IT TL POR ALY TS 4 os, Sl I" LEA RATA . L . ' ' + 1) 4 " yd ' % ; TNE 3A IY FOIA cesbtctotsntbid isto avai stboarmainismudetoininscol dio il PLIES I | '" LIT v5 elimina dani tnapicakois sor dunesaiobi dit edie PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 11, 1979 -- 29 AUCTION SALES SATURDAY, JULY 14 SALE TIME: 11 A.M. Antiques, furniture, applian- ces, large qu. of antique furni- ture, building lot, some farm machinery, old car and truck at estate of Late WILLIAM HOLDER, MANILLA, Ontario. Building lot 124 x 190 reserve bid, 1952 American Studebaker car, good 1947 2 ton Studebaker truck, riding lawn mower, farm sleighs, horse cutter with doors, grain blower, 50° belt, cement mixer, boat traller, 1924 Frost wood reaper, heat houger for 165 M.F. tractor, plywood boat, pressure system, forage wagon, Ford zero grazer, manure spreader, Case horse drawn manure spreader on rubber, post hole digger, chain saw, snow- mobile cutter, fanning mill, antique corn scuffler, 30° hay elevator, "grain wagon, single plough, double plough, 3-speed bicycles, antique rocking chairs, insulators, vilas maple bunk beds, wardrobe, chests, desk, 8' section of kitchen cupboards, sectional chesterfield, flails, antique boom, butter maker, 2 sap kettles, parlour tables, antique washstands, 8 pc. toilet set, 5 pc. Meachin toilet set, 6 dining chairs, console stereo, antique wooden beds, old high single bed, wooden radio, pine quilt box, iron pot, oll lamp, hump back trunks, separator, pressback high chair, ginger- bread clock, organ stool, 3 pc. antique bedroom suite, antique dressers, 1895 painting, large qu. of old picture frames, antique wheel chair, wooden high chair, loveseat, iron bed brass trim, books, kitchen cupboard, round dining table, console Singer sewing machine, spacesaver couch, 6 oak dining chairs, elect- ric stove, nursing rocker, sealers, oak antique bedroom suite, Moffat 2-door frost free refrigerator (like new), old flat back cupboard, slate black- board, pine flat back cupboard, antique kitchen cupboard, dinette set, chesterfield, large refrigerator freezer, television, white enamel oll cook stove, antique parlour stove with oven, oak dining table, china cabinet, drop desk combination, washstands, old chairs, drop leaf tables, dishes. Note time: 1 A.M. Noreserve. Orval McLean Auctioneer, 324-2783 Lindsay (if no answer call 324-0182) SATURDAY, JULY 14 .SALE TIME: 12 NOON ANTIQUES AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Auction sale of the property of MR. & MRS. PETER AND CLARA YZEREEF, in the village of Downeyvlile, Lot 7, Conc. 10, Emily Township, 6 miles north of Omemee or 8 miles east of Lindsay on County Rd. 17 to Foxs Corner and 1 mile south to Downeyvlile. Pair of matching press back chairs, two parlour tables, cedar chests, pedestal coffee table, china cabinet, Queen Anne rocker, wash stand, Duncan Phyfe table and 6 chairs, umbrella stand, oak vanity with bevelled mirror, trunk, 5 pc. dinette, oak fireplace mantel, antique beds, wall oil lamp, Depression glass, crystal, .mantel clock, 6 place setting British Anchore dishes, 26" colour console R.C.A. TV, cabinet hi-fl stereo, (New) wringer washer, 5 pc. chrome suite, H.D. stove, 2 pc. chester- field suite, electric sewing machine, carpets, office desk and chair, filing cabinet, books, electric lawm mower, luggage, water skis, tools and many useful household and cottage furnish- "ings. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 12noon. Lunch available. Calvin Mabee Auctioneer, Lind- say, 705-324-4567. "Sale Due to Building Renovations.' Jyn PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, JULY 21 SALE TIME: 10 A.M. SHARP Auction at M.and M. COACH- WORKS, R.R.1, Nestleton on 7A Highway. One Lakefield 16' fibreglass boat and trailer, excellent condition. Must be sold. John Pearce Auction Service - 985-7492. Jyi8 MONDAY, JULY 23 SALE TIME: 7 P.M. Sale of antiques, furniture, china and collectibles, including 9 pc. dining room suite, bedroom suite, secretary, etc. Detalls next week. Sale to be held at Altona Country Barn on Picker- ing-Uxbridge Townline, 3 miles west of Claremont and one mile north. Terms cash. John Annis Auctioneer - 655-4663. MONDAY, JULY 16 SALE TIME: 1:30 P.M. Auction sale, the property of AUSTIN MacLEOD, Dunsford, Ontario. Take highway 36 V2 mile north turn left on Cedar Glenn Road, 1st farm on right, Furniture, appliances, 30' house boat with inboard outboard motor, Snow Prince snowmobile, snow Jet snowmobile, 1963 Ford econoline pick up, 8 x 8 garage door, trailer, qu. 6 x 8 concave picture frame glass, moulding, doors, roll leatherette, vinyl, wood stove, 2 gas space heaters, insulated chimney, acorn fire- place, chimney flue brick, roto tiller needs repair, sump pump, large GE refrigerator, apt. size electric stove, single continental beds, double beds, chrome set, R.C.A. 26" console colour televi- sion, dining room suite (modern buffet, table and 4 chairs), lamps, reclining chair, console television, console stereo with cassette, electric dryer, some dishes. No reserve. Farm sold, owners moving West. Orval McLean auctioneer 324-2783 Lindsay. THURSDAY, JULY 17 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. FURNITURE & ANTIQUES Auction sale of Furniture, antiques, and collectibles, the property of MURRAY TAYLOR, 36 Third Ave. in Uxbridge, (opposite high school). 3 pc. bedroom suite (good), chairs, picture frames, matching ches- terfield, love seat and chair (blue and gold}, dresser, collection of old jars (Beehive, Beaver, Anchor, Queen, Doolittle plus many others), broad axe, Dough box, wooden pump, iron pump, marble clock, bells, string of bells, antique scales, brass hames, and harness brass, several antique crocks, blue flowered 4-gal. crock, old tins, iron pots, lanterns, antique pop bottles, old tools, tobacco cutter, antique radio trimmed with Bird"s Eye Maple, collection of antique milk bottles includes 19 different dairies, dishes, covered cheese dish, shaving mug, moustache cup, 3 antique Arrow back chairs, 1 wicker baby carriage (antique), harness maker's tools, plus many other antique items. 12 ft. Sportapol canoe (like new), 2 reel type self propelled lawn mowers. Sale at '6:30 p.m. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge 416-852-3524. . "SATURDAY, JULY 28 SALE TIME 11 A.M. ESTATE AUCTION Large auction of Furniture, Antiques, Collectibles of the BROWNSCOMBE ESTATE, 23 Franklin St. in Uxbridge. Beautiful 9 pc. dining room sulte with large round table ( a very unique suite), bedroom suite, pine chest, wicker table, wicker chairs, occasional chairs, oak wardrobe, trunks, chesterfield, several small parlour tables, organ stool, walnut chairs, drop leaf table, Setting for 12 of Limoge China (Bridal Wreath), complete setting for 12 of siiver- ware, sliver Tea Service, several sterling silver pieces, dishes, cut crystal, antique vases, several pictures, large qu. of books, sewing machine, sewing goods, and yardage. NOTE: This is one of the beautiful old homes of Uxbridge know as Gleeholme. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd. Uxbridge. 416-852-3524. Jy25 SATURDAY, JULY 21 SALE TIME: 9:30 A.M. Auction sale for the property of ERNEST WATTS, R.R.3, Uxbridge, on Con. 14, Scugog Twp. 5 mi north of Hwy. 47 on Durham Road 23, then 1 mi. east on Con. 14. Findlay "Super- Oval" cookstove (Gold), Black "Pot belly' stove, G.E. refriger- ator, piano & bench, built-in dish- washer, freezer 22 cu. ft, Maytag dryer, antique buffet, sofa & chair (green), coffee table, chrome kitchen table, console radio and record player, record player with amplifier & speaker, children's slide, family swing, picnic table, books, garden tools, workshop tools, sump pump, pasturizer, assorted small animal cages, ""Hav-a- hart' animal trap, 17 sectional steel overhead door with track and hardware, propane pool heater, pool table, 52 sq. shing- les (black), electric fencer with wire and insulators, elevator - 24' on wheels, 8' water trough, 4' water trough, plus many other items. Sale at 9:30 a.m. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. Jyis 985-2459. FRIDAY, JULY 13,1979 SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. The Property of LUELLA HARPER, 108 Victoria Drive, Uxbridge, 1st street north of Hospital. An excellent sale of antique household furniture, glass and dishes, including Bowmanville rocker, platform rocker, 4 chicken coop chairs, walnut sideboard, walnut tea wagon, Windsor arm and side chairs, Boston nursing rocker, "Modern cookstove - (coal or wood), tredle sewing machine, wool winder, Pine blanket box, Oak extension table, Empire arm chair, brass and iron bed, 5 pc. bedroom suite (Depression), 2 dresser top swivel mirrors, 2 old chests of drawers, 2 wash stands, Empire chest of drawers, set of 6 can bottom chairs, set of 6 Oka dining chairs, Empire sofa, Oak secretary, Oak hall table, drop leaf table with Jacobean legs, old quilts, spool bed, 5 pc. wash jug set, 2 mantle clocks, sealers, silver tea set, carnival glass, candle holders, coronation plates, qu. of Bone china cups & saucers (Bavaria, Nippon, etc.), oil lamps, 2 copper boilers, qu. of pressed glass, 2 sets of old goblets, salters, part set of Nortake Nippon china, tea sets, 7 crocks (2, 3, & 4 gal. etc). Berslum tea set, plus numerous other articles. Note: Everything in this sale is old, an antique collector's paradise. Owner in Nursing home. Terms cash. No reserve. John Annis - Auctioneer - 655-4663. Jyn SATURDAY, JULY 21 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Complete clearing auction of comtemporary and antique furniture, glass, china, appli- ances, tools, misc. items, etc. The property of MR. ROY MCWHIRTER, located on 13 Queen St., Brooklin, (off Win- chester). Partial list includes 7 pc. maple dining suite, large maple hutch, excellent sofa and chair (like new), mahogany drop front desk, 4 pc. bedroom ensemble, swivel chairs, walnut coffee & end tables, drop leaf tables, rockery treadle sewing machine, occasional tables & chairs, table & standing lamps, clocks, oll lamps, crocks, Orthopedic box springs and mattresses (6 mo. old), pictures, mirrors, Royal Doulton dinner set for 8, ""Tlara", crystal setting for 8 "Esquisite", cups & saucers, silver service, sets of dishes, cutlery, Moffat self cleaning stove (1 yr. old), Philco fridge, Viking upright freezer (2 yr. old), Westinghouse fridge, Akai stereo w/2 speakers, R.C.A. colour T.V., humidifier, vacuum, B.B.Q., ping pong & shuffleboard games, lawn furniture, tools, linens, blankets, books, tin caddies, garden tools, 164' chain link fence and other misc. items. This is an excellent sale of good clean merchandise. Terms cash or good cheque (with 1.D.). No reserve. Property sold. Kahn Auction Services - 985-8161. Jy18 SATURDAY, JULY 21 SALE TIME: 11 AM. FURNITURE* TOOLS" ANTIQUES Auction sale, the property of MR. & MRS. L.B. ROBERTS, R.R.4, Port Perry, Lot 2, Con. 3, Scugog Township, formerly Reach Twp. Located west of Utica to the first road of Mast Road then south to stop sign, right to the third house south side or first side road south of Junc- tion 21 & 23 go east to third place south side. John Deere riding lawn mower excellent condition, tractor 8 snow blower with chains, Moffat stove 24", Viking stove, Viking refrigerator with full freezer, Westinghouse 2-door refrigerator, R.C.A. Victor stereo, 15 cu. ft. Viking freezer, chesterfield, chairs, Lazy Boy chair, bar, utility table, clocks, roll away bed, lawn furniture, picnic table, mirrors, heat lamp, fan, dishes, kitchen utensils, antique chairs, 3 galvanized well tiles, Skil saw, large qu. of good tools, TECO jet pump, chain lengths and breaker, bag cart, electrical supplies, glass blocks, steel fence posts, ladders, plum- bing supplies, anvil, road axe, heat reclaimer, many more articles too numerous to men- tion. This is a large sale of excellent quality items, well worth your attendance. Proper- After a brief respite from farm activities Sam and Mabel Cawker have just re- turned from the National Women's Institute Confer- ence held at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, June 24-29th. Comments Going as far West as mid- north Saskatchewan one is impressed by the fact that Manitoba and Saskatchewan are pretty well tied to a one industry economy agricul ture. With seeding three weeks behind normal we found many crops just peep- ing through very damp fields -others fairly well establish- ed but the story is only starting. Though a favour- able growing season may promise much, early frosts can still shatter the farm- er's returns by reducing both quality and yield. On a bus tour of some irrigated land near Diefenbaker Lake the grain was well established, but a few miles distant enter- ing a dry-land farming belt our guide remarked, 'You may think this is prime farm land but before purchasing any you should see it near the end of July" which makes one aware of the hazard of drought which is the bain of the majority of western agriculturists. So don't begrudge Saskatche- wan its new uranium strike. It surely can stand some diversification. Nestleton Women's Institute The regular meeting of Nestleton W.I. was held at the Nestleton Community Centre Wednesday, July 4th with 11 members and 1 visit- or present. The President Mrs. W. Bolan welcomed one and all and opened the meeting by singing the Ode and repeat- ing the Mary Stewart Collect in unison, an appropriate poem was read, "Thought of the Week." Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. M. Firlit read the minutes of the last meeting. Cards were signed for the ill. The Roll Call "Should Can- ada open doors to all nation- alities for immigration 'was well answered. Mrs. L Malcolm reported prices etc. re-zeroxed copies of the original Nestleton Tweedsmuir History Book, which was compiled by Mrs. G. Thompson. Note: The Auction Sales THURSDAY, JULY 19 SALE TIME: 12 NOON Auction sale of furniture and large qu. of china and glassware, many of which are antiques, the property of MRS. FLORENCE EAST in the village of Caesarea on Pleasant View Street. Press back nursing rocker, antique wicker baby rocker, antique beaded footstool and organ stool, small Duncan Fife table, antique iron tea wagon, baby cradle, antique tables, antique washer stand, settee chair, hat rack, bevelled mirror, wooden bucket, iron kettle trivet, etc, four - fluted epergne (pink and white), green epergne, 5 nodders (Vicar and wife paper mache'), 5 pieces of embossed Venetian glass, 12 glass cups flash cranberry tops, silver spoon holder and spoons, 2 small cruet sets, Limoge cream and sugar, German salt & pepper, Royal Doulton plates, jardinlere, large fish platter, Joseph Cook (Port Perry) bottle, parlour spitoon (Germany), large carnival bowl, pitcher and 5 cups, Orchid painting, ink well and old pen, Avon bottles and collector's bottles, "Daily Bread" plate, hundreds of other articles. Terms cash or good cheque. Sale at 12 noon. Lunch available. Reg and Larry ty sold. Lunch available. Auctioneer - Murray Jackson - Jyi8 " gh ad A 7 Johnson - Auctioneers - Ph. (705) 357-3270 Jyis deadline for ordering a copy of the History Book is August 1st. A musical interlude follow-, ed. The president led a march around the room to the lively music "Canada, This Land is Your Land" with Miss G. Malcolm lead- ing the singing. A Motto "A man's feet should be planted in his own country but his eyes should survey the world" was given by Mrs. G. Thompson. The convenor Mrs. A Beacock presented an interesting pro- gramme on Citizenship. 0O'Canada and the Institute Grace brought the meeting to a close. A delicious lunch was served by Miss G. Mal- colm and her group. Mrs. W. Jackson extended a vote of thanks to those responsible for another splendid meet- ing. Next meeting will be held Aug. 1st and the Roll Call is "Name a citizen who has contributed much to the pioneering of this commun- ity. North Nestleton Church News The Church will be closed during the month of July. The Church Picnic was held at the latter part of June of the spacious grounds of Mr. and Mrs. Norm Mairs home with a good attendance. Mr. and Mrs.Vincent Ward, enthusiastic workers of the Nestleton Church, will be leaving in the near future for their new home in New Brunswick, and a farewell party and the presentation of a Macrame Table was made at this time. The Wards are fine neighbours and friends and will be greatly missed by all within the Nestleton area. - "Warmest Wishes' are ex- tended to Vincent and Gladys Ward from all their friends. Did you ever stop to con- sider who is in the hundreds of cars which pass through Nestleton? If you would like to know stop in at the Pink Shoppe and read the guest book, Places listed include New Zealand, Netherlands, Florida, England, Alberta, and New Brunswick to name only a few. Birthday Party Recently a family birthday celebration was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mairs, Nestleton, when little Katie had her 1st birthdav A delightful celebration and we do wish Katie a Happy Birthday. Little Heather Arlene Mal- colm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Malcolm had a happy celebration - her 2nd birthday on June 17th. Best Wishes to little Heather on her big day. Baptismal Service Miss Allison Melissa Mal- colm, daughter of Glenn and Arlene Malcolm Nestelton, was baptized on Father's Day, June 17th in the Nestle- ton Church. A family gather- ing was held at her parent's home. Social News After completing the Kati- mavik Programme, an en- joyable holiday in Newfound- land, Laurie Malcolm, Nestleton, arrived home by train on June 30th. Laurie will be employed at the United Church Camp (Scugog) for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mairs, Nestleton, were sun- day evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Slute, ~ Nestleton, Caesarea news R.R.1 Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Slute, Sr., were also present. Mrs. Gertrude Grieve and Mrs. Lillian Grainger from Wolverhampton, England were guests of Mildred and Bill Fortune recently. Mrs. Grieve is Bill's cousin who he has not seen since coming to Canada Twenty- six years ago. It was Mrs. Grieve's first visit to Cana- da. Mildred and Bill took them to the C.N. Tower, Ontario Place, and Niagara Falls. Though the visit was short, many pleasant hours were spent reminiscing. Mr. and Mrs. George Don- nerall, Nestleton, visited Terry and Lynda McElwain at Gelert. Nestleton friends will be glad to hear that Terry, Lynda, Robert and Scott gre all well and send greetings. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Donneral were Philip and Violet Langfeld, son of Mrs. Donneral, and Rosemarie and John Abbott, granddaughter and great grandson. The Langfeld's guest Miss Jean Scott from New Zealand accompanied them. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donneral this past Sun- day were Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson, from Oro Station. Mrs. Johnson is Mr. Donneral's sister. Saturday evening supper guests with Mrs. Bruce Hea- slip, Nestleton, were: Mrs. Alvin Bruce and daughter Marge of Manchester, and we are pleased to report that Mr. Bruce Heaslip was home for the evening as well. Friends are pleased to learn that Mr. Stanley Mal- colm, who has been staying with Mr. and Mrs. L. Mal- colm following surgery in Oshawa General Hospital was able to return to his apartment in Port Perry on Wednesday. Very pleased to report that Mr. George Bowers is im- proving nicely and has been home for the weekend, going back to Oshawa Hospital for therapy during the week. Mrs. Bowers has had surg- ery this week in Port Perry Hospital. Mrs. Rose Briggs in in Port Perry Hospital and there is no change in her condition. On behalf of the whole area "Very best wish- es" to all those in hospital for good health soon. Sympathy is extended to the relatives and friends of the late Mrs. Elsie Clark who passed away this past week. She had a host of friends and will be sadly missed. Weekend guests with the Cawkers at the farm were: Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cawker and Cathy of Oshawa, they also managed the farm while Sam and Mabel were in the West. We do appreciate their efforts slaving on the estate during those weeks. Thanks a lot, folks! News for next week, please phone 986-4715 FENCE & PATIO CENTRE wali ) ES ei * Co 'mercial & Residential * Fai n Gates & Fence * T-Bar * Bart Wire 725-1 721 * Insta 'ations & Repairs Tounton E. \& Mite E. of Ritson RY. FRESE) © VEER 1 ELE REG AERA a er a Se eT ARR IE pe il ae RE ERAN Cog oi a k aI at EN wr AT RN JN. oe,