PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 25, 1979 -- 1 LI 1 4 -y . . & TI, HE y.0 . Lo (as Re." FE pr . 132 ol ' pie / L4Lh ' $5.0. dls ie i *. ? 4 HERS | RN, ' al "1980 Chevrolet Citation offer. Small outside with its sleek, aerodynamic design, it's big inside, seats . See 5 adults. Citation is sporty, swift and smooth. The front-wheel drive gives you good traction in rain, snow and mud. i £2 irst Choose from 2-door coupe, 2-door club coupe, 2-door hatchback coupe : or 4-door hatchback sedan. Standard _ 1 ront-wheel drive cars iment of the 80's Come Con py ky with the | | Chevrolet & Oldsmobile cu oe soon uxury and engineering, that's Omega. i! na nes Small outside but with just about the > i ° space and comfort of a mid-size Oldsmobile i a inside. The front-wheel drive with 5 beh i nd them transverse-mounted engine gives you more | a traction and stability. Step up to the 4 1980 Omega. Sized for the times. ; You'll know when you see it and a A when you test drive it. ) ) { 8 4 4 ® | ah ) PAE NEU A 7 >a) i nen mi : hil el 1. "Test Drive Them a Today at BEARE MOTORS LTD. 268 Queen Street - Port Perry - 985-7351