12-- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., September 6, 1978 i a " J) € \ & 3} I'S > ad, ny, ol ; ot KS Aes cy 0 i), Officials from the Ontario County Holstein Club were kept busy during the 4 fair judging and keeping track of the contestants. The Mini Tractor Pull drew a large curious spectators. Organizers of the annual Port Perry Fair are general- ly pleased with the two-day event, and a spokesman said Tuesday that more than 9,000 people visited the Fair Grounds over the Labour Day weekend. Starting off with the "amateur show' at the Scugog Arena and the crown- ing of Brigitte Spannbauer as Miss Port Perry Fair, 1978, the fair attracted numerous entries in the special events, the: horse, beef, dairy and livestock shows. The Midway pro- vided excitement for people of all ages, and many groups and organizations set up in- formation booths on the Grounds. As always, one of the more popular events at the Fair was the harness racing Sun- day afternoon, and unoffi- cially, the total amount wagered is expected to be more than $22,000. The following is a list of the winners -in- the ~ Special Events at the 1978 Port Perry Fair. Royal bank Trophy - High- est Points in Vegetable and Roots Class - Laura Lyle. Flowers - Scugog Island Women's Institute Points - 1. Miss Alice Dodd-$5, 2. D.L. Gower - $3, 3. Mrs. Christina Prentice - $2. Simpson Sears Special - $25 Certificate - Highest Points .in Classes Domestic Science, Canning, Needle- work and Crafts and Novel- ties - Bethany Schryburt. Louise Patterson Handi- craft Guild Specials- Hooked Rug- 1st- $7.00 - Mrs. Dorothy Naples, 2nd - $3.00 - Mrs. D. Stanley. Hooked Wall Hang- ing - 1st - Mrs. Dorothy Naples, 2nd - Mrs. Gloria Atkinson. Honeydale Women's Insti- tute - Highest Points - Girls and Boys 19 and under - 1st-$5.00-Debbie Koch, 2nd- $3.00 - Anne Lamb, 3rd - $2.00 - Janet Lamb. Ontario County Cream Producer's Special- 5 Ib. butter - Shortbread - Mrs. Donald Crosier, Butter Tarts - Mrs. Howard Lee, Choco- late Brownies - Mrs. Donald Crosier. Cadbury Special - Choco- late Layer Cake - 1st-$5.00 - Mrs. Christina Prentice, 2nd- $3.00 - Bethany Schryburt, 3rd-$2.00 - Mrs. M. Annis. Schneider's Special - 5 Ibs. Crispflake - Apple Pie - Shirley Smith, Chocolate Cake - Mrs. Howard Lee, Butter Tarts - Mrs. Donald Crosier. "Port Perry Loyal Orange crowd of Lodge Special - Dark Fruit Cake - 1st-$15.00 - Mrs. Betty Sommerville, 2nd-$7.00 - Mrs. Howard Lee, 3rd-$5.00 - Mrs. Wm. Currie, 4th-$3.00 - Mrs. Christina Prentice. Special - $10.00 donated to. the winner of the highest number of points in the Domestic Science and Can- ning Classes together - Mrs. Christina Prentice. Junior Fair - Girls - Highest number of points - Sandra Bolton, Boys - High- est number of points - Harry Bolton. Best heavy Horse Team on Grounds - $10.00 donated by G.H. Kerry. Best Roadster, on halter - Trophy donated in memory of the late Garnet Cochrane, by the family - Wm. A. Malcolmson. Port Perry Fair Special - Boys or Girls Showmanship - Geral Henry. Special - Pony Tandem -. Thomas W. Duff. Junior. Gymkhana - "High Point Junior Exhibitor. St. Clair Special - Best Saddle Horse - B.J. Kuipers. Champions in Cattle - Herefords - Champion Male - Dr. Charlotte Horner, Re- serve Champion - Greenbrae Farms, Champion Female - Greenbrae Farms, Reserve Champion - Greenbrae Farms. Aberdeen Angus - Cham- pion Male - Ross Bailey, Reserve Champion - Miss Lynn Vivian. Champion Female - Ross Bailey, Reserve Champion - Phil Burkart. Shorthorns - Champion Male - Spring Grange Farm, Reserve Champion - Spring Grange Farm. Champion Female - Spring Grange Farm, Reserve Champion - Miss Lynn Vivian. Good weather draws recort $v 2 R &y, A