8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, August 1, 1979 nig - CH a. J de i 5 It may look easy, but tossing ball through the hoop proved to be no snap for most of the kids. Playground leader Joan Healey gets set to ""wheel'"' Candice Knight. or orl AR AFT SY EO RTS Playground kids get by Veronica Green Children from play- grounds in Grenbank, Port Perry, and Seagrave spent Monday afternoon July 30th learning how to lawn bowl. Approximately 40 children were given a crash lesson and game by members of the Port Perry Lawn Bowling Club. The children enjoyed this new found sport and the members seemed to enjoy teaching them. Many lawn bowling mem- bers as well as the play- ground staff members felt it was a great way to get the two community resources together and support each other's program. Theree isn't enough use of our available summer facili- ties by the young children. Maybe something like this will start a young people's lawn bowling club. We would like to thank the Township of Scugog citizens for their support in our play- Port playground by Joan Healey The fourth week of Play- ground has passed and we are now into the fifth week. We spent last week trying to keep cool in the intense heat. On Monday afternoon we all enjoyed a swim in the Il. Tuesday afternoon we found a different way of cooling off which was run- ning through the sprinkler. Pirate day was held on Wednesday, July 25th. The children enjoyed dressing up as pirates and playing games related to the theme. we also had a Treasure Hunt for all the children with a special surprise as the treas- ure. On Friday, July 27th, Port Perry Playground was the site for a field day for all the Playgrounds. The children got involved in various types of events and prizes were given to the different teams. This Friday, August 3rd, Port Perry Playground will be holding their fund raising event. We will be having a car wash at the covered bus entrance and the price is only 50 cents. The hours are from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. This event is to help raise A kids' field day On Friday, July 27th the five playground programs joined together in a morning of competition in Port Perry. Twenty teams were made up and rotated around ten activities such as a sac race, over and under relays, tire and dress-up relays. It turned out to be a smashing success for every- one involved. The over-all winning team of the day was made up of Blackstock members with teams from Seagrave receiv- ing the 2nd and 3rd place ribbons. money for Playground so please give us your support. There's only one week left of Playground so you better hurry if you're going to join in the fun. lawn bowling lessons ground program walkathon. The children from the 5 playgrounds walked 3 miles and made over $500 to be used by the playgrounds to take a trip to Bowmanville Zoo and for extra equipment needed in the playgrounds. On August 10th between the hours of 3 and 5, the playground staff members are putting on a penny carn- ival at the Latcham Centre. All children in playground and not in playground in the Township are invited to come. We are having lots of fun activities during the 2 hours to entertain your chil- dren while you parents justr browse around the Western Weekend activities. So kids, start saving those pennies and why not bring a friend down with you to the latcham Centre. Hockey in July, playground style. Treena Monroe stickhandles through an obstacle course. % & EA