B A Fae VINES, REAP FRI ' [1 Es RARE TN AT TEL $a b 4 by Jackie Boyle The stork finally made its appearance inh the wee hours of Friday morning to drop its precious. bundle on the Sommerville family, and add to the ever growing male population of Seagrave. Congratulations Betty, Len and Melody Anne on the safe arrival of your new family member. Attention! There will be no more Beaver meetings at the Church. Instead there will be a basketball game at the park on Wednesday, May 9 at 6:30 p.m. for all Beavers. The 1st Seagrave Beavers colony wish to extend their appreciation for the kind co-operation the past year to Dorothy and Gloria of the Seagrave store. "Also many thanks to the U.C.W. for catering at the Father and Son banquet. The Beaver - ree has been scheduled for June 2 at Poplar Park in Port Perry. A letter will be sent Pine Ridge Garden by Norma Frew The Pine Ridge Garden Club met Tuesday evening May 1st at the Nestleton Community Centre. The hall was an array of colour with cut flowers, plants and hanging baskets taken by the club members to be judged in the Mini-Flower Show. The business part of the meeting was conducted by the president Mr. Roy .Grierson assisted by Mrs. Bernice Mairs as secretary. A film on drying flowers was shown and proved to be very interesting as the members are to collect and press flowers during the Did You Know.....that Community Care assists Senior Citizens with home maintenance, visiting, trans- portation and assistance for shopping and appointments. Please book a day in ad- vance. Call 985-8461. summer for a Fall meeting when they will be shown how to frame them. Following the meeting the judge for the show, Mrs. Russell Little from Little Britain gave some helpful hints on why some exhibits were better than others. These comments were very beneficial for those who will be exhibiting in the Septem- ber Show. Prizes for the many winners consisted of bulbs, plants and gardening sup- plies. Members were reminded of the official opening of the Scugog Shores Museum on Saturday, May 19 when Her Honour Pauline McGibbon will participate. The Garden Club will be planting and maintaining a herb garden again this year at the museum. The meeting adjourned by ten o'clock after coffee and snacks. A ' ah va Va ! : ERR FUR SARC PARTI TAN TRIAS S SARE CY to all Beaver parents giving details. . Any questions please call Angela Dykeman at 985-8563 or Erin Porter at 357-3303. Surprised though she was, Glenda Hutcheon was well deserving of the coveted "Girl of the Year" award presented by her sorority chapter "Zi Epsilon Theta." Birthday box contributors on Sunday included Fern Tobin, Cliff Short and Jack Short. Happy birthday to all of you. Many good wishes for another successful season to good friends Bill and Carolyn O'Brien who are opening their orange roofed market on Hwy. 12 this Friday. Family Sunday and Mother's Day will be cele- brated this Sunday at the Seagrave Church. There will be no Sunday School classes on this day. "Opportunity Now" is a Presbytery Program where volunteer lay people from the Presbytery have been going in pairs to every Pastoral Charge "Telling the Story". Two of their members will visit Green- bank, Seagrave and Pine- dale at their regular hours of service on Sunday, May 20. Your minister will conduct the service and they will bring the message. Seagrave Sunday School Anniversary will be cele- brated on Sunday, May 27 at 11 a.m. with Mr. Don McCrown as guest speaker. Seagrave Communicant Class will meet this Thurs- day, May 10 at 7 p.m. at the MAY 9th to 19th Open Daily 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday & Friday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. FISHER PRICE & LEGO 15% OFF Ad da ALL OTHER STOCK 25% OFF GERRARD YOU ~~ INVITES to . N JE "A Children's World L of Discovery" 6 BROCK STREET WEST UXBRIDGE 852-5255 ) nome of Mr. and Mrs Standish. Seagrave Unit I of the U.C.W. will sponsor Marilyn Scott Porter in concert at 8 p.m. onFriday, May 11 in the Seagrave Church. Admis- sion is $2 for adults and $1 per child. There will be a Work Day at the Seagrave Park this Saturday, May 13 starting at 10 a.m. Please find time on your busy Saturday to take part in this undertaking. The official park opening will be Saturday, June 2. PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, May 9, 1979 -- 27 . News and views from Seagrave and area More details concerning this will be given at a later date. A good turnout was repor- ted at the Fun Day on Sunday at Uxpool, sponsored by the Mothers Auxiliary of the Scout Movement. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wanamaker entertained Bill and Sharon and family, Ron and Leona and family. of Oshawa, and Neil and Donna and family to a pre-Mother's Day dinner at the Deer Park Inn on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wanamaker spent Bert last Ci ilar "_ XF ff EASA Ad? y Joar NT re AE aR 8 4 fT hl - vl ATE 2 I ne RELL AL a TT tT CREAR Wednesday in Haliburton visiting Mr. and Mrs. Walter Webb. The exhibition baseball game at Little Britain was washed out on Sunday evening. The season opener will see our Seagrave 'greats' play Oakwood this Sunday, May 13 at 6:30 p.m. Come out and support your favourite (Seagrave) team. Please call Dianne Puckrin at 985-2489 with your news for next weeks column "Your friend is your needs answered." - Kahlil Gibran Honeydale new officers Members were reminded of the Bake Sale and Sale of Crafts to be held in the municipal rooms on Friday, May 11at2p.m. Motto and Program was taken by Mrs. Thelma Mec- Creight. Mrs. Mabel Cawker and Mrs. Grace Bassant. "'A house is full of logs and stones, of tiles and posts and piers. A home is built of loving deeds that stand a thousand years," was very well presented by the group. The minutes of the previous annual meeting were read by the secretary and the meeting was dissolved after all convenors had given full reports of the year's activities. Mrs. Henry Wotten, District President, presided over the installation of the newly elected officers for Honeydale Women's In- stitute. Mrs. Florence Ellicott acting as Secretary; President - Mrs. Clara Warren; 1st Vice-President - Mrs. Helen McMaster; 2nd Vice-President - Mrs. Thelma McCreight; Secretary - Mrs. Florence Ellicott; Assistant Sec. - Mrs. Mable Cawker; Treasurer - Mrs. Irene Philip; District Director - Mrs. Edna Wilson; Alternate - Mrs. Marion Bell; Public Relations - Mrs. Mabel Cawker; Tweedsmuir History Curator - Mrs. Margaret Cornish; Branch Directors - Mrs. Mary Har- dy, Mrs. Mae Allen, Mrs. Ina DeYonge; Auditors - Mrs. Helen McMaster and Mrs. Vera Honey; Convenors - Agriculture and Canadian Industries - Mrs. Marion Bell; Citizenship and World Affairs - Mrs. Vera Honey; Education and Cultural Ac- tivities - Mrs. Helen Mec- Master; Family and Con- sumer Affairs - Mrs. Thelma McCreight; Resolutions - Mrs. Marion Johnston; Public Relations - Mrs. Mabel Cawker; Fruit and flowers - Mrs. Grace Bassant. Following the installation, Mrs. Wotten spoke briefly from the Home and Country magazine, touching on the subjects as for Resolutions, Cultural Projects, The In- ternational Scholarship, The International Year of the Child, Special Activities, The Foundation Fund and the Helen McKercher Scholar- ship. Florence Ellicott P.R.O. N14 0 100 GN WY Now has a Store in Port Perry GRAND OPENING [JAN ES Ela VEINS EIA ERCER AV [oo [SIR {eX Sale To S-Ni gern PORT PERRY - 108 WATER STREET CELERY ES OSHAWA 725-4234 ULLIAES ULE I ETAT ER EE A Se AAT REE 0.559 rer qu BE, 5 oe ha