TIA . NVR Wry .. ¢ . » PEAT a oe Neti, vet WAR : 6 A L AY ee BI a ESS a EY yy A FAANAR ada : 30 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, Mar. 8, 1978 Scugog Island and area news AUCTION SALES BE By Mrs. Earl Reader speed. Congratulations, YOU enjoy music, come ing part will be Bob McLure, oR . What group on the Island is Paul. along. ~~ Charles Newton, Ann Rh SATURDAY, MARCH 18 SATURDAY. MARCHE busier than the Boy Scout We hope you are still Young parents are taking. Gowans, Howard Anyan, a iad . 8 NE $ Ais of CO, ple AA ooh pi Ce a a TX 2 -~ 5 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Property of JOHN GREEN: WO0OO0D, R.R.2, Port Perry, and added consignments. Held in Prince Albert Hall, 2 miles south of Port Perry. Antiques - Com- mode chair; pictures & frames; annex wood stove; Quebec heat: er; captain's chairs; screen room divider; sealers; record + player; enamel pint measure; cheese box; fern stands; pine quilt box; pine tool box; glass knife; in-laid folding table; milk cans; brass urn; local news- papers from 1904; post cards from 1890; porcelain door knobs; silverware tray; foot stool. Fur- niture, etc. - Easy rocker; book- case; 4' x 5' blackboard; card tables; corner cupboard; couch ° & chairs; end tables; aquarium; shower cabinet; refrigerator; washing machines (wringer); chrome set; dressers; 8 x 12 rug; pots & pans; dishes; linens; lamps & shades; quilt patches; barbecue; Viking washer (works); plus metal trunks; table saw and bench; old riding mower; electric motors; walkie talkies; radios and T.V. sets (some work); pump & motor; tools; electronic equipment; gar- den tools; lawnmower and zinc boiler; 390-page Miami Herald; 1973; 10-speed bike; plus many items too numerous to mention. John Pearce, Auctioneer, 416: 985-7492. Lunch Available. M15 . 90 diesel tractor, D. Lois Milne, .-B.A., .0.D. OPTOMETRIST Medical Associates Building 462 Paxton Street, Port Perry " Office Hours by Appointment TELEPHONE: 985-8554 If no answer call: 986-5362 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Auction sale of Livestock, Imple- ments, some Household Furni- ture, the property of CLARE BAGSHAW, north half of Lot 2, Con. 9, Brock Twp., 4 miles north of Sunderland to 10th Con. & 4 miles west or 2 miles south of Wilfrid. Machinery - M.F, super with multi- power, power steering, com- plete; A.C. D17 diesel tractor, power steering, remotes - tires, 3 pt. hitch converter; A.C. CA gas tractor; 1972 Load King self-unloading forage wagon - 9 ton gearing; 1975 New Holland 479 hay bine, p.t.o., like new; J.D. 17-run combination "seed drill, grain, grass & fertilizer; _Sedore manure loader; Martin wagons with racks; full line of modern power machinery. 1969 Newport Custom; 1974 Ford Ranger, Y2-ton truck; Produce - approx. 2000 bales of mixed hay; some baled straw; approx. 25 ton corn; qty of hay pasture mixture. Lumber: qty of elm, 2' x 12'; qty of cedar posts; qty of cedar rails. Pigs - 20.chunks. Cattle - 54 mature High Grade Hereford-Charolais cross & Hereford-Simmental cross cows; Bull exposed June 20, 1977. Charolais Bull 15/16, rising 6 yrs. ald; Simmental Bull, 1/2, rising 5 'yr. old; 37 Hereford & Charolais yearling calves, heifers & steers. . Auctioneer's Note: This is a well maintained line of modern power machinery. An excellent herd of High Grade cattle. This herd has proven negative to a recent blood-test. This has always been a Brucellosis-free herd. An out- standing sale. Plan to attend. Terms cash. No reserve. some household articles to be sold at 10:30 a.m.; Machinery at 11:00 a.m.; Cattle at 2:30 p.m. Lunch will be served by Wilfrid U.C.w. Carl & Greg Hickson, Auction- eers, Reaboro, Ontario. 705- 324-9959. M15 dual movement? It seems that our boys never have a dull moment. This last weekend 8 scouts and 2 leaders enjoy- ed outdoor sports at Camp Samac. During their quiet periods, they learned to do string art. We hope they will have some pictures finished for the Art and Craft show at "the Hall on April 22, , The Cubs too had an excit- ing weekend. Ten of the 16 members, for.the last month have been calling on their fathers to give assistance in building car models - from kits to definite specificat- ions. All cubs in the Pine . Ridge area including Black- stock, Manchester, Ux- bridge, Cannington, Sea- grave, Scugog Island and Greenbank were included in this project. Now, the time had come for the annual car derby with competitions. Therefore, Friday evening, Saturday and Sun saw the Port Perry Scout Hall a veri- table bee hive of nois&€ and excitement as the boys dis- played their accomplish- ments. The winners in the speed finals on Saturday were Paul Thaeter, Johnny Oram and Mike Thaeter for Scugog. The winners of de- sign for Scugog were Joey Hamilton, Jeff Mowat and Jeff Fedyk all in order of merit. All received ribbons and trophies. But, Sunday was the big day when com- petitions were keen within the whole Pine Ridge Dis- trict. Here, Paul Thaeter was in second place for THE KINSMEN CLUB OF PORT PERRY INC. ~ Annual Fertilizer Blitz Within the next seven days, you will be contacted by a Kinsmen to hopefully enlist your support for our community service work. You may do so by ordering your fertilizer and peat moss réquirements. NUTRITE: Turf Special 14-4-8 Turf & Weedaway, Killex 8-5-8 Superturf 21-3-9 Gardenspecial 4-12-8 Vitorganic 8-2-0 Atlantic Peat Moss Gen. Pur. Truegreen 12-66 Truegreen 10-6-4 with 2-4D Delivery and Collection will be made on Saturday, April 8, 1978. The prices quoted are competitive and include delivery to your door. If you do not receive a call within the period indicated above or if you will be away during that time and wish to place an order please call: R. WILSON 985-8320 or T. ARMSTRONG 985-2226 Thank you in advance for your co-operation. The Kinsmen Club of Port Perry Inc. saving yqur papers for the boys to gather in the spring, On Wednesday evening, the "Head" U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Bonnie Gerrow with 15 ladies pre- sent, including Mrs. Ding- man and Mrs. Jane Baird (the new curator for the Lake Scugog Sheres Museum). When the Presid- ent Helen Hortop called the meeting to order, Evelyn Redman read an opening thought, "Sprinkle Sun- shine". During prayer, Marion Carter included a special prayer for the late Mrs. Chas. Wilson who had been one of our charter members, 30 years ago when we first organized. Notes of appreciation for gifts received during illness were presented from Marian Hughes and Jim Wilson. Atroll call time, members told of the community visit- ing they had done prior to the meeting and Percy Brown had conveyed appreciation for the card he had received in hospital. For the hospital auxiliary, Bonnie Gerrow reported that more new drapes, had been procured and a bili light for 'babies with jaundice had been purchased, both items amounting to $1,200. On March 15, we shall * serve dinner at the 'Hall to the men of the Road Builders group. In April, we hope to gather used clothing for a bale to Simcoe Hall. So keep ~ this in mind as you clean your closets. April 22 is our big date when we have our - Arts and Craft show at the Island Hall. Don't hesitate to let us know of someone who ha§ something to display. In the early part of May we hope to celebrate our 30th Anniversary and of course help with the Hospital Spring Fair and the opening of the Museum. June, of course, is our big breakfast in Palmer Park, on the day of "Canoe the Nonquon'. We hope to have a joint meeting with "Grace" U.C.W. and a U.C.W. Sunday. July brings a salad supper at the Hall and a field trip (so consider your preference, ladies). Mrs. Jane Baird described some of her plans and hopes' for the "Head" church, part in the museum and request- ed-our assistance in gather- ing materials and infor- mation. - Mrs. Reta Wilson gave a- reading, 'A Prayer for the Middle Aged", and Marion Carter presented the '""True Story of Hot Cross Buns". Mr. and Mrs. Allan Red- man have returned from an extensive tour of Florida and vacation in somewhat warm- er weather. , Mrs. Lil Moore was slight- ly disappointed when she cancelled her bus tour to Florida. . Several Island people have short stays in hospital lately and seem to be recuperating quite well along with some extra holidays from. work. We are pleased to know Geo. Samells found his first hos- pital experience wasn't really too bad. : Please note the Island Church choir is starting up again after a quiet winter and practice will be Tuesday evening at. 7:30 p.m. New members are always wel come. -A concert is being planned for the Spring. So, if "please a renewed interest in the Island Church and bringing their «hildren for Sunday school and even helping to take a turn in Sunday School. We wish to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Pelyk who are new residents at Aldred's Beach. For the many nursery chil- dren in S.S., some extra equipment is needed like low work tables and chairs, and used plastic toys. If you have some you can spare, call Mrs. Bob Cawker. There are several boxes of 'Church Giving" envelopes in the lobby still waiting to be picked up by various families. Next Sun- day, a new Elder will be installed into Church Ser- vice. If you are interested in attending the 'Festival "of Faith" at Harmony Road United Church, April 7 and 8, please get registration forms from Mrs. Ear] Reader before March 31. "Those tak- Jean Piercy and John Sloan. Saturday meals provided. Good Friday and Easter Services will -be held at the Island Church. On Sunday, Rev. Lin- stead's message for the chil- dren involved honesty - "A lie is a coward's way of getting out of trouble'. The story illustrated the impor- tance of children first being taught honesty-in the home. "The adults were presented with a study on '"hands" and especially the hands of Jesus and how He used them. You can learn much about a per- son by the hands, which are controlled by the heart and spirit and mind to create, destroy or do deeds of mercy. lack the ability to.perform duties desired by the mind and require training. It does matter what the hands do and some times are a witness to our service or neglect. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Sometimes hands' ALL YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR FUTURE a ask US .. ED LONG "TODD BETHUNE Manufacturers Life Insurance Suite 501, Bell Tower, Oshawa CALL COLLECT 728-7391 \--- INSTALLATION BY EXPERTS 129 Dunnington Dr. Scarborough, Ont. 698-4601 ALL WORK GUARANTEED ~ Ton BRUNO'S CARPET SERVICE Broadloom Specialists - Wall to Wall Carpets & Rugs Also Cushion Floor Vinyl B. CHRETIEN Residence: 985-3771 a Baker's Building Products ROOFING & SIDING Sold - Installed - Guaranteed ~ ALCAN DEALER © 579-2231 Electric Rick Larocque Contractor Residential - Commercial - Farm R.R. 2 PORT PERRY 985-3261 + CAMPERS TRAVEL TRAILERS MOTOR HOMES FIFTH WHEEL DOUG ALLEN (Division of Holiday World) DAVIS TRAILER SALES 1916 Dundas Street E., (Hwy. 2) ~ Whitby, Ontario L1N 2L6 SALES ® SERVICE ® RENTALS Whitby: 728-9493 Toronto: 683-3571 | 1 !