14 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Dec. 28, 1977 d Ads Classifie OR SRP Vat PEN TOR 1h 24 ran SI Pts = Son. RTL . . ° v 1 . H At Rest Notice Coming Events Coming Events Wanted Wanted to Buy CARNEGIE; Marion Bigelow - - .- : . - CRAFT CLASSES Call Creative | CANCELLATION - Euchre al | | Akg FRONT LOT 'in Port | USED PIANO, any condition. Suagenly JL. Pstersbu/s, Ha. TREASURE Stop 985-7255. J? Oddfellows Hall for December Perry area, private, ro: Also, pianos tuned and repaired. Marion. B. McCaw, beloved wife - 31st, New Year's Eve. + | P.O. Box 882, Scarboro Station | Call 655-4663. D28 of the late David Carnegie, dear CORNER OPEN HO) 58 Youareinviedio | HOUSE . You Bre invited | A T.F. « e Fiftieth Wedding Anniver N Maine of Bobery, ratnicen 108 WATER STREET sary of Mr. and Mrs. W. Harvey | fo the Fifthieth Wedding Anni- (Mrs. R.D. Burley), Harry, Gor- d y : Jaf versary of Mr. & Mrs. W. Harvey don, Donald & Mary (Mrs. Jack 985-8226 Dobson, on Sunday, January 8, Dob sund J FY 3 J . ina ahs. Nach 1978 from 2 to 5 p.m., in the Sols Of) Sundsy, Jsnusiy 8 J . RUIN (Mrs. G.F Manning) oF Y Masonic Hall on Queen Street in | 1978 from 3 to 5 Sg h AC L ass 4 North Bay. Also survived by 20 HANDMADE SIFTS FOR Port Perry.' Best Wishes only, . Ee on Sal reetin un ry cod | grandchildren & 25 great grand- : ) please. J.4 or ale = children, -loving_sister of Mrs. New Hours starting Jan. 3rd. - © Florence Nasmith of Victoria, Mon. to Thurs. 9 106 p.m. i MN Disa. Tre red 1972 CHEV STATIONWAGON - B.C. Funeral service at the cha- Friday 9a.m. to 9 p.m. . January Sth, 1978 Jackpot 350 engine, automatic, p.s., p.b. pol h Merion Donnie; Saturday 9a.m. to 6 p.m. $170.00 in 50 hy Earlybird $700. or best offer. Call 986-4295. or erry [=] . H " at 2 p.m. Interment Pine Grove | 'ams starting 7:30 pn. oz 200 LEGHORN HENS, 1 year Beautiful Cemetery. old. 40 Roasting Chickens 7-8 Ibs. - Phone 985-7030. Clothes In Memoriam . : 1972 YAMAHA, new tracks, good FRASER - Three years ago on Scugog Public Library condition. Phone 655-4326. for " Christmas Eve, A dreadful acci- . N . . 'S CRIB, child's dent that took the lives of three. Re istration for bn. sip gl Jumper, 2 pairs 7 . Mihalis oy oi: whom g : rs skates sizes 2 & 72. Call Beautiful wo 35 ver || PRE-SCHOOL STORYTIME || 5% People above. i ; . 985-2095. dr sn AT 10:30am. JER ih lista P ' REGISTERED YORKSHIRE Curly. - » Yori: a friend, a close one was TUESDAY, JANUARY 3rd, 1978 Dow 2 yoars ps pro , 2 His lite was gone at the age of Children must be 4 years of age by January 1. FIREWOOD, white birch and 179 Queen St. Port Perry Now they're in God's hands up . Spplawosd. (C3) e521, 985-8221 above, FISHER STOVES, the ultimate .But why does he take the ones we in wood/coal burning stoves. love? } Built for safety and to last. he In loving memory, Various sizes to meet your need. Mom, Faye, Sherry & Troy L Donna Hazelwood, 985-3640. py | ° . i BEEF SIDES, corn-fed steers, N (0) t ice Port Perry {- Humewood Farm, Murray Jack- " BN 2 son, 985-2459. T.F. a PORT PERRY LIONS CLUB Bingo for January 3rd is cancel- COMING EVENTS NEW SKATES - Used skates - an x led large skates exchange. Murray realton 2 : Wilson Shoes, 7 Main St. W., ' "Stouffville, 640-2429, 124 Main St., OR ot ERY KihsmEN New Year s Eve Ball | Markham, 254.1165. "3% -- , es G Si , West Hill, Ont. ! ' 647 G STREET, PORT PERRY ~ 789 Simerson, West hi, on SATURDAY DECEMBER 31 CONTENTS from Factory Show- . Junction of 7A and Queen Streets TAKEN BY MISTAKE, 3 length y rooms - 4 pc. chesterfield $295.00; eo ae at ta C 9:00P.M.to2:00 AM. lamps $25.00 air; 5 pe. kitchen {Port Perry 985-7371 Oshawa 728-9544 ember 3rd, Catholic Hall, Fla- = gr 3 pc. Sontag) Jsbie Sof © Chri P re .00; mer's Furniture 0 = pe N ince Shins pal. Gu ATTOWN HALL 1873 OE Simars Purnia s (ue FIREPLACES AND FAMILIES GO " eed hin _tur ning, SK With B "@ East, 728.3473, & Port Perry TOGETHER, $91,400. Spacious solid beamed Coll TO0A86T 4 it ruce Gerrow's Orchestra Plaza, Unit 3, 985.2847. - T.F. family room ya cory replace; sour hadrons, $25.00 per couple two and half baths, top line kitchen with built-in DON'T BE BORED this winter. Limited ish sl ro A ) dishwasher, double door entrance, attached f ® ac ecironic - doi he beginner jileclspuing For reservations call 985-3043. m. 3 El 0] 4 garage ie SWST Has aviged love And Ihoney ; ' SALES & SERVICE on this custom bu eauty with lots of extras. TT i Sea cg psa sterees PLACE YOUR OWN ART EXIBIT AND . for six week course includes 8 TOWERS - ETC. STublo Tting dounicun Port Perry medical materials for sampler pincush- [] MANCHESTER, ONT. " or roo + TWO ion. Instruction by Sandy Sin- NEW YEAR S EVE AT HWY. 7A & 12 fireplaces, two baths, 33 ft. living room, 25 ft. clair. Call 985-8011 & register. J.4 : PHONE 985-8043 dining room, den, enclosed porch - separate " studio apt. - estate sale. A UNIQUE HOBBY - Couniry , - h ! ; A ; ors me, eon cr DAN CE Before You Buy TOWN PORT PERRY ZONED Cs, spacious one full line of Ceramic supplies, TRY and half storey, family room with acorn fire- . Foadher, ana Jian distorts; Sponsore d by BOB ARCHER place, balcony 2nd 138 109 by 7) ft. Io} - super ) ' : u e commercial property. ER re As Scugog Cubs. Scouts & Vent HOOKER COUPLE OR SMALL FAMILY, $33,700. Fett a Bram cugog Lubs, dcou enturers CHEV OLDS. Three bedroom bungalow in good Port Perry Crafted Shs, Lis sriimn, Hwy. #7, Brooklin hg walkout dining area, cable T.V. - three yr. Club Road). CLUB ANNRENE PHONE S551] * PLAN AHEAD FOR THE NEW YEAR - E.O.W. : {i : " LISTED at $49,900., BLACKSTOCK, recreation x POTTED PLANTS Live Band Something Blue For the best priceon a double eat earaganree bedrooms, dining room, CUT FLOWERS ~~ Excellent Meal - Licenced L.L.B.O. x = Aina : Co Flowers for all For Reservations call: Bill Bobbie 985-3552 11 Zenith Color LL iA, bina mainisingy mobile home, Occasions. . ; i or ; il whitby - furnished ready to move in, two PORT PERRY Brent Richardson 985-7495 : bedrooms, financing available, utilities and FLORISTS $14.00 per person Luke or Jenny lease $23.00 per week, appliances included - at enquire please. \ 985-8676 $40,000. - PLUS STOCK - NEGOTIATE - - -- FALCON. T.V. ESTABLISHED SUCCESSFUL PORT PERRY SECOND MORVSACE Pals | 426 Simcoe $1. South, Oshawa CLOTHING . SHOP, exclusive lines Fhawing Svsilable at reasonable: rajes. | 123-007 excellent return with a growing market stiil se iano sai , Cost available - fremendous possiblities. 985.2592. T.F. | . 0S R COMMERCIAL BLOCK : ! ft ft : : FOR DEVELOPMENT - CORNER PROPERTY BELLY DANCING for fun and | 0 0 q TOM CAT, large orange & white. WITH 325 FT. STREET FRONTAGE - TAKE '\ J ; ' ¥ Sunrise asda sieningy Answers to name of Zach. Vicin- ADVANTAGE - ENQUIRE PLEASE. 786.2192 for information. T.f. ' ity of Queen & Cochrane. Re- ACREAGE A SHORT DISTANCE FROM mre natien: Jf Men's Wear Lid. ward. Phone 985-8520. PORT PERRY with Lake Scugog frontage - 90 IF YOU WANT to drink alcohol : ACRES on Scugog Island, thirty acres low-lying, Th For R vis arg can, tats your tisinas. #1, Fine Clothing & or Rent balance farm_land and wooded. Ril Vg Wig 9 : _Do you know the value of your property? Let 985.3609 or 985-3111. TF. Furnishings for Men ro La us give you an opinion of the market value with ' House for Rent no obligation - buy and sell with confidence, we 0aepiniice Yr aing, School 149 Scugog Street serve with pride - financing arranged. - for family, results, years ; 4 : . ~ experience. German Shpherds, Lakeview Plaza, 3 Benoa Brick NEW YEARS HOLIDAY obermans, Manc er Port Perry, Ontario Offices are closed Monday, January 2nd - open Yerkjens, puppies, Sduit, regly Tel: 416-985-8160 including appliances, Tuesday, January 3rd. To all our customers a Svoniioom & drapes | | Very HAPPY NEW YEAR! anuary 6 a z " IVES FLORIST I'l FREEMAN 272 Shanley St., Port RO Hoan FORDER - Res. 985.3439 985.2525 : Perry. Rent n : AM . Res. 985.7 LAKEVIEW PLAZA Formal Rentals For nmin Lasirog RALPH FAIRMAN - Res. 985-2160 2 oy "A Complete Line of Floral Open Thursday & Friday to 9:00 p.m 416-661-1322 Member of the Oshawa and District Art for All Occasions. or Lister : . Flowers Wired World Wide. er Real Estate Real Estate Board