Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 28 Dec 1978, p. 9

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VY EER TERE, Epsom and area news by Jean Jeffery Mr. and Mrs. Allan Card had their family home for Christmas Breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. Card enjoyed & Christmas Dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Monsma of Utica. Jack and Kathy also entertained his parents Mr. and Mrs. Rinck Monsma and his sister Darlene. Today (Tuesday) the Geer family will meet for supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Geer at Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gourlie entertained the Gourlie family on Christmas Day. sister Mrs. Joe Kernohan and her family of Richmond Hill for Christmas Dinner. The Epsom Christmas Concert was very lovely indeed. We were blessed with so many children who entertained musically in such a professional manner. Thanks especially to Donna Van Veghel for all her work. On Christmas Eve most of the Epsom Congregation enjoyed the church service at Goodwood. A beautiful service, well attended. Most of the Hansen family were able to be home for Keith Ashton and children, Dr. Pat Asling and Ivan had Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Asling. On Tuesday Mrs. Don Cordingly and daughters Laura and Darlene of Sandford called on the Aslings to visit her sisiter Joan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Houghland and Mrs. Grace Taylor were Christmas dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. E. Houghland of Whit- by. Howard Ashtons enjoyed a visit (via the telephone) with Lois and Barry Bushell in Holland where they are visiting Paul and 'Shirley Baster. Today the Ashtons enter- tained their family, Linda ® Mr. and Mrs. Maharajand Christmas. family entertained her sister Dr. Jerrold Asling, his wife Shantie Boyd of Oshawa on Joan and daughters are Christmas day. Boxing day spending the holiday week guests were her brother with his parents, Faye and Jewan and his wife Tara Rajpatee and their children Denice and Deanne of Toron- Ri $ Hi ingette *® On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. { Arthur Powell entertained by Doreen Kendall the Ewan family with a Only one game to report Christmas Dinner on Satur- this weeK in the "Tween" day. On Bupday night Mr. givision with "Ives Florist' an Vs fie oy e; Mr. and pagting "Ivins Angels" to Mrs.A. . owes yr. and the tune of 11 to 1. This one Mrs. John Begin and Mr. gigeq effort was largely due Daird Barnes were dinner to the super effort of goal guests at Arthur Powells. tender Michelle Andrews. On Monday - the Arthur Scoring for Ives had Janet Powells family joined her p,q the big gun with four . . rs 10%4% FOR FIVE YEARS If Interest is Paid Annually. Interest payable half yearly or may be left to compound. . EMMERSON Insurance Agency Ltd. All Lines of General Insurance. I Ng i W W i Ed i 0 - 0 SAVE SAVE Reasonable WHY PAY MORE FOR HEATING SAVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY FOR ALL YOUR FUEL OIL NEEDS 1517 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY Telephone Today! Call Collect 668-3381 % ig iB SAVE X i i i - il ~ Prompt, Courteous Service Vensmnm amma? Report | goals, Rhonda White had a hat trick and two assists, Pam Daniels had two goals and an assist, Ann Hooge- veen 2 goals, Kelly Fowler was credited with 2 assists. The lone marker for ""Irvins was scored' thy Debbie Warriner assisted by Kelly Storry. Ives sportsmanship award of the week goes to Jill Kendall for her super effort - well done Jill. The big winner in our stocking draw was Mr. Kowal, congratulations, sir, we hope you enjoy it. A very Special thanks to Mrs. Val Butt and Mrs. Jackman for 'looking after our Draw and making it such a terrific success. To all the merchants "our special friends', Thank you for without your continued support of Ringette we just couldn't make it. Congratu- lations to Brenda Foote the gal who sold the most tickets. On behalf of all the Ringettes, coaches, managers and executive we wish all the "'Star" readers a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. 'See you at the rink. Atom selects doing well by Paul Van Camp In their first game they played Uxbridge and came up short 4-1. Scoring for Port was Willie Edwards from Karl Durham. In their second game they showed that they improved and beat Sunderland 3-2. Sunderland took a quick lead and held it until the third period when Joey Forder scored from Robbie Baker and Mike Gibson. One minute later Robbie Baker scored from Joey Forder and Mike Gibson with 4 minutes to go in the game. Jay Bowen scored from John Harmon to put it away. Final score Port 3, Sunder- land 2. The defensive pairs of~ Brian Dean and Doug Dusty and David Culbert and Todd Soomre played very well. On Saturday the 16th we travelled to Sunderland and were defeated 5 to 3. We had goals from Robbie Baker assisted by Joey Forder, Jimmy Abraham and Joey Forder both had unassisted goals, Steve Solomon played a very hard hitting game. Darryl Bradt and Chris Cookman played well between the pipes in all three games. rs INS 1 Ld LF 4° . , w 5 ' | a 7 = bd PA LER ' ' 'he Are pia NTA 3 A = ' ' ve Ve , ' ¥ ' . , 1 ot iv die EN JA 4 4 on: ANG go An the deg 8 ' go AIT Ie BS 'ow , r A : y 3 Sond guninbudon Addis _--_--_--------,---------- Yas Ad - - 4S § WEE LAR AM , ' , . ) ' ££. 4 . ' ers vos i Fae: Por I A 18 F ow v5 SEY ' J ' ILE LS v es FE ERAVEIS SAIN SETUP ARIE IIAP 34 PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Dec. 28, 1978 -- 9 Let us save you money onyour TRANSMISSION REPAIRS Factory Trained Experts Genuine Factory Parts PORT PERRY CHRYSLER LTD. HWY. 12 & 7A - MANCHESTER 985-7329 and Lorie Bushell and Marlin Leny. On Thursday Beverly Simmons called on Mr. and Mrs. Ashton. Sun- day Mr. Clifton Gibson called and on Tuesday their niece Mrs. Mabel Lehanne Carol and Susan of Colum- bus. Miss Brenda Payne of. Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Begin Christmas Day. Brenda's parents are spending Christmas in Vancouver. Mr. Bruce Foote of Uxbridge and Mr. Kevin (Turn to page 19) NOTICE TO RESIDENTS Of Scugog Township, Manvers Township, Town of Newcastle & City of Oshawa NOTICE OF APPLICATION to the Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of the Township of Scugog for approval of by-law to regulate land use passed pursuant to Sec- tion 35 of The Planning Act. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Scugog intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 35 of The Planning-Act for approval of By-Law No. 9-77, passed on the 27thglay of November. 1978. A copy of the by- law is furnished herewith and a note giving an explanation of the purpose and effect of the by- law and stating the lands affected thereby is also furnished herewith. ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY, within twenty-one (21) days after the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the clerk of the Township of Scugog notice of objection to approval of the said by-law or part thereof giving details of all or the portion of the by-law to which you object and detailed reasons therefore, and shall indicate that if a hearing is held the objector or an agent will attend at the hearing to support the objection. ANY PERSON wishing to support the application for approval of the by-law may within twenty- one (21) days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the clerk of the Township of Scugog notice of his support of approval of the said by-law together with a request for notice of any hearing that may be held giving also the name and address to which such notice should be given. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve of the said by-law but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the by-law will be considered. Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an objection or notice of support and who have left with or delivered to the clerk undersigned. the address to which .notice of hearing is to be sent and, similarly, to any person who has filed a request for a change in the provisions of the by-law. THE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS will be January 11th, 1979 DATED at the Township of Scugog this 20th day of December. 1978. Signed: Doreen M. Van Camp, Clerk © Township of Scugog, Box 209. 181 Perry Street, Port Perry, Ontario. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG EXPLANATORY NOTE The purpose of By-law No. 9-77 is to amend the zoning By-Law No. 1175 of the former Town- ship of Scugog as amended to provide for changes in minimum house size for each zone in or- der to make minimum requirements uniform with other wards in the Township. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG BY-LAW NUMBER 9-77 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND THE FORMER TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG BY-LAW NO. 1175 AS AMENDED. WHEREAS Consideration has been given to the provisions of By-Law Number 1175. as amended, the Council of the Township of Scugog deems it necessary to amend the said By- Law; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG enacts as follows: I. That By-Law No. 1175 of the former Township of Scugog. as amended. be further amended as follows: 1. By deleting Section 2(g) and inserting the following therefore: "2 (g) "FLOOR AREA" means, with reference to a building. the total habitable floor area within a building which area is measured between the exterior faces of the exterior walls or from the centre line of a common or party wall, but excluding any private garage. breezeway. porch, verandah, balcony, sun room, attic, basement or cellar." 2. By the addition of a new Section 2(s) to read as follows: "2(s) "CELLAR OR BASEMENT" means that portion of a building between two floor levels which is partly underground but which has at least half of its height. from finished floor to un- derside of floor joists of the next above storey, above the average finished grade level ad- jacent to the exterior walls of the building and in which the height from finished grade to un derside of the floor joists of the next above storey is less than six feet (6) 3. By deleting sections 4(b), 4(bb)-& 6(b)Xi) and inserting a new Section 4(b) to read as follows "4(b) No Single-Family Dwelling, Farm Dwelling Unit or Summer Cottage may be érected - unless it conforms with the following requirements: FLOOR AREA: Minimum in Zones A & B e 1 Storey or Split Level . .... Co 1.000 sq.ft 1% Storey ...... 1.200 sq.ft 2Storeys . 1.400 sq.ft Il. In all the other respects By-Law No. 1175 as amended shall remain the same 111. This By-Law shall come into full force and effect on the date of passing subject to approval by the Ontario Municipal Board. Read a first time this 9th day of May. 1977. Read a second time this 27th day of November, 1978 Read a third time and passed this 27th day of November. 1978 Lawrence S Malcolm, Mayor Doreen M. Van Camp. Clerk via S Pc ry TRY SA ps oy a ~~ a A EE oh NT ci vl A TW am 4 SNS Se a Re ae SN - h a -. "ee PA NT Wh pa RACE ~~ a AN WL = le GR A re SEAR Ae oe hg or AS Pe .- Pes oo " a. 15 PAT a - " ti -- - i ert A 208 Briss REI. 7 > ne RR "zm ot Cas -_ re ey $a " . A A ' hes Id 2) z nN ve BA oe 2a oo -------- oom = Ta FOE x . ¢" 0 «*¥ "a ~ ~ re Fe Eb LI

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