4 53 Dr. lan Wilsen, Liberal candidate for the riding of Durham Northumber- land with his wife Catherine and Jessie Robertson of Port Perry, after a meeting last Wednesday with senior citizens at the Latcham Centre. Visits Senior Citizens Wilson condems '*hate campaigns' The federal Liberal candidate seeking election in the riding of Durham- Northumberland has condemned the two opposi- tion parties for running what he termed strictly - "hate Trudeau campaigns." Speaking to a large group of senior citizens at Port Perry's Latcham Centre on May 9, Liberal hopeful Dr. Ian Wilson added that while constructive criticism is all right, 'the blanket condem- nation by the Tories and the New Democratic Party during the campaign is immoral." Dr. Wilson, a Cobourg surgeon, said that Canada's achievements are the envy of all countries, and prove that this country 'has had good leadership over the past ten years." He called the Tories and NDP campaign strategy an 8 . . SEAGRAVE -ONTARIO M & M TIRE Goodchild & Vanbeek SEAGRAVE Sales & Service J Quality Work - Reasonable Rates P.O. Box 1187. Complete Collision & Rust Repairs 9 85- 2 0 1 8 "9 85.8 065 416985 3859 DORs) Ga MARIO BRIENZA 1 * Masonry Contractor Stone - Brick - Block Work SEAWAY WATER SUPPLY us Fireplace Crystal Clear, Health Inspected Water RENOVATIONS Custom Built Homes For Wells - Swimming Pools - Cisterns Competitive Prices Additions YEAR ROUND DELIVERY aE e 985.2630 Port perme »| 416-683-1397 705-786-2517 985-8645 or 985-3492 erry D & D HEATING LTD. HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 4 Gas - Oil - Electric - Metal - Fabrication - A.DUTTON Res.: R.R. 2 - PORT PERRY - 985-7221 JAMES RANKIN ELECTRIC Residential - Farm - Commercial BOX 1148 - PORT PERRY 085-8537 REASONABLERATES FREE ESTIMATES +1 SUPERIOR ALUMINUM yn PORT PERRY Selected Dealer with 25 Year Written , SPEEDY TV SALES Zenith - Quasar - Toshiba Hatachi - Admiral WINDOWS - DOORS - TROUGH " Fp FREE ESTIMATES . ] 108 WATER STREET - PORT PERRY BARN REPAIRS (Interior & Exterior) 985-8418 985-3912 Oshawa 725-4234 Whitby 668-1818 id ° Rick Larocque RELIABLE Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Electric Contractor New EA - ene ° ° . Alterations - Power Drain Cleanin Residential - Commercial - Farm BERT FABER = PHONE 886.234 "Service is Our Business!" R.R. 2 PORT PERRY 985-3261 CUSTOM BUILT Co ' HOMES St Clair imi. Additions or Renovations the paint $76.2431 Rec Rooms - Framing & For Free Estimates Call: paper 1150 Simese Shen North, . J & D CARPENTRY people. omer - 579-4191 me 985-8618 attempt "to play on the emotions of people." At one point during his 25 minute address Dr. Wilson charged that the claims by the opposition parties that Canada is in a mess "'are an insult to the intelligence of people like you." "Show me a country anywhere in the world that has achieved as much as Canada," he said. Dr. Wilson, who was accompanied at the meeting by his wife Katherine, told the audience that as far as he is concerned the main issue in this election is national unity. "Without a united Canada", he said, '"The economy will not thrive or survive." While stating that he personally does not think the majority of people in Quebec want to separate from the rest of Canada, Dr. Wilson said that in the event that it did happen, the consequen- ces for the Ontario manufac- turing sector could be grave. If trade barriers went up, the market for a lot of products produced in Ontario could _dry up, he stated. He said that Prime Minis- ter Trudeau is the only person capable of dealing with the national unity questions, and claimed that the other parties have not shown an understanding of Quebec. "That's a fact of life," he said. "It may be a sad one, but it is true." Dr. Wilson, who practised medicine in Quebec City from 1957 to 1966, scoffed at PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, May 16, 1979 -- 35 suggestions that the Prime Minister is to blame for the success of the Parti Quebe- cois three years ago. He said the people of Quebec had had a long succession of bad provincial governments, and they accepted the promise of the PQ to provide better govern- ment. Responding to a question about the emphasis in this campaign on leadership rather than policies, Dr. Wilson said he agreed that there is too much stress put on the "cult of leadership", and suggested that this may have been manufactured by the media, going back to the days of '"Trudeaumania" in the 1968 election campaign. Dr. Wilson also took a shot at the multi-national oil companies, suggesting that they just can't be trusted to develop and sell Canada's energy supply to the maxi- mum benefit of all Cana- dians. This is one of the reasons, he said, why the federal energy company Petro- Canada "'is here to stay". He also said Petro-Canada has a role to play in developing energy sources where the initial capital costs are too high for private enterprises, and mentioned the Alberta Tar Sands as an example. Dr. Wilson had been invited to speak at Latcham Centre by the Port Perry Senior Citizens Club. Both Conservative incumbent Al Lawrence and NDP candi- date Fred McLaughlin have spoken to the senior citizens in previous weeks. Prince Albert news by Ruth Bonnell The following item was omitted from my last column: Doug MacMillan and Harvey Dearbornes and their families spent a holiday in Florida. Mrs. C. Vernon visited her mother Mrs. J. Swain, Blackstock on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Andrews were guests at the Plylypiw - Blackner wedding at Kingsview United Church, Oshawa on Saturday. On May 6th the Les Beacocks and their family Don of Seagrave, Grant of Toronto and Bryan of Shirley Road, plus their families enjoyed their annual Mother's Day dinner at the Ga estaurant and Tavern in t Perry. Mr. and Mrs. D. Brown and baby, Peterborough, and Miss Robinson and friend, D. Chambers, both of Toronto were company with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Bidgood have returned from an enjoyable visit in Spain. Mr. and Mrs. George Allison of Blackstock accompanied their daughter Mr. and Mrs. B. Beacock and Philip to dinner at a res- taurant. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cherrie and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hodgins enjoyed three weeks of holidays in the British Isles. Mr. and Mrs. Buckley, London, England are guests with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Alan Martyn. Rev. Brawn delivered a special Mother's Day Service on Sunday, which was well attended. The Sunday School sang, accom- panied by Mrs. Lorraine Andrews at the piano. We wish to extend a warm welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Simon who have moved to the former home of M. Elford. Congratulation} to Bill and Sharon Wanamaker, who celebrated their 6th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday. They attended a dinner and dance in Oshawa. On Sunday Ross and Marg Sweetman, took Bill and Sharon Wanamaker and Sara, and Glen and Lynne Sweetman and Robbie and Mrs. Leta Doupe to dinner for Mother's Day. The Couples Club will be meeting at the Church on Friday, May 25, 8 p.m. for an evening of games and flicks. All are welcome. FENCE & PATIO CENTRE ES Oh LT ON \marpsing i * Commercial & Residential * Farm Gates & Fence Li T5721 Teunton E. W Mile E. of Ritson Rd A po Rg re Fo Bw mad Ah ~- Ro ALCS a