RUAN ST wh ¥ HR 3 5a i h A | OBITUARIES py MRS. FLORENCE and was always keenly CN m news GRAHAM interested in all the com- Adhd A lifelong resident of Cart- munity's activities. 1! wright Township, Mrs. Court ~~ Mrs. Graham leaves to J by Mrs. E. Heron Christmas season last Sun- ney Graham passed away mourn the passing of a There was a lot of excite- day morning. ) peacefully at the Community loving mother and grand- ment in the village and area Next Sunday will be White pra. 0ria] Hospital, Port mother, a daughter Joyce x last Friday afternoon when Gift Sunday at the regular Perry on Sunday, November (Mrs. Gerald Kelly) and a ? ! 3 the barn on Mr. John Millers 11 :15 a.m. Service and at 10 5, 1978 in her 82nd year. son, Harvey both of Black- 3 farm burned. All the fire a.m. the church school is Mary Florence Susannah stock and eight grandchild- : equipment came from presenting a Christmas p00, of purple Hill on: ren, Cheryl, Blair, Mark and WA Brooklin as well as some programme instead of the A.) 15 1597 the daughter Robbie Graham, Elizabeth, & from Pickering. About 40 regular classes. Lunch will of John Toms and Ann Eleanor, Elaine and Esther ay head of registered cattle that be served and all parents are yance. She received her Kelly. She was predeceased is belonged to Mr. Wm. Reid invited to come along With oqyeation at Purple Hill by a sister Annie, and two 2) 5 perished in the fire. their children. . School. . brothers Fred and Wilbur Ry This barn was a land mark On Friday night of this On November 3, 1928 Toms. i and was used for many years week there is to be a Christ- pyorence married Howard The memorial service was Le) 'as a government quarantine mas Puppet Show at the Courtney Graham in a conducted at the chapel of LA barn for cattle coming from Community Centre put on bY double wedding along with McDermott-Panabaker, > » NG . 2 Scotland and going on to the Brooklin Public Library. her 'brother and his wife, Port Perry by her minister ye § parts of Canada and United There will also be singing by . wjlpyr and Elva Toms. Rev. Victor Parsons and a pos NEED FINANCING FOR @ States. This business was the children and carols. ~~ pogether Courtney and lifetime friend, Rev. John o 2 : a ied as by Faw To vo Soe , iss Florence successfully Hill of Coluning. Interment on i iller and his father before Vera Leacl : - farmed -in the Purple Hill was at the family plot in the Ad THAT NEW CAR? : hiro. Sudh Bead Hamil A area for over forty years Prince (ove Cemetery, 2 : ; : urns church was utl- rs. ba g il his sudden death in Prince Albert. ve Your Credit Union will loan up to 90% fully decorated for the la one day last week. wl Mrs. Graham lived the Hy of the car's value, »t just 12% per annum. Mr. Paul' Campbell has past five years in Black- : 5 . Life insured for eligible members. returned home after spen- go. RICHARD JOSHUA ) RUBBER - ding a holiday with his Florence was a faithful HORNE STAM PS parents in Scotland. member of the Bethel Metho- Suddenly at his Centennial ~~ Whittier wrote: Somehow sit Church and later the home, Reach Township, * fast delivery not only at Christmas but all Blackstock United Church Richard Joshua Horne PORT PERRY STAR the long year through, the oof which she attended passed away on Saturday 235 Queen Street Joy that you give to others is regularly. She was also a afternoon, November 18, 985-7383 the Joy that comes back t0 1,0 time member of the 1978 in his 74th year. you. Shirley Women's Institute He was the son of the late Richard Horne and Janet Swanick. He was born in | -1904, December 13th. 'V He attended Marsh Hill > Public School, Uxbridge ® High School, Toronto Univer- sity and Osgoode Hall. He hd was called to the Bar November 21, 1940. At the time of the last World War he went to Timmins and worked in the mines for awhile. A When the War was over he returned to Toronto and practised law for around : thirty years or more. : He leaves to mourn his 3 ' ® loss, his wife, Celia in Toron- to; two sisters, Mrs. Mona Mera at Marsh Hill, Mrs. Laura Waddell, Brampton; also two nieces, Mrs. Royce SE A OO RO A AE A NE NE SHAE} ORV Sid 5100 R100 Tio0 fin Brisbin and son John of EEE EE EE EEE EE EE EE EEE EE EE EE EE Mississauga; Mrs. Jack gg LEA fc TAMIR Sate Anderson, son Michael- and daughter Elaine of Bramp- ton. . HOW MUCH The funeral service was HOW TO PLAY HOY : All vou need is a selecnon ship, a penal, a buck and a here Tuck, held at Lowe & Lowe Ltd. Co = (Chapel funeral parlours) on The major prizes are divided into = : i tour separate prize pools - th Tuesday, November 21, at 2.% You can get selecnon ships tron our separate prize pools -- the ie Jie oa i JACKPOT Pool, the Second Prize p.m. Rev. John V. Roundell wedi Het A» Pool. the Third Prize Pool and the + of Greenbank officiated at cach ship vou'll see seven "boards" wath . ool, the Third Prize Pool and the ; numbers | through 39 CET GEESD Em LEI OEE Fourth Prize Pool. the funeral service. Inter- Using one "hoard" at A time, select any | 8 | The Fifth Prize is worth S5. Uxbridge cemetery. six of the 39 numbers. With a black S218 Pry sEFRR : caw wae Au esis : Vos holding nei; tickets in Pall bearers: Messers Neil i en i a Er I roprresty w RET rep tye abd nother 30 + oof thes . . } senal, make av 'meal mark mn th shox con Ger Yeh goad sot da Amd ec hansen nesta ne EE any of the tour pool categones will : 2p) IS Semin slovoed SRW TA PTA share that pool equally. i Pcs wey re Teech ns eda + son : For example, it the JACKPOT _oenix, h easy, Take your selecnon ship roa RR ccs ---- oo I ~ pool is S300,000 and 2 players have Saulnier and Harvey Web- LOTTARIO agent or retailer CL correctly chosen the six regular numbers, ster. Flower bearers: John who wall enter vour selected numbers in the LOTTARIO HOW YO cach player would win S150,000. Brisbin and David Saulnier. computer and issue you a receipt wath your numbers printed The weekly JACKPOT could be $100,000, $300,000, onit. That is vour LOTTARIO TICKET. Check it to Every week SIN regular numbers and a bonus number will $500,000, or more depending upon the number of people ensure that the numbers on it are the ones vou have chosen, be drawn on TV. playing LOTTARIO. In the event that there is no JACKPOT _-- . , ; Match those six regular numbers, in any order, and you're winner, the JACKPOT Pool builds cach week unnl someone A hf Ea h hy ard" costs ST ro play. You may play as many the JACKPOT winner, or, if someone else has also chosen wins it. J] rl Topuds ae pons mh In other words, it you played pA the same number, then you'll share the pnze. In Quebec, the JAC KPOT in a similar lottery was SSS, Nee But it you don't have all six numbers, there are sull over SI million betore being won. the Permanent 4 Then watch the draw on TV every week or check your thousands of other chances to win. : Canada Permanent Trust Company newspaper to sec if the numbers you've chosen match It you get five of the regular numbers nght and your sixth the numbers that are drawn. number matches the bonus number, you share in the big Guaranteed Second Prize Pool. It you've won, simply present your winning ticket to Or, it you match five of the regular numbers, your bundle Investment your LOTTARIO agent tor validation. If you've won of cash comes from the Third Prize Pool. } Certificates & SIA or less, the agent wall pay vou nghe there on the spot. Match tour regular numbers and you share in the Fourth - i If you're a by winner, your LOTTARIO agent will tell you Prize Pool. Debentu res how and where to clam your poze. And, it you match three of the regular numbers, you win 55. Not bad tun tor a buck! And there are bound » y to be thousands of winners every week, because the numbers vou choose don't have to be in the same order as those drawn. % INTEREST PAID ANNUALLY FOR FIVE YEARS 'Subject to change without notice DONFORDER ° °° | Insurance Agency Ltd. $ ONTARIO LOTTERY CORPORATION 24 Water Street - Port Perry PHONE 985-8471 % $s YOU DON'T JUST BUY ATICKET. YOU PLAY IT.