8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Nov. 23, 1977 School vandalism continues fo rise Property damage at school in Durham Region continues to rise according to a report presented to the Durham Board November 14. Regional taxpayers will have to foot a $50,038.55 repair bill for damages to area schools during the first half of 1977. This is up almost $9,000 over the same » period last year. The board recovered al- most $2,000 through restitu- tion. The greatest amount of damage was at the Dr. F.J. Donevan school were 41 occurrences resulted in $3,635.52 damages. Ajax High School followed with 23 occurrences and a repair bill of $2,548.47. Damage to the 18 regional high schools was $19,820 while in the elementary sector $29,834 for the 80 schools. Qver a period of seven years, damage totals have been increasing slightly according to R.J. Russell superintendent of plant for the Durham board. In 1971 there were 728 occurrences reported in the first six months of the year and damage was listed at $36,460 compared to the" present day $50,000 with 779 occurrences. Damages include every- thing from broken windows and water damage to stolen property through break-ins. Bill Slute, who plays Danilo and Catherine Millar with the role of Valencienne rehearse one of the many musical numbers in the Merry Widow, - CY 7 days delivery service is ---- [e-- ew bbe' f ! i i ii J: ne 2. Christmas isn't far off ; Why not give yourself and your home a beautiful Christmas present from Reed National Drapery =® QREED_ Beautiful custom draperies for Christmas. Sheers. Satins. Velvets. Brocades. Wouldn't you Jike to make your home more beautiful for Christmas? We have hundreds of fabrics and colors in plain, printed, woven and textured styles in stock. 'T So we can manufacture your custom draperies in time for Christmas. pr But you must order now. When you call us, a professional salesperson | comes direct to your home with a complete set of samples, measures your windows and suggesfs window treatments. 1 FOR FREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE CALL: 125-6223 Out of town call collect NATIONAL DRAPERY of the century. PAGE TRIART EIR IAS IAIATIER ANT LEV NE oe EAR HREOC > 4 Sn-- HEC et - REC RK THIER PETER HOSTER Bring your Camera into - Bruton's L.D.A. Drug Store and have it loaded ... ""EREE" wy Want ; Your Xmas Story | 5 The Port Perry Star will be publishing its annual Christmas supplement in the issue of December 21. We would like to have our readers contribute to this very special edition. What we have in mind are feature stories of up to 500 words in U length under the general topic of "My Most Unusual Christmas". The stories can be serious or humorous, but should be based on the contri- butor's own personal experiences. Because extra planning and production is required for the production of the Christmas supplement, readers wishing to contribute a story should do so before December 7. We would ask that they be typed, if possible, and double spaced. What is your 'most unusual Christmas?" MK NK ot le MK IK ol] Debby Jones has the female lead of Anna, the Merry Widow. And Larry Kendall plays the part of Camille in this three-act operetta set in Paris at the turn 2 URI el AAA BRUTONS i- >» a: DRUGS 200 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY J.A. Lawrence Drugs Ltd.. 985-2511 ETT) CBT ESS A IF EE rp TT rr EE % se