aN Te Ph ATS 00 NE, Ko por VS Lg > Ad ') Wy men Sew, Co Fy - Fh SORA a yy TR TA a - " I ESL LIRR wr an § 5 & pS Ea 2200 - TR oS SA ary at KSINR Tl CP 5 he a eG nO Nr 42 A SB AN CE A rR 3 LE o " ECT LENE HRA PAR "he 3 eS FELL Tar - Ferd 2." a - NJ ' ss Fog" Ma 0M cr APTA LA 4 AML EN Hit La 1 Cd SARS ECO FA TSS A PAS LE SLE SENT Wa OF het 1 SV HA Vivi ' SAM PEC Eh SC AMARC SER FL | . o! SERN SRA fed ERNE : HOSEA [ND La - : \ : Ft i Sod TART, | F EARL NBLRYY A SS R ATR PO /s -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, August 9, 1978 remember when ...? continued R.C.A.F., was Elizabeth Griffen. Mrs. R.G. Doubt, Toronto, wag in Port Perry visiting friends. 25 YEARS AGO . Thursday, August 6, 1953 On July 31, 1953, Mr. Clarence D. Purdy ended 41 years of successful service with the T. Eaton Co. He started with the company in Winnipeg on May 27, 1912. Mr. Purdy was born in Port Perry, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Purdy. Mr. A.D. Wheeler of Port Perry, celebrated her 93rd birthday on August 2. Mrs. Wheeler was born H.A. Tenty Ireland, in 1860, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Ireland and received her schooling in Seagrave. Dr. and Mrs. G.H. Jackson, their son Stanley and his friend Alan Graessle, hate returned to their home in Union, N.J. after a vacation with the Doctor's mother, Mrs. George Jackson. 20 YEARS AGO Thursday, August 7, 1958 Mr. Douglas Farndale and Miss Patricia Gerrow were united in marriage at a pretty summer ceremony at the Port Perry United Church. The Cartwright Agricultural Society has a new added attraction at the Blackstock Fair this year. There will be a beauty contest for 'Cartwright " Summer Queen'. , Six fighting Mexican bulls have been cleared out of Mexico and are now crossing the States on their way to Lindsay, Ontario, for the bullfights to be held August 22 and 23. 15 YEARS AGO ; Thursday, August 8, 1963 The Port Perry High School Candidate with the highest number of aggregate marks in the Ontario Departmental Grade 13 examinations is Bonnie Wallace with an average of 82.9. Second is Bruce Ballinger with 82.7. Mrs. Ambrose Watson and John of Utica, are visiting relatives in B.C. The Murphy family held a get-together at Cartwright Community Park on Sunday. 10 YEARS AGO Thursday, August 8, 1968 Through the passing of a by-law, the Port Perry Council intends to have four streets east of Water Street closed to provide additional park facilities along the Scugog Waterfront. These streets include Shanley, Casimir, Mary and Queen. Over 300 people attended the Holstein Twilight Show, held last week on the farm of Neil Malcolm, Burketon.. - The president of Blackstock Fair Board, Glen Larmer and vice president V. Malcolm, admire a new sign erected at the east entrance for the Village of Blackstock. Six students at Port Perry High School were named as Ontario Scholars for the past school year. They include: Timothy Brunton, Brigette Alzner, Marten Den Boer, Bonnie Cawker, Risa Stein, and Lois Milne. . Miss Shirley Dowson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Dowson, Port Perry, recently received her nursing diploma and pin as one of 55 successful graduates of the Nightingale School of Nursing, Toronto. 5 ¥ A A " \ y A D X i A A y 5 5 5 x +: R 5 \ A KAWARTHA SUMMER THEATRE presents ALISON MACLEOD ROBIN MARSHALL 'SABRINA FAIR' by Samuel Taylor Directed by Ronald Ulrich AUGUST 8th to 12th - 8:30 P.M. AT THE ACADEMY THEATRE, LINDSAY Adults: $4.00 Children under 15: $1.50 INFORMATION & RESERVATIONS (705) 324-9111 ln ke Cle le in ae Te Ta ROCCO OCICICOCC) nn hh - |] FOr 3 SPN TS, EC 1 Pond Ya A FL BA NA TS MA FRE HLL WEA HO Bd ah Owner not contacted Show dog spends two days in pound Baron, a pure-bred Beagle is back at home with his Hamilton owner, but last week the dog was at the centre of bad feelings be- tween a Blackstock area man and Township dog control officer Ann Barrett. It seems the dog's owner was visiting recently with Terry McBride of Black- stock and Baron got away on Scugog Island. Mr. McBride searched for Baron for a couple of days until the owner had to return home to Hamilton. Baron, however, had been picked up by the dog control officer and was in the Goodwood pound. Mr. McBride eventually located his friend's dog in the pound, paid the $20 charge and bailed Baron out. However, in an irate letter to the Star last Thursday Mr. McBride was critical of the policies at the pound, namely the fact that the dog's owner in Hamilton was not contact- ed despite the fact that Baron wore a collar with the owner's name, address and phone humber. When asked about the matter, Ms. Barrett told the Star that it has never been her policy to make - long distance phone calls to let out-of-town owners know that their dogs have been picked up in Scugog Town- ship. And she firmly denied a suggestion in Mr. Mec- Bride's letter that the dog ° was being kept so that the pound fees could accumu- late, or that the pure-bred dog was to be sold for a good 'price. "I've been in this business for eight years," she told the Star. "There is no way I'm selling dogs at a fancy price." She added that the policy is to keep all dogs a minimum of five days, and then they are put up for sale at $5 if nobody claims them. If the dogs are wearing a tag the owner is notified, and in this case she said the owner of * Baron was to be notified by registered letter. "I would have kept that dog for at least two weeks," she said. Don't Drive Like the Rest ... Drive Like the Best! with LUKE'S > 85.8387 CALL: Special WATER SOFTENER RENTALS 39,95 .. ® plus FREE: INSTALLATION WATER ANALYSIS GARY YOUNG PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. "The Water Specialty People" 6355-4936 . - . 53 Baldwin St., Brooklin, Ontario. "But there is no way I'm going to start making long distance phone calls." Mr. McBride wasn't exact- ly satisfied with this, and he maintained that if the mediately, collect. owner's number is readily available, the dog control officer should phone Baron was bailed out on July 29 after spending two days in the pound at Good- wood, and the next day he was off to compete in some field trials in New York State. im- and phone bill Mm What a gloom-box way of commencing a summer holiday. I told her I would, but never got around to it. If we're hijacked or go down in the Atlantic or die of seasickness on our voyage down the Rhine, let somebody else sort out the mess I've left behind. I've been sorting out their messes long enough. Let's see, now. There are two insurance policies in the bottom drawer of the dresser, beneath my thermal underwear. There's another with the county school board. There's a stock certificate somewhere in my desk drawer, worth $94.00. There's a house, paid for, and two cars in the driveway, worth $250 each, on a good day.; As for my safe deposit box at the bank, I lost my key the first week I had it, and the girl told me they'd have to have a chap drill it open, with me present. We were to make a date mutually agreeable. That was six months ago. I don't know what's in the thing anyway. My wife has a sewing machine worth ley continued ... more than our two cars. The colour TV is ten years old, but going strong, ever since we had the TV repairman put back new knobs where the grandboys had ripped off all the original ones. My collegues in the English department are perfectly welcome to split up my reference books, my filing cabinet, which ~ has not been opened in ten years, and my ¥; picture of the Queen, the one with the moustache drawn in. Any left-handed golfer with arthritis may have my clubs and cart, which are so old and shabby they almost qualify as antiques. There's a pretty good fishing rod down in the basement, with the Christmas decorations. A dandy pair Ak waders to go with it. They're in the trunk of the old Dodge along with a case of beer that froze last winter. There I think that pretty well clears the decks. If Brother Death gets over-friendly, my daughter won't need a job for the next three years. It'll take her that long to sort out the estate. Bum Voyage. New books Here is the latest list of new books to arrive at the Scugog Public Library. : Jury of One, M.G. Eber- hart, (LARGE PRINT); Piano: Guided Sight-Read- ing, L. Deutsch; Head of the Mountain, E. Haycox, (LARGE PRINT); Merlin's Keep, M. Brent; Beginner's Guide to Photographing People, R. Hattersley; Why Not Everything, B. Hirsch- feld; Your Career in Office Occupation, G. Klevins. The Magic of Gold, J. Marx; Peppy Baker, J. James, (Young Adult); View from the UN, U. Thant; From iP] - 7 7 Westinghouse central air conditioning KEEP COOL THIS SUMMER SAVINGS . ~ 5gQR. 22 Ton Unit 2 Ton Unit From .... A CB INSTALLATIONS Sponsored by Scugog Chamber of Commerce BEEF DRAW AT THE FAIRGROUNDS SUNDAY, AUGUST 13th 4:00PM. Draw for V2 Beef Tickets $1.00 each "sss sinan FREE. .. wer coven ® Call For Free Estimates You can be sure if its Westinghouse HEAT PUMPS Furnaces - Air Conditioning Call Bruce McMartin 705-786-2990---786-2392 &