Rb ERB IERE ERB HRD HE community but by Marilyn Beacock Much can be said about the advantages and disadvant- ages of living in a small there's nowhere else in the whole world to be when tragedy or misfortune "strikes. Last Thursday morning the community held a household t. . ' ' » Lah LN . 1 $407, HEE OR SH. TRA SW I ein abutt tbc dich atbad dodo disci tmastsid davised dunisduaddiwisd| shower for Judy and Bob Grierson who very recently lost most of their belongings when their home was gutted by fire. . The community response to this need was tremendous as was evidenc- ed by the bountiful assort- ment of new and used gifts that they received. Other Potticary sends letter to Premier Davis 'Oshawa Mayor James Potticary has sent a personal letter to Premier Davis in protest over the voting procedure at Regional Borelians plan Feb. production After just completing four highly successful presenta- tions of a delightful fairy tale Puss 'n Boots, the Borelians are busy planning another production to be performed February 22, 23, and 24 in Town Hall 1873. i Auditions for the comedy, "The Second Time Around" will take place in Town Hall 1873, Tuesday, December 19, Thursday, December 21 and Thursday, December 28, at 8 p.m. Four male and four female participants are acting out this amusing comedy on the stage, direc- ted by David Ellis. Persons interested in taking active part in the many other responsibilities off and on stage please contact Susan Ellis, 986-4671 or Kathy James, 985-2827. GORDON & BOYS are back in the Scugog area and doing what they do best at the SUN VALLEY PAVILLION SEAGRAVE - ONTARIO Caterers to Weddings, Banquets, Dances, Club Parties, Anniversary Parties. THE MOST COMPLETE CATERING SERVICE IN THE AREA" PHONE 1-705-357-2303 council December 6 in which Walter Beath cast the de- ciding vote in his own favour to gain a new term as chair- man of Durham Region. In his letter, which was hand delivered to the Pre- mier's office on December 8, the Oshawa mayor questions the legality of the interpre- tation of a section of the * Durham Act which gave Mr. Beath the deciding vote in the event of a tie. - Mayor Potticary says that other sections of the Durham Act should have been applied which state that the clerk of the council assumes the chair until a chairman has been elected. In his letter, the Mayor cites a memoranda sent out December 4 to all members of Regional council which spelled out how a tie vote would be broken, and this procedure was not followed when the actual tie vote occurred. Mayor Potticary, who is a strong supporter of Oshawa alderman Allan Pilkey who was defeated by Mr. Beath, requests'a ruling on the matter immediately by the Premier. The election, says Mr. Potticary, should be declared void and a new ballot held. VEO IIVIVIOTOVTovIvoveOreveveeGeeeeeeeeeeee IVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VI TIVITY local and area groups have also given monetary assist- ance. At the Park Associa- tion Dance on Sat. evening they were presented with an envelope of money received from donations left at the store. The money will be used to help defray the ex- penses that will be incurred rebuilding their home. Bob and Judy expressed their sincere appreciation to all for the kindness and gener- osity shown them. We wish this young family all the best in the future. On Saturday afternoon we had a very special person drive his reindeers up to the front of our general store and stopped by to say hello to Dorothy and Gloria but he especially wanted to hear the wishes of all his little friends. Thanks to the gals at the store for writing to the North Pole and arranging this visit. I'm not sure who enjoys this season more - the kids or me! Kids, moms and dads don't forget the Sunday School Council out of options (From page 1) the intersection of Regional Road 23 and the 12th Con- cession Road. Mr. Rush asked for the meeting on December 18 and he will be accompanied by Mr. R. Binning, the owner of the farm from which the lot in question would be sever- ed. Just why Mr. Rush wants this meeting and what the council hopes to accom- plish is not known at this time. While members of the present council have ex- pressed privately the feeling that the Township really has no other options at this time and will eventually have to pass the zoning by-law, a second related matter is presently before the Ontario Cabinet awaiting a decision. A severance application by Mr. Rush has been formally rejected by the Durham land If the Cabinet rejects this appeal, the severance can not be granted. Members of Scugog Council have written Cabinet ministers and been in contact with agriculture minister William Newman, asking that the Cabinet deny the severance appeal. | ABO IRBORD SABER IRS © WINDCREST FARMS QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY Wish a Merry Christmas to our many customers! FOR YOUR FESTIVE NEEDS We have a good supply of Fresh & Frozen Grade A Turkeys, Short Shank & Skinless Hams, Boneless Dinner Hams. A Large Variety of Selected Cold Cuts. We would be happy to make up trays of cold cuts for your party. Let's make this a Safe & Happy Holiday Season. ing (Wed.) Seagrave and area news Christmas concert this Fri- day evening at 7:00 p.m. If all you kids are good there's a rumour that Santa just might make an appearance but remember - that's only if you're good! Seagrave U.C.W. Unit 1 will entertain the residents at the Community Nursing Home on Mon. Dec. 12 The gals of Unit 2 will meet at the home of Mrs. Terry Lavereau on Mon. Dec. 18 at 8:00 p.m. for their Christmas meeting. You are cordially invited to attend a Christmas Eve service at the Seagrave church on Sun. Dec. 24th at 7:30 p.m. The morning service will be held as usual that day at 10: It's really amazing to what lengths some people will go to get a cup of coffee in the wee hours of Saturday morning! Our annual Fellowship Sister is to be held this even- Your roving reporter Donna Wanamaker will have a report on this and other goodies in next weeks column. Please call her at 985-8350. PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., December 13, 1978 -- 7 CONWAY GARDENS RESTAURANT Hwy. 7A - PORT PERRY This Friday Night - 5 to 8 p.m. LASAGNA NIGHT $3.50 Salad Bar - Dessert - Coffee 38505252525252525252525252525252525252525 25250 5252525252525252525252525252 Pr ap ap wp nw ap ap a a ap hn 02% GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 5 Year 102% int. annually 5 Year 10%% int. semi-annually 5Year 10 1/8% int. monthly Minimum $5,000: Member of Canada Deposit Insur. Corp. CALL COLLECT: LINDSAY 1-705-324-8100 Mon. to Fri.: 8:30a.m. t0 4:30 p.m. Agent for MONARCH TRUST COMPANY LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER 235 WATER ST. - > LAKEWOOD Canadian ,Stepstove 985-7391 - PORT PERRY $348.00 won 5350.00 ror $288.00 5338 00) worn $308.00 worn $630.00 (No Air) 508. 00 WORK HORSE (With Air) 3478. 00 CONVECTO HEATERS atone 10.90 (6 Tube) 127.50 (8 Tube) 3152.95 LAKEWOOD Cottager CHIMNEY CLEANER (2 Ib. box) '9.85 | PROJECT CHIMNEY (7" & 8" diameters) Cannel COAL (15 Ib. box) d | 95 Antrachite (40 Ib. box) 6.95 x i . > Nh, ». = a -~ 2504} Nw IAL ht ar 2K RR -~ ds ~ ERS Sores] rd 0% « & o_aaS LN - a ~ a DS Np rar a 7 » EA RY 2 TF ROT a ~ SrA - Hon a Now CEA INE TAS v, by av Nea IH Fl ls ~ Ach ALI Sp erH ~ um. ~~ 3a A wy, Hey 2S KS ny Ta eR pL . Y a, - Rwy ATI a Yd = - RN " SS. Art RATT os Sea a ZT hk ESAS, els Pe 2 Ce