2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, May 3, 1978 ~~ P Around The Township Mr. Oscar Baird, Florida, called on his uncle Edgar Leask one day last week to express his congratulations at the time of his 90th birth- day. Mr. and Mrs. R. Chappell and Peter of Pine Point, Scugog, have returned from their home in Palm Beach, Florida. "Wm. Laurence Evans, Uxbridge, Port Perry and area insurance representa- tive has recently been awarded. membership for 1978 in the President's Club of the Great West Life Assurance Company. The President's Club is compos- ed leading reps who had distinguished themselves through outstanding sales accomplishment and main- tence of high standards in the conduct of their business. [Bite BL BS BEd Ff Si Sa] the municipal savings & loan comparaton INVEST NOW! 1/8% INTEREST PAID ANNUALLY FOR 5 YEARS DON FORDER Insurance Agency Ltd. 2d WATER STREET, PORT PERRY Phone: 985-8471 Dowson's Red- and White are celebrating their 29th year of business in Port Perry this week. The small Queen Street business 'was purchased in 1949 and en- larged several times over the years to accommodate the increased business. Looking ahead, in 1975 they decided to move 'their food outlet to the new Port Perry Plaza, where they now occupy 6500 square feet of shopping area, and are pre- sently expanding with a new addition. Guests of the Reesor Memorial Window Dedic- ation in the United Church, were from Orillia, Seagrave, Blackstock, Markham, Unionville, Caledon, Agin- court, Ajax, Toronto, Oshawa, Orono, Charlotte- town, P.E.I., Winston Salem, North Carolina. This included, 2 sons, 2 daughters, 11 grandchildren and 24 great grandchildren. Two brothers and their wives, neices and nephews. The Lake Scugog Histori- cal Society Choir held a Pot Luck supper at the Presby- terian Church on Sunday in honour of Florence and Al Peterman. The Peterman's are leaving Port Perry to take up residence in St. Catherines. Norman Wat- son, on behalf of the mem- bers of the choir presented Florence and Al with a pen and ink sketch of the Town Hall. The supper was followed by an impromptu musical program and movies were shown of recent shows of the Historical choir. There were 55 present. Mrs. F. B. Hornibrook of Toronto spent the weekend with her cousin, Mrs. F. D. Slemmon. CUSTOM MADE Howard's Draperies 926 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, Ontario 725-3144 "Drapes" "Sheers" Visit our showroom to see hundreds of samples of the latest in drapery fashion and sheers to compliment your furniture. EH) [5 DO IT YOURSELF ~AND SAVE! An added feature to Canoe the Nonquon on Saturday, June 3is a giant Auction Sale sponsored by Town Hall 1873 and Scugog Historical Soc- iety. The purpose is to raise additional funds in aid of these very fine cultural in- stitutions in the community. Anyone interested in donat- ing useful items such as smal) and large appliances, tools, equipment etc: please call Mrs. Jane Litt, 985-2293, Mrs. Zula Hall, 985-2367, Mrs. Bev. Muir 985-7079. Since the auction sale will be held outdoors in Water Street Park, clothing should be omitted from the donations. Auctioneer Ron King has offered his services at no charge. Town Hall 1873 will be open for donations on June 1,3to5 p.m. and June 2, 7 to 9 p.m. Edgar Leask 90 yrs. young Mr. Edgar Leask -cele- brated his 90th birthday on Sund. April 30, 1978 at Port Perry United Church. About 175 friends and relatives gathered to express their good wishes while the U.C.W. served refreshments for all. Six nieces poured tea. They are Mrs. Leila Stone, Ruth Stone, Betty Stone, Jean Gregg, Betty Rorbeck and Mavis McCully. Many messages of con- gratulations were received, one from Prime Minister Trudeau and a plaque from Premier Davis which was presented by Rev. Rose. Many cards, gifts and pic- tures were appreciated. Articles and photographs of the past were on display for people to browse through. Following the Open House about thirty relatives gather- ed at the home of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Wes Lane, for a buffet supper. Wes called on Charlie Leask who told some interesting stories of the times when his uncle was farming. . Geo. Stone also recalled some stories from the past and Elmer Eadie read a great poem he creat- ed. He reminisced about Edgar's life since 1888 in a very special way. Annabelle Eadie presented to her uncle Edgar a table arrangement of red and white carnations from his sisters, Mrs. Sylvia Baird, Montreal; Mrs. Eva . -. HAL S NENA UB B48 va ; oN £ LLLP FEN RAE Proud Possession Mr. Edgar Leask celebrated his 90th birthday last Sunday at Port Perry, United Church and is seen standing here with the "Bell Trophy' won by James Leask and sons [Willie, Edgar and George]. The trophy was for winning firsyy prize for two head of cattle at the Royal Winter Fair three years in a row. This is one of Mr. Leask's proud possessions. Stone, Sunderland; sister-in- law, Mrs. May Leask, Oshawa and all nieces and nephews. Joan Lane had a tasty birthday cake to finish off the meal. Edgar thanked all who helped in any way to make this day such an enjoy- able one. Friends came from as far away as Oakville, Toronto and Montreal. D. Lois Milne, B.A., 0.D. OPTOMETRIST Medical Associates Building 462 Paxton Street, Port Perry Office Hours by Appointment TELEPHONE: 985-8554 If no answer call: 986-5362 3 LLL EEE EE EEE EE EE EEE EE EEE EEE EE EE EEE EE EE EE EEE EE EEE EE EEE EEE EC EET A WELL INSULATED HOUSE IS COOLER IN THE SUMMER $ A 10 cu.ft. BAG 35.75" with purchase of 10 or more bags. FREE use of BLOWER | | : PORT PERRY RENT-ALL 159 CASIMIR STREET 985-7356 Te New Apartments for Rent available for June 1978 occupancy MODEL SUITE open for inspection Saturday & Sunday Only May 6th & 7th - 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. FOR INFORMATION CALL 'MRS. JOANNE NAUGHTON 985-3333 or TORONTO 292-2225 CARLAN HOMES Suite 101, 3015 Kennedy Rd., Scarborough, Ontario. MIV1E7