanCamp presents the best sportsmanship trophy to At right, a proud smile from the Eleanor"s Flowers Trophy recipients. Trudy Empringham and Muriel MacMaster are in the front and Jan Vann is in the rear. Sponsor Eleanor Woods is at right. The presentation was made at the Business Girls League banquet held on_ Friday. - Absent when picture was taken was Janet Howsam. » Softball Registration PLEASE ATTEND THE FOLLOWING LOCA- TIONS FOR YOUR AGE BRACKET; START- ING MAY 2nd AND CONTINUING ON THESE NIGHTS AS LISTED: "#7 BALL - Boys and Girls age 4to 7 Yrs. Monday, May 2nd - 6:30 p.m. at Public School. 3 PITCH - Boys age 7 fo 11 Yrs. Wed., May 4th - 6:30 p.m. at Legion Diamond. SQUIRT - Boys age under 11 Yrs. Tue., May 3 - 6:30 p.m. at Legion Diamond PEE WEE - Boys age under 13 Yrs. Monday, May 2 - 6:30 p.m. at Legion Diamond. BANTAM - Boys age under 15 Yrs. Monday, May 2 - 7 p.m. at the Lakefront. MIDGET - Boys age under 17 Yrs. Thurs., May 4 - 7 p.m. at the Lakefront. JUVENILE - Boys age under 19 Yrs. Tuesday, May 2 - 7 p.m. at the Lakefront. NOTE: Any girls wishing to play softball should be at the Public School on Wednesday, May 3rd - 6:30 p.m. Coaches will be needed to work with these girls. ' Secretary P.P.M.S.A. | Vin Walker 985-7126 Elma Doyle, and at right, the Philp Trophy winners are (seated). Marlene Doupe, Norma Cornish; (standing) Joy Hull and Shirley Grieve. Sponsor Mrs. Philp is at right. The Sadie Brooks trophy was one of the many awards handed out at the annual Business Girls Curling League banquet on Friday. From left to right (front) is Helen Coates, Jan Vann; (rear) Pat White, Sally Foster, and sponsor Donna VanCamp. choose from. Equipment. ® 5 Years of Installation & Lay-out Experience in the Port Perry, Scugog Island, Blackstock, Seagrave and Chalk Lake Areas. ® Many shapes & sizes of inground pools and accessories to ® Come in and ask about filters for country use - the ones that save water and don't cost much more either. @® Complete line of chemicals, Brominators and Water Analysis Is The Timeto get ready for SWIMMING. TAKE THE PLUNGE! Call 985-7605 "= - Arcade Pools 985-7605 'DISPLAY POOL AT 451 QUEEN STREET, PRINCE ALBERT. Coe hm a 7 ey --r en AL SRE & EE tie RS SET ¢ Vorb en a Ns aha Ck -- ey - ss Cp, PER Tana) Nal i RA a SEE a