ar Tr [y ue, - he fhe 2 ER pe - ry 3 rh Te Sa ® TF LT LA a AE aT N SE > Is aro ah sais ® Fret rok J pe. 48%: B25 < » FCA TEE A iA Te FR SSR URAL EL ST Lb ETI Bel SE 10 Aad VaR AA SE BR RTS RE TS Sar LH Re PLEA . ins BT . 37 SINC oh PE : Fad bed J a1 ar e TPE goals OREO A PR NIHSS Et het, Keath 3, r x oT Dy Ne Ph ara LEAP i. ht a Pull 2 tart oh ARLE Le LA %* § FEY | y Aa ER Al . ' » \ : : a . i . eo > v eA y < : 4 . A» : / 3 ) ! ' ad du shiondnin, didi dot Hil & wd adi. Sonddasiutiaih i PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, August 9, 1978 -- 11 Fear rattlesnakes near extinction This summer, the Trent- |p ; few places, such as the Severn Waterway is distri- rent-Severn Waterway, buting a brochure on the hich is part of Canada's Massassauga Rattlesnake at National Park system, they lock stations on the northern are given protection within a end of the Waterway. _ conservationist philosophy. $'he aim of the pamphlet 1S Even here "they are not to stop people from exter- pumerous, and likely you'll minating this threatened. never have a chance to see species of snake. The. gpe. Eastern Massassauga, a While a rattlesnake bite small and rather timid gives a jolt to the human rattlesnake, is in danger of hody, the chances of it being extinction in Canada. fatal are infinitisimal - in. They have managed to fact, only two people have survive in a few scattered ever died from a bite in oes along Georgian Bay. Eastern Canada, and neither received proper treatment. MAGNETIC i with 5 rock. he. hiker. SIGNS ~ would be better advised to avoid it, enjoy a glimpse of a for trucks, cars, etc. rare and endangered species PORT PERRY STAR and let the snake go on with 235 BUsainsivest its business of eating mice and rodents. Meet pretty Virginia Gomes, 20, of Willow- competing for the position. She is a student at dale, who was chosen the Caesarea Regatta Seneca College and enjoys golf, skiing, tennis Queen last weekend at the 46th Annual Caesarea and dancing. Congratulations Viginia. Regatta. Virginia was among 21 contestants 3 RUBBER Re STAMPS tod dln ALON COMPLETELY FINISHED : Erected on your lot. ~ fastdelivery C.M.H. C. Approved - A.H.O.P. Eligible ~ PORT PERRY STAR Call COBOURG HOMES for details. 235Quaen Shree [416] 372-9432 SES En SH, Watch For HOME HARDWARE's erann |HOME! OPENING | ud ALUMINUM SIDING When Men & Material are Available! AUGUST 16 = 17 = 18 = 19 | | (Cash & Carry for the Do-it-Yourselfers) NRHN KR RRA re RRR I SN Xr Wl There was an abundance of beauty at Caesarea last weekend for their annual regatta, and\the girishabove were the lucky ones to be chosen Queen and Princesses forthe three day event. From left, Regatta Queen Virginia Gomes, "20; Irene Mac d, 16 [3rd Princess]; Karen Cassidy, 14 [2nd Princess]; and Siobhan Clancey, 17 [1st Princess|. AR RR HAHAHA é CONTACT US NOW FOR Alcans- Building Products Authorized De ale 985-3747 | ENT UU TTT OECTA TTT FURNITURE - T.V.- STEREO - APPLIANCES BARGAIN Western Weekend Pick it up 0 DAYS! Yourself and 241 Queen Street - PORT PERRY - 985.2272 fi SALE save BIG! Annan InnInE © wy A a ow Nr wi a Tan, Ti BL NY a) Sy Ld Np A nS Re TY a aes ee Pk BL ae ~~ aT NN A o a, wd ar - -_le - mY . - Eales SNE on a lly! sri To Contd oy nee er - We ~~ 0) CTE 2 rar Ered MY a aka hs Rides Le we Fae ame Se LJ 2S N 5 Fate 2 >. = EL St we oe aa ¥ Tw donee 258 or La Sr, AE Pog J oy RH Rr PL i 9 -oty "a - J re aN PE . RN i ag OR rr EVE * - eT So ie a -~ >, 4 Sv 3% - v, J