PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, May 10, 1978 -- 29 'Classified Ads Work Wanted MASONRY, complete found- ations. Brick - block work, fire- places. Call Ron Morrison, Little Bain, 705-786-2515. M17 COTTAGE RAISINGS, footings, foundations, alterations and add- itions. Insured and will supply references. Phone collect 705- 745-6170 or 705-745-6002. T.F. AERO "PHOTO SERVICES specializing in farms, cottages, houses & acreage AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY « CALL 723-8948 Work Wanted Work Wanted GOT SOMETHING too big for Garbage Pickup? | will remove it for you. Also small buildings torn down. Reasonable. 986-4939. M10 RE-UPHOLSTERING? Give us a try. First class material, work guaranteed and reasonable prices. Phone 985-2991. IF. GENERAL Home Repairs, prices you can afford. Phone 985-2933. A26 CUSTOM CORN planting, plow- ing, cultivating and discing. Gord Masters, 705-786-2173.. M24 GARDEN TILLING, Paul Chilco 985-2747. M31 DEAD STOCK Free Removal Of Fresh, Dead or Disabled Animals. Please dial direct: MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 416-263-2721 New Homes - General Carpentry - Pole Barns Norm's General Contracting - Steel & Asphalt Roofing - Aluminum Siding - Soffit » NORM TRIPP 985-3563 OFFICE 985-8216 P.0. BOX 608, PORT PERRY Free Estimates Given with No Obligation. Additions -- located at: WOODWORKING SHOP OPERATED BY RON RANKIN & SON SOLID CUPBOARDS - PREFAB OR BUILT-IN Pine, Mahogany or Redwood. ROOM DIVIDERS - STAIRS FURNITURE REPAIR Stripping & Re-finishing REACH INDUSTRIAL PARK 985-7679 [Next to Ira Carr Construction] Open Saturdays: 10a.m.to3 p.m. 985-7679 RON RANKIN & SON CONSTRUCTION , Cottages - Additions - Renovations also Plumbing - Electric - Carpentry 985-3608 . Auctioneers T.F. FREE ESTIMATES Fertilizing - Tree Removal - Hedge Trimming 4 Aerating - Weedspraying Driveway Sealing & Patching WEED CONTROL Complete Lawn Care PHONE 985-8597 Tenders CATTLE CLIPPER blades sharpened. Leonard Gray, phone 985-2625 after 5:30 p.m. A19 INCOME TAX returns prepared at reasonable cost. Call after 6 p.m., 985-3842. T.F. CARPENTER, custom-built homes, implements sheds, barns, garages, etc. For free estimates. Call Dan Rise- borough, 705-357-3856. m7 'RE-UPHOLSTERING LOFAS and chairs. Wide assortment of first class fabrics. All workman +ship guaranteed. Reasonable' prices. For free estimates, call Austin Bartley, Blackstock Upholstery, at 986-4731, R.R.#2, Blackstock, Ontario. T.F. FOR PROMPT Courteous Ser- vice, free estimates, call Good- man Plumbing, Oshawa, 725-1044. Bob Goodman of this firm has recently moved to this area and would be pleased to serve you. PAINTING - Exterior of Houses, coftages, etc. & Odd Jobs. Ex- perienced student. Phone Neil, 985-7977 after 5:30 p.m. WORK WANTED REMOVE ALL SERVICES - trees cut, firewood for sale, travel trailers moved. 985-8364. miz TWO STUDENTS will paint out- doors or in, experienced, will also do yard work. Call 852-7057. PORT PERRY GARDEN SERVICE Complete Lawn Care _ Trees Pruned Sodding & Full Landscape Plans Call 985-2494 _- RON KING AUCTIONEER Auctions of All Types. Phone Port Perry 985-2643 ORVAL McLEAN Auctioneer househola, farm, equipment, real estate, antiques, estates Appraisals & Liquidations consignments at McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE Angeline Street at Hwy. 7, Lindsay 324-2791 or 324-2783 Auctioneers MURRAY JACKSON AUCTIONEER Furniture - Antiques Livestock - Machinery Real Estate PORT PERRY 985-2459 JOHN T. PEARCE AUCTIONEER Estates - Antiques Household - Farm Consignment Sales For local pickup call: Port Perry 985-7492 REG & LARRY JOHNSON AUCTIONEERS (20 Years Experience) LIVESTOCK FURNITURE SALES Sunderland705-357-3270 KAHN AUCTION SERVICES Livestock - Furniture. Antiques - Estates Real Estate - etc. For Fast "Auction" Service Call: GAYLE KAHN HENRY KAHN Prop. of "HERONGATE COUNTRY AUCTIONS" 1 mile south of Whitevale. Every Wednesday at 7 p.m. 985-8161 9685-8161 Auction Sales Miscellaneous SATURDAY, MAY 13 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES Auction sale of household effects for JIM & FLORENCE MITCHELL, Lot 2, Con. 3, Twp. of Scugog, west from Utica to Mast Road, south one concession to Stop sign, then right 2 mile. Including Viking refrigerator; 4 burner elect. stove; 3-burner Kenmore rangette; toasters; steam irons; qty. of odd dishes; pots & pans; hair dryer; quart sealers; quilting frames; antique rocker; wicker furni- ture; dated old jars; kerosene lamps; old 5-drawer dresser; wringer washer; large Quebec heater; chesterfield "& chairs; ladies bicycle; qty of burlap; Stauffer Home reducing relaxer; single beds; fence stretcher; ex- cellent old Oak buffet; chairs; mirrors; tables; etc. Sap pails & spiles; garden tools; chain saw; garden tiller; lawnmower; sump pump; hand tools; approx. 10 cords split firewood; qty of new & used lumber; ladders; table saw; wheelbarrow; steel cables with hooks; 4 rolls Ready-Roof- ing and many more items too numerous to list. L.unch avail- able. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale conducted by Grant Auction Services, R.R.1, Sunderland, Ontario. Auctioneers - Larry Grant and Jim Wheeler, 852-7173. Owners or Auctioneers will not be responsible for any accidents in connection with this sale. M10 grass at the Legion Park. Please submit same c/o: 330, Port Perry. » BRANCH 419 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Sealed Tenders will be accepted for cutting the Prgsident of a9, Box Josing date - Fiiay, May oi, 1978. 'Management Phone 576-3430 DUNWOODY & ASSOCIATES LTD. 57 Simcoe St. S., Suite 1A, Oshawa, Consultants LIH 7L9 _P.0.Box 516 Auction Sales CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, MAY 12 SALE TIME: 7P.M. 3 miles east of Little Britain, or 7 miles west of Lindsay on Lindsay-Little Britain Road. The property of DON SYLVESTER of Lindsay, plus other consignors. Maple chopping block, walnut spool bed, 8 piece walnut dining room suit, Boston rocker, ice box, brass bed, oak hall stand, antique dressers and wash stands, round oak table, secretariat, wicker fern stands, Victorian love seat, wash stands, press back rockers, oak side- board, kitchenaid dish washer, freezer, oxen yokes, copper boilers, quantity of press back chairs, quantity of china and glass, old G. clock, approx. 3C cedar posts, 2 row John Deere corn planter, 18° Pyramid house trailer, 1973 L.T.D. 2 door hard top (cert.).' Plus many more, antiques, furniture and house: hold items. Open for showing Thursday, May 11 between 7-9 p.m. SATURDAY, MAY 13 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Estate of 503, 2 mile east off 35. Duster, like new, auto; lovely smaller home on good lot, vinyl siding, good roof, garage, paved drive, low taxes (both subject to. low reserve bids). Appliances; furniture; some antiques; dishes; electric lawn mower; crocks; Strand white enamel cookstove; 2 anti- que chairs; chrome set; propane gas stove; refrigertor; antique parlour cookstove; frost-free 2- door refrigerator; 30' auto. elec- tric range (both excellent); oil lamps; large freezer; bedroom suite; spin washer (like new); vacuum, modern chesterfield; lamps; pressback nursing rock er; portable television; 26' RCA New Vista console colour tele- vision; radios; mirrors; iron single bed; washstand; night tables; chest; beds; hump back trunks; fireplace screen; copper boiler; lawn furniture; brass bird cage; lawn furniture; dishes; large qty. of wood; other furniture. No reserve. Note time: 11:00 A.M. Real Estate 1 P.M. Orval McLean, Auction- eer, 324-2791 or 324-2783 Lindsay. M10 SATURDAY, MAY 13 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Auction sale of household furni- ture, the property of the Late Mr. and Mrs. RAY BRETHOUR, will be held in the Village of Sunder- land. Leonard deep freeze, 15 cu. ft; Westinghouse elect. stove (good); chrome table & 6 chairs;- qty of dishes, pots & pans; elect. tea kettle; mix master; etc.; 2 elect. clocks; crocks; sealers; fernery; small cupboard; Fleet- wood solid state stereo and radio combine (2 yrs); 2 pc. chester- field suite (tweed); 2 yrs.; 2 platform rocking chairs; 2 table lamps; 2 end tables; portable sewing machine cabinet; 3 foot: stools; pictures; coffee tables; mirror; flower planter; steel bed spring & mattress; wardrobe with mirrors in both doors; metal linen closet; tri light floor lamp; metal coat rack; 5 pc. bedroom suite; box spring and mattress (nearly new); hump back trunk; chest of drawers; dresser; 2 clothes hampers; compact vacuum cleaner; couch; washstand; chest of drawers; wooden chairs; small writing desk; pine box; golf cart & bag; Toshiba spin dry washing machine; Simplicity washing machine (good); many other articles. Property sold. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Reg and Larry Johnson, Auctioneers. Ph (705) 357-3270. M10 SATURDAY MAY 13 SALE TIME: 1P.M. Auction sale this Saturday, May 13 at 1 p.m. of 5 Purebred Arabian horses, buggies, Morgan horse, jog cart, chariett, saddles, harness, bits, whips, 2 horse trailer, M.F. tractor, '72 Ford 2 ton, 5' bush hog, 6' snow blower, manure spreader, 22 with scope, many misc. articles. Dispersal for Roy McQuade, 705-652-8838, 14 mile east of Douro or approx. 10 miles east of Peterborough. Steve Liptay, Auctioneer. the Late HAZEL BROHM, Norland, on Highway ' 1974 | 7,500 miles, ! Auction Sales SATURDAY, MAY 13 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Property of RON RANKIN & SONS, Reach Industrial Park, Port Perry, 1 mile west of new Arena, Ya mile east of Hwy. 7 & 12, turn at Swamp Garage. Antique and modern furniture, dishes; tea table; Deacon's bench; trestle table & benches; roll-top desk; washstand; hall bench; mahogany dresser; cor- ner cupboard; chairs; umbrella table; round dining table; cedar planters; pine planters; coffee tables; knick-knack shelves; picture frames; foot stools; in- laid' table; plus garden hoses; electric motors; tools & pumps; 10 ton hydraulic jack; barn fan; 100" link fence; garden tools; 2 aluminum boats; bath tub; 16 freighter canoe; laundry tub; and many more good items. Sale inside if it rains. Lunch avail- able. John Pearce Auction Ser- vice. 416-985-7492. M10 SATURDAY MAY 13 SALE TIME: 10a.m. Farm machinery, furniture, antiques, auction sale, including 1974 A.M.C. jeep, half ton, 4 wheel drive, p.s. certified. M.H. 30 tractor, 2 furrow drag plow, 2 cultivators, Int. 45 baler, roller, 100 posts, 1000 cedar split rails, building items including barn beams, lumber, doors, roofing, brace wire, cupboards, and counter, aluminum storms, building tiles, air conditioner, 2 corn cribs, (4° x 16° x 307) scuffler, antique ward robe, antique buffet, humidifier, iron bed, chest of drawers, copper- tone refrigerator, electric stove, plus many other articles. The property of JOHN BUSHLEN, 7 miles north of Uxbridge, to county road 13, 2 miles north of Leaskdale, west to concession 5. Sale at 10 a.m. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson, Auctions Ltd. Uxbridge 416-852 3524. Mio SATURDAY, MAY 13 SALE TIME: 11:30 A.M. TALISMAN EMPORIUM, -high- way 115. 22 miles north of 401. Exit 77 or 78. Exciting collect- ions of antiques, collectibles and furniture, including Edwardian mahogany chest of drawers, mahogany baloon back chair, paper machet parlour table, maple wash stand, marble top washstand, jam cupboard, (pre 1830). European 4 poster childs bed. European mirrored armoire matching twin or queen size bed, hall tree, empire bonnet chest, old rocking chair, brass 'bed (double), pair spilter figurines crocks, large doll, large assortment of glass. Collection of 33 Canadian Mari- times tokens, bottles, large hall clock, old radio, pair of brass coach lamps, plus miscellaneous articles too numerous to mention. Don't miss the sale. Preview, 10 a.m. Saturday. Delicious home cooked food available. Davis Action Auctions, Oshawa 728-4455. TUESDAY, MAY 16 SALE TIME: 7 P.M. Chesterfield and chairs, pine chest of drawers, dressers, wash stand, Boston rocker, oak drop leaf table, electric stove, refrigerator, occasional chairs, halt tables, colour TV, coffee and end tables, quanity of wooden chairs, quantity of picture frames, quantity of china and glass, quantity of tools, plus many more antiques, furniture and household articles. Don Corneil, Auctioneer, RR 1, Little Britain, 705-786-2183. THURSDAY, MAY 25 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale of furniture and antiques the property of ELOISE SNELGROVE on highway 48, 2 mile north of Ballantrae, includ- ing oak roll fop desk, colour TV, freezer, refrigerator, stove, dryer, mantle clock, fish aquarium equipment, old pictures (1742), chesterfield, file cabinet, brass pot, sewing machine, beds, dressers, buffets, night tables, fire screen, trunks, garden tools, chicken and rabbit cages, a good lot of interesting items. Terms cash. Sale at 6 p.m. Noreserve. Owner moving to B.C. Norm Faulkner and Earl M25 Gauslin, Auctioneers. a