wo por bo hi Ld NR -- I J rs a PETS ra, . ad > YL Cyne mT SAE 'vf pe ay TL QE BERG a PAE ATA ow AN F_UN SRO MONEE. a oa SUX A A ris 28 eh ¥ i} gy tv bo; ad 5) } 4 Ov ra a ne Mt, AR ORT Pon, GA SE TT Ye Fo as =) ~ NSA ENS ee NAT ea WA : AST TE La ---- --_ art Se NAKA ae ae ISLA AY AL XL TT Cd tac «cial Ra ATR sive SANT > ho > 4 » ¥, 4 Wire BEY LAR A 8 CLARE ha ae se LL SE AHS SLL 3 NIA Np ar NU ATEN AN GRA RSet Ski Adit oid AM 30 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., November 1, 1978 News from Epsom and area by Jean Jeffery Spotlight on Baking is the subject of our short course sponsored by the Bethesda - Reach W.I1. under the leader- ship of Mrs. Bigglestone and Mrs. Stroud. We will meet at Mrs. Strouds home Novem- ber 6 at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. This is not for members only. Ron and Lorraine Brawn, Keith and Faye Ashton were co-hosts for the Couples Club last Friday evening. After enjoying skating at Port Perry Rink all returned to bridge Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Watson left for Texas but had a bad accident near Kitchener. Luckily they weren't badly hurt but had to replace their trailer but are now continu: ing their trip. Our best wishes. . Mr. and Mrs. D. Asling, Mr. and Mrs. A. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeffery all cele- brated a wedding anniver- sary last week. Julie Ashton visited Tracy Watson while Brett Hansen of Uxbridge visited her family home for Sunday evening. Mrs. Donald Asling visited her sister Mrs. Elsie Gorrell of Lindsay on Friday. Misses Linda and Lorri Bushell of Port Perry had supper Monday evening with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton. Several couples of our dairy farmers attended the Milk Producers Banquet in Uxbridge Saturday. Mrs. Dini Page accom- panied Mrs. Wendy Bateman of Port Perry to the Art Mart » [ape [apn [an [gm [gn [ ago [age [ apm [apn [aye | KUIPERS WARD | - REACH | have been living in the Township of Scugog for 12 years, 9 of which, | was farming at Honey's Corners on Seagrave Road. - 14 years in Real Estate, Developing and Construction; at Epsom Church Saturday November 26 at 8 p.m. Anyone interested is invited to attend. Congratulations to Miss Ruby Wilson on receiving her B.A. The family joined her at the graduation Exer- cises held at Sir Wilfred Laurier College at Kitchener in Memorial Auditorium. All were so pleased that her brother Roy from Cab- den was able to join them. Sunday evening guests with Mr..and Mrs. A. Watson * Cut, Wrapped & Frozen - 12¢ |b. * Killing - 38.00 2 head plus hide. % Side of Beef 31.35 Ib. Cut, Wrapped, Frozen, were Mr. and Mrs. A. Ceedia of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watson of Ajax. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ross Evans and daughters were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Acton of Stouffville on Sunday evening. I'm sure everyone is in- terested to know that lodal artists are planning The Great Pine Ridge Art Show, This exhibit will be seen in th Education Wing at Uxbridge Trinity United Church on November 4, 5 and 6. PONTYPOOL Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lyons and Carol of Lynn Lake, Manitoba were supper guests with Mrs. Hildreth Lyons and Darlene who is home for a week from Trent University, Peterborough. Jason Lyons was with his grandmother for the week- end while his parents Allen and Connie took a wee holi- day. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wallace of Oak Ridges were also dinner guests on Sunday with Mrs. Lyons. 110 1a % FOR 5 YEARS Epsom Church for a social other Christo in Oshawa where she demon- 1 pher Watson hour and lunch. on Sunday afternoon strated weaving. M i t d i Tapscott and John attended and Mrs. Murray Potter gd Barry Page camped by Ruby Fielding Best Wishes for a speedy Lamb, Mrs. Rob McKenzie q at Uxbridge High own) were Mr. and Mrs. George ox : 1s weekend near eS" Remembrance Service recovery to Georgie Leach and Mrs. John Kingstone | Ann Tapscott. Tracy Gour- Wilson and sons Stephen and ~~ tleton. Sunday, November 5th at who had surgery in Port attended the U.C.W. Region- i lie and Jeanette Houghland 00d Of Mississauga. They Mrs. Faye Ashton, Robert 1. 570, Perry hospital recently. al meeting at Claremont last le and Jeanelle Houghland 5000mpanied the Potters to and Jamie, Mrs. Lillian Rev. E. Linstead in Mrs. Aletha Holtby, Mrs. Tuesday 4 were guests of Jennifer the Sigma Phi Hallowe'en Lehman and Keith of Good- charge. Josephine Bain visited Mrs. Mr. od Mrs. Jim Car- If the Uxbridge Baptist Young Lonce in Uxbridge Saturday wood visiied Mrs. Sandra the Scarborough Kiwanis Maude Crosier and Mrs. michael Sunday callers with 1 Peoples Hay Ride evening. : _-- and Dustan on THUS" club will help conduct the Gladys Archer at the Port Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Mitchell. aN Many in Epsom and U The Bpromiptics UCW. 9 in Serviceandpaytributetothe perry Nursing home last Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hirst of ! X Many in Eps a a N X- will be held at Epsom Jamie, Keith and Dustin memory of the late Rev. G. week. | ai rl Drute pom ArT Church November 14 at 8 celebrated their 4h birth Wylie and to those who Mrs. Sadie McMaster Anness and family of Little i e ree ti ries LC recovery in York Central pm. Group 2 1n charge. oo Mion ere He served and gave their lives visiting Mrs. Ada Fielding Britain dinner guests with Howiiah Mr. Douglas is aC oyone welcome, h ; in the wars. Lunch and last Tuesday. . Mr. and Mrs. Art Fielding on ospita'. r uglas 1s a Mr. and Mrs. Allen Card T © Couples Club are fellowship hour to follow. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jennings Sunda ) volunteer worker for Ux- enjoyed having all their Planning a Pot Luck Supper The Manchester U.CW. of Eden Mills dinner guests y- 5252525 525252525252525 220252 G25 252525252525 252525252525 252625252525 252525252525 25252525252! will meet at the church with Mr. and Mrs. Fred ; ] Thursday, November 2 at 2 Lamb Wednesday. A A A AAH.H-HH V : p.m. Hostesses are Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dewey STERLING ' : J) . . . " + 3 il : son | T uch W.J. Mitchell and Mrs. Wm. of Keswick dinner guests : i Fora Councillor witha Personal Touch, ~~ § ¥.J witchelland rs. Wm. of Keswick dimer guests 520 LIEN Il MER | y 4 lation of the future officers Rgperts on Sunday. 3 0 VOTE 0 will take place. Mrs. Bill Lamb, Mrs. Ted i Ry CL i STARR d Monday, November 13, 1978 ) = d a i i] 4) ~~ JOHN py i hl a = =) " ; pid 3 H i % J : P hy rl i) J | : rd 3 {age [ag [gw [ogo [cpm [ogo [cm [go | CICIC C [ape [pe [ape [ae [aw [ [he [ae | a [he [te | ae [te | ln | fe | ole [te le [wt ie [ie [of | in [le | ole | ie | te | ce [le [le [le | ie | le | - 8 years in Farm Equipment Sales, 3 of which Sales Manager for Canada and U.S.A.; - also involved in School Board and Church Council. ICICI tn] [ae [ae Take | in| ole at - ALSO SMALL ORDERS - Delivered and Guaranteed. DON FORDER A ---- gl With this experience, | would like the opportunity to serve as your Councillor in Ward I. C) il $ ON PROCESSING OF YOUR BEEF 1p : 0 Please feel free to call 985-7254 or write to me at Box 813, Port Perry *5.00 OFF "irk This ab. Insurance Agency Lid q 2 for more information or transportation. o 1 Concession-South of Pontypool 24 WATER STREET, : H on Manvers 2nd line, ¥2 mile east. PORT PERRY 34 Ras 25250525252525 525252525252525852525252525252525252 525252 52525252525252525252525252525252525252 a ] E ORONO 983.5594 OSHAWA 7254245 Phone: 985-8471 b CHEE EEEEEE ATT TR : ELECT CLIFF CROWELL Ward 3 Councillor EXPERIENCE COUNTS * § yrs. Scugog (Island) Council with 1 Yr. as Reeve; * 1 yr. County Council; * 4 yrs. Scugog (Island) Planning Board; * 5 yrs. Scugog (Island) Hall Board: * 2 yrs. Industrial Development Committee, Scugog Township; * 7 yrs. Board of Directors, Scugog Chamber of Commerce: * 2 yrs. President of Scugog Cham- ber of Commerce. * Goverrior of Community Hospital; * Governor of Durham College. ON NOVEMBER 13th VOTE CROWELL, ciiff X For information or assistance call: 985-7871 ADVANCE POLL - NOVEMBER 4th STOUFFVILLE BAKERY LTD. PORT PERRY PLAZA 985-2412 CHRISTMAS CAKE LIGHT FESTIVE OR RICH-DARK 109% or: ON ORDERS TAKEN BY NOVEMBER 20th To be picked up no later than December 1st. ® 00 "ALL PRC - ..£ MADE BY US ... THE HOMEMADE WAY" We make Shortbread & Fancy Cookies.