Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 12 Sep 1979, p. 12

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ph A, ng po or re IE gh ~ AAD I vw ~ a goof i PAT SNe BOON, Se a BNI Ng 0 a Tn ra Y ALOE NA RON «NT mY x Cahn 'member 12-- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., September 12, 1979 Nestleton, Caesarea area news by Mrs. Mabel Cawker Nestleton Women's Institute . The regular monthly meet- ing, of the Nestleton Branch was held in the Community Centre, Nestleton, Wednes- day afternoon, September 5, with 11 members and one visitor present. Mrs. Grant Thompson, a valued chaired the meeting in the absence of the President Mrs. Wm. Bolan. The Ode was sung followed by the Mary Stewart Collect. Secretary Mrs. M. Firlit read -the minutes of the last meeting. A card was signed for the ill. The Roll Call: "How local places: came by their names", was well answered. A Leadership Training Course re 'Indoor Garden- ing" will be held at Maple Grove Church on October 19th, two Leaders to be sent to take the training, from each Branch. Co The Central Ontario Area 77th Women's Institute Convention will be held 'at the Royal York Hotel, Toron-. to, on November 8th & 9th - Theme "Children not only have to learn what their parents learned in school, but also have to learn - how to learn. This has to be recognized as a new problem which is only part solved." The guest speaker for the Thursday evening Banquet will be Mrs. Evelyn Moore of the Oakwood area - a former teacher - having taught at Leslie Frost School. in Lind- day, and has also served on the County Board of Educa- tion. Mrs. Moore is well qualified to speak on this timely Theme. Discussion groups are a feature of inte- rest for Thursday afternoon, a learning experience for the many delegates in atten- dance. Attention! for those who are planning to go to the Convention must register «with the Royal York Hotel not later than October 5th. A tour of Pine Ridge " "Pottery, east of Nestleton on 7A Highway was enjoyed in . the afternoon. The owners Gordon & Beth Curnou offer many attractive choices in pottery. One design produ- ced is named "Nestleton Pottery". After the tour members returned to the Centre to complete the meeting. The Motto: "You can start a fire with a chip on your shoulder", was given by Mrs. Minnie Fisher. The essence of her talk centred around appreciation of others. When resentment builds up friendship is strained. Forgiveness is a wonderful healer. Programme was presen- ted by convenor Mrs. Harry McLaughlin. She told members about two talented local men - Mr. Bill Leish- man and Mr. Neil Newton - both very successful in their professions, namely - Crafts- man & Photographer. An excellent talk. Several members are inte- rested in obtaining a copy of Nestleton Tweedsmuir History, as well as the History of Cartwright. "0 Canada' and the Insti- YOUR SPRING GARDEN JUST ARRIVED FROM HOLLAND! TULIPS - DAFFODILS - CROCUS - HYACINTHS And there are so many colours and varieties to choose from. Plant them now and watch them spring up beautifully! - FALL FERTILIZER SPECIAL - With a Purchase of either Winter Guard 4-9-15 OR Winterguard & Weedaway ... Receive FREE A 5 kg. Bag of Anti Icer (valued at $3.39) a KE LIMITED THICKSON ROAD N., BROOKLIN 655-3331 1010 DUNDAS ST.W., WHITBY 668-8190 J = our insuran love you VI tute Grace, brought the meeting to a close. Mrs. Ben DeJong voiced appreciation to the programme convenor Mrs. McLaughlin for arran- ging the tour and her fine talk, and the group leader Mrs Don Frew for a most delicious lunch. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, October 3, in the Centre. Mrs. V. Bryant, Hamilton, District. President of West Durham, will be guest speaker. A good attendance is hoped for. Nestleton United Church At the Service Sunday morning Rev. Victor Parsons chose as his Theme "A Time for Investment'. Miss Gail Malcolm sang "My God and I" with Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm at the organ. Mr. Ralph Sadler took the offering. Service will be held next Sunday at the usual time 11:15 a.m. A cordial welcome awaits any- one who would like to attend. Sunday School commences next Sunday at 11:15 a.m. Mr. Robt. Mairs is the Super- intendent. Come on Kids -- the Sunday School teachers are looking forward to meet- ing the regulars as well as new faces. Don't disappoint them! Picnic Supper The Picnic held by the Pine Ridge Garden Club at the Norman Mairs lovely estate was a successful event and enjoyed by those in attendance. The diners had a great variety of food of different countries, and all very delicious. Those who weren't able to attend really missed a treat. Enjoyable Trip Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes, Nestleton have just returned home from a two weeks vacation to Winnipeg by train, visiting friends Lou & Tina Cain. While in the West they visited many points of interest, and came home rested and relaxed. Birthday Celebration The family of Mr. Jim Abernathy of Bowmanville, held open house on Sunday afternoon at St. Paul's United Church -Hall, the occasion being Jim's 85th birthday. Many friends and relatives were on hand to wish him well. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes attended this special day to extend best wishes. Belated Happy Birthday to Jim. Social News of Interest Mrs. Gillian Wilson of Oshawa spent an afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson of Nestleton recently. . Mr. and Mrs Gordon Fréw of Norwich spent a couple of days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Don Frew of Nestleton. Gordon is a brother of Don's! Wilfred and Hazel Wilson, Nestleton, took George and Ella Bowers to dinner at Conway Gardens on Sunday evening. George is progres- sing well, now goes in for therapy a couple of times a week. Son and daughter-in-law Jim & Carol Dayes, Julie and Stephanie, from Brooklin spent Sunday with Fred and Mabel Dayes. Miss Laurie Malcolm and Miss Mary Lou Robinson, Nestleton, are attending Sir Sanford Fleming College in Peterborough. Report of Hospital Patients Those in Hospital: Mrs. Hattie Cole and Mrs. Rose Briggs, Nestleton, Mr. Brian Judson (Mrs. Vernon Malcolm's brother). Mrs. Tom Robins of Caesarea, is improving since surgery in Toronto and is home week- ends and is taking short walks. She is taking therapy at the Rehabilitation Centre, Sunnybrook Hospital, and has been staying a good deal with her daughter & son-in- law Wayne & Donna Westman in Agincourt. "Warmest Wishes" to all these folks for good health soon. Ceasarea Euchre A good turnout last Wed- nesday night with quite a number from Port Perry and Uxbridge area present. Results as follows: 1st - Betty Ringham, 2nd - Bill Ringham, 3rd - Doris Grills. A delicious lunch is a feature of these Euchres, so next Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. at the Community Centre for fun and fellowship. News for next week phone 986-4715. : Port Perry High School New Faces for old places by Diane Lackie - The annual September leaf fall has seen the departures, too, of some familiar faces from the staff at Port Perry High School. However, top calibre replacements curr- Fenny 7 WILLIAMSON For the Best Deals on New G.M. CARS or TRUCKS RICHARD HUNT MOTOR SALES Uxbridge 852-3331 L Thinking of Leasing? Give us a Try! »y ERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 193 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY 985:7306 ALL LINES OF GENERAL INSURANCE. cea don't just and leave you. Annual Interest 104% Semi-Annually STANDARD Annual Interest 10%% Semi-Annually the munidpal sANgs & I0aN ConPoraton 5 YEAR 11 Annual Interest 10%4% Semi-Annually VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST Since 1844 5 YEAR Annual Interest 10%, macdonald-cartier trust company + 11 Annual Interest 10%% Semi-Annually ently fill the vacated branches. As was reported in the earlier Star edition, Arend Dekker, Claire Miller, Ron Firth, and Tallya Moore will be exercising their abili- ties elsewhere this autumn. To replace these consider- able losses, new 'leaves' have been recruited and are now budding in the High School and the community. Port High welcomes the fol- lowing recruits. Don Westlake, a friendly giant from Harwood Secon- dary, whose specialties" are Physical Education and Mathematics, steps into Arend's Adidas. Mrs. Sally Steele from Donovan Colleg- iate also teaches Physical Education, taking classes vacated by Mrs. Gwen Scott, who has moved into the Math Department. Miss Linda Kay comes direct from the Toronto Faculty of Educa- tion to assume Mrs. Moore's varied Home Economics and basic timetable. Mr. Keith Hooper, after 1 year at Ux- bridge High and 10 at Ander- son Collegiate, a specialist in drafting and woodworking has acquired Claire Miller's impressive woodworking 'and building construction programme. All new staff hold qualifications similar to their predecessors' and three of the four have valued experience in their respect- ive fields. Teachers staffing at the high school remains at 64 and student enrolment curr- ently is similar to last year's. Principal Doug Williams ex- pressed enthusiasm over all returning staff members and the newcomers in their exceptional skills for serving the school and the commun- ity as a whole. w» Q Ll 3 « EY BN 24 4 ) 1} J Ns

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