EAE, SRE , SS ER 8 a5 a al oo VI ! td SS 6 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wegnesday, Dec. 28, 1977 Manchester and area by Mrs. Ruby Fielding Church January 1st, 1978 at 11:15 a.m Rev. C Clarke in charge. Happy New Year to the Port Perry Star manage- ment staff and to all our readers i Mrs. Josephine Bain spending the holidays with her sister Mrs. Viola Schnapp in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lamb's Christmas guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lamb and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lamb and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lamb, Ann, Janet and Kenny visit- ing Mrs. Roy Masterson and families at St.Catharines on Boxing Day. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Hitchens, Jodie, Janey and Shelly of Bowmanville were luncheon guests with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Mitchell recently. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dobson Christmas guests with her brother Mr. and Mrs. Ken Proctor-4n Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Art Weirsma of Picton spending the holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hofstee and girls. Ir. and Mrs. Jim Lawler Lad Mr. and Mrs. Ken Barron and family Christmas Day and spent Boxing Day with Mr. and Mrs. B. Lawler in Oshawa. A speedy recovery is hop- ed for Mr. Art Fielding who is a patient in Port Perry Borelians plays The Borelians are alive, well, and expanding in Port Perry. Two productions are now in progress for the New Year. The first production, "The Curious Savage' under the direction of Emmie Cox is slated to be shown in mid- February. It is a comedy that involves the thwarted efforts of three nasty rela- tives to put their rich foster mother into a rich mental home. This play "has an unusual ending that shall stay with the audience long after they leave the play. "The Man Who Came To Dinner" comes to us in the middle of May. The casting dates in late February will be announced later. For further information about either._play call Ed Daigle 985-8013. More government waste Continued the moment. The wasteful LaMarsh Commission'spent $2,200,000 living "high on the hog' at taxpayers expense. The latest and most flagr- ant wasteful commission is the $350 a day 2 year study of primary school children. The head of the commission Laurier LaPierre, who has no background in primary education is from Quebec. La Pierre the great egotist is well known for his anti- crown and pro-republican views. The Ontario govern- ment stung on the LaMarsh deal, now is party to paying out $100,000 of the $300,000 for LaPierre. The Commission was proposed by the past presidogigg.of the Catholic teachers Association, which will pay only one-quarter of its cost not funded by the government. The Commission accord- ing to the press reports say they will study children from the ages of 3 to 8 years. Do they plan to go into the privacy of peoples homes to interrogate 3 year olds? ~ Enough is enough! Canad- ians have already mortgag- ed their souls with a debt of $66.3 billion - a whopping $4,595 for every man, woman and child in Ontario. The interest alone on Ontario's debt is a staggering ONE THOUSAND MILLION dollars a year. The provine- es single largest creditor, the Canada Pension Plan is owed more than $6 billion. It is estimated by 1995 we'll be completely bankrupt. We must end these frivol- ous wasteful commissions that spend money like it grows on trees. Sincerely, Dean J. Kelly, President Assoc. Dedicated Canadians Box 1000, Port Perry. P.S. Two of the four issues to be investigated have already been covered. The language aspect has been done to death by the Bi-Bi Commiss- ion and the effects of televi- sion has been covered in the LaMarsh Commission on which no action has been taken. 4 oO D )o We Reserve DRUG STORES ) Oo Withdrawal System from § Water Pik ARRID ROLL-ON Ani par thyant 3% $19 57 ml SPEC i ri ViSINE pr d EE PENATEN Boner $113, PEPSODENT | 100ml 99 \_ ) SL) the Righ "Well Worth Looking For" ren Quantities two designe Morked in Pounds ond Kilograms Tro¥ BATHROOM SCALE $11 99S oy $ PLUS These Great CLEAR-OUT SPECIALS Biv Available In Limited Quantities While They Last! vo IN-STORE CLEAROUTS AT A UP OLAS LISTERMINT Ais Mouthnssh $133 CLOSEUP.TOOTHPASTE help you keep he New Year's Reso -- FOR ¢ 25m ONLY Green Only \ White or Gold Colour CUBES 2%, & Gargle 355ml BROMO SELTZER SUNLIGHT FACE SOAP 6 5 89¢ ony White Only 'Family Size' $127 150 gm Clairol _ STAYFREEMINI-PADS FERC NIE BRUTONS 1 o> a: DRUGS 200 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY NICE 'N EASY 1 " Shampoo-in Hair Colour 985-2511 . The Borelians are busy these days preparing for their version of The Curious Savage, which they will stage in February. The cast held a rehearsal recently and above are Sharon Cox, left, Pattie Scott and David Stapley going _through the motions of a scene. Below, more of the characters, from left, Kathy James, Carol Harris, Ed Daigle and Julia Goss with script. Whitby gets new park grant The Town of Whitby will receive an Ontario grant of $25,000 to enable it to carry out planning and develop- ment work for the establish- ment of Iroquois Beach Approved Park, Natural Resources Minister Frank S. Miller said last week. The park site comprises 20 acres of undeveloped land fronting on Lake Ontario along the west side of Whitby harbor to the east of Gordon St. The municipality plans to undertake preparation of a development plan to include filling, grading, landscaping and other general develop- ment work, Eel Car Care Specializing in: © ON-CAR WHEEL BALANCING © MINOR REPAIRS & TUNE-UPS © OIL CHANGE & LUBRICATION o FRONT END & BRAKE REPAIR o TIRE SALES & SERVICE (New & Used Tires) We Now Have NO-LEAD GAS Accepted Credit Cards MASTER CHARGE TEXACO - CHARGEX TAYLOR'S TEXACO Corner of Union & 7A Hwy. 985-3655 Monday to Friday Sam tb9Wpm Saturday -8 00am 108 0pm Sunday - 0am 10900 pm