Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 12 Sep 1979, p. 32

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32 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., September 12, 1979 Auction Sales | SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 22 ' SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. de i | TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 18 Contents of antique and second Py 238) | SALE TIME: 11 A.M. hand business know as Barn L vay ! Auction sale of farm stock, Sale, 401 to Thickson Rd. S., turn £2 i implements, grain corn, straw right at lights and first barn on . i 3 , and furniture. The property of left (Barn Sale written on barn). a MURRAY CLARKE, Lot 1, Con. | Pine spool bed 54", mahogany 3 A 5, Scott Twp., 2 miles north of | high boy chest and matching aN ' Uxbridge and 2 miles west (on dresser, 2 bevelled wall hung ip townline) or 1% miles south of | Mirrors 39 x 33, 29 x 20; oak and p Wal Sandford and 2 miles east. Half | Pine dressers with mirrors, ¥ iN semintal cow with 3 calves by walnut buffet (excellent condi- 5h side, Hereford and Charolais cow | tion). hall desk, planter table, A C.A.S. (400 Ibs), Holstein heifer | china cabinet and maching NY x (yearling), Holstein and Semin- buffet, qu. of chairs, pressback as "fal heifer (yearling), calf (400 | cane, captain, legal and letter 5 iA Ib), 20 good breed sows (McLeod size filing cabinets (wood and gud breeding) some with pigs, some metal), 2 oak lecture desks, é {i ) close up, 100 other pigs from office chairs, 3 student desks, ols weaners up fo market weight. upright radios, mirrored coffee x £d £1 Farrowing crates, pig scalding table, new chrome and glass end ed tank (thermostat controlled), | 'ables, pair of paster base lamps, i 3 Cockshutt 1750 diesel tractor | number of chandeliers, 12 good oh A (with dual wheels) good condi- | White carpets, variety of " i - Ang i tion, 2 Cockshutt 30 tractors, | fextures, sizes 9 x 12 fo 20 x 12, RE i A McCormick Farmall tractor | trunks, beds, tables, numerous : © model M, A.C. Gleaner combine, Plejures ar frames, assortment 3 7 / | self propelled, model E. 10 ft. | of dishes, plus many other items. Yi Smith 4 { h i grain header, 3 row corn header, ogy cash or pod i . (3 - a C ' ' : y s is a large sale. an to . "A555 0% ; : . . : Meol tiie bist Ms. Ns ip attend at 10:30 a.m. Lunch = 5 SR "Sy? The marriage of Nancy Oshawa took place Saturday, < with long feeder, drive belt, Ford | available. King and Jackson - "5 FF .. Dorothy Hatch of Seagrave July 28, 1979 at the.Anglican #230 hydraulic disc, 13 ft. tandem | Auctioneers. 985-2643 985-2459519 to Philip Kevin Smith of (Turn to page 33) wheels, (good 2 M.H. tillers (6 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 22 ' F and 9 blade), 2 wheel trailer 4 fon ae me ranam Ligx ac (H.D.), 1 ton Goodison mixer, FARMING i Case manure spreader, Case HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Sonja Helene Muehlbach William Hodgins of R.R.1, i wagon and rack, M.H. power and Willi Ross Ashb ed their h i binder (8 ft), J.D. manure Auction sale of farm mac- | Of Oshawa and William urn open eir nome a f spreader ground driven, truck Rioery hd some housenoig Joseph Graham of Port for a miscellaneous shower frame with hydraulic hoist, 2 ins propel lye Perry, were united in and card night at which time McCormick power lift cultiva- | Jo Fol J miles south of | Marriage Saturday, July 14, the young couple was tors, drag harrows, bale eleva | wu nrook and % mile west. | 1979 in Port Perry United presented with many lovely tor, grain augers, |.H.C. seed t . v fi drill 15 disc. Ford plow 5 furrow | Safurday. September 22. 1968 - | Church 'with Rev. Stuart gifts and a sum of money. semi mounted, grain trailer with | 3%0 David Brown diesel tractor - | McEntyre officiating. June 8th there was a hoist (300 bu), B & D sprayer, | JL Ct Cl ev. 374 | The bride is the daughter miscellaneous family ry many other articles, approx. 15 , . y k hi held at the hon f fon of grain corn, McClary cook | 100 fruck 4 speed 7000 km., Int. 3 of Alfred Muehlback, 125 shower held at the home o stove, piano and bench, bedroom furrow fiough = Ace Eehom Norwood Court, Oshawa. Mrs. William Graham Sr. in furniture, antique extension | 5" "AWN Sh © UITOW | The bridegroom is the son of Port Perry. Hostesses were table, Kenmore dishwasher, | PIOUON 3 Ph. snow I 3ph. cock. | Mr. and Mrs. William Mrs. Ross Wallace, grand- couches, wardrobe, bedding, | op 15% Sower mower, Fleury 2 | Graham, 315 Bigelow St., mother of the groom and chairs, bedroom suite, large qu. furrow plough, A.C. side rake | P. P Miss M Grah M of other articles. Farm sold. ye ' Jon, 4 he je ort erry. erna Graham, sister Terms cash or good cheque. Sale a FOL wer, poiate Given in marriage by her of the groom. 0) hiller, 2drum land roller, 2 dump i at 11 am. Note furniture sells | "ol wheel trailer, & | father, the bride was beauti- Mr. and Mrs. Glen rion a rey avn, | section drag harrows, M.H. seed | ful in a full length gown of Fleming held a family picnic s12 | drill. fanning mill, bag cart, | organza over taffetta, shower at their home in Homelite chain saw, table saw, 2 | featuring long sleeves, Ashburn. The bride and avid Bradley chain saws, . d . £ electric motors, trailer, qu. of | Sweetheart neckline and an groom were recipients o SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 22 | Pine lumber, qu. of scrap iron, | empire waist with attached many lovely gifts at this SALE TIME: 11 A.M. Lawn Boy lawn mower, forge, | chapel train. The gown was shower on June 24th. On Real Estate & complete con- | 9arden 00) qu. 9 belts, Wi adorned with Venice lace July 4th a miscellaneous "*§ [ tents of four bedroom home | > Ove Le Mouse. | and seed pearls. Her head- luncheon shower was held by being the property of MRS. | Many other items. HOUSE- : od with 1 d K f bri JOAN IRVINE of R.R.1, | HOLD FURNITURE: Findlay | piece adorned wi ace and co-workers o. the bride at Reaboro, Ontario on Saturday, | 03! & wood stove, Gibson deep | pearls held her finger tip veil Ontario Motor Sales of September 22, 1979 at 11 am. | freeze Beafty iriver ton, ny | of silk illusion. She carried a Oshawa. onzising soe owing tables, Gurney electric stove, | bouquet of Sonya roses, baby Mrs. Judy Muehlbach of (mahogany) including buffet | Beafty washing machine, Studio | breath and ivy. Oshawa opened her home for with hutch 2 years old, 6 pc Snltian 2 pe chairs, odd chairs, As the brides father escor- a miscellaneous shower on ® pr Kitchen suite, utility table, Cold- Bim av. Kenmore | ted her down the aisle Mr. July 8th. Co-hostess was spot refrigerator (18 cu. ft.), | Sewing machine with cabinet. Irwin Smith. of Port P E H k £ G.E. electric stove 36", Inglis | Térmscash. Noreserve. Sale at mith, of Fort rerry rna averkamp o dishwasher, 2 pc. Provincial | 1:00 P-M. Carl Hickson - Auctio- | sang "The Hawaiian Oshawa. livingroom suite, velvet wing DERE, Rove, Ontario - 0 Wedding Song" accom- A "Buck and Doe" dance We have a complete bne of Wedding deck chair, set of coffee & end : panied by Gloria Forder at was held in honour of the < / yi Vi yi / ables, set of fireplace acces- 3 ign- alion J fo SONIo, BS OIEd IBIAS 6: SWABS, SATURDAY SEPTEMOER As the organ. During the sign- couple at Blackstock ery fo fill a your nee r that 2 : 11 A.M. ing of the register Irwin sang Community Centre with stereo sets with speakers |. ApGE ANTIQUE SALE" | « : " ; : : special d ) ! (Miida & Panasonic), Colonial | cb el Bo Ee 2 t of | "The Wedding Song" also Rick Rahm, Phil Hoskin and | 'pecial day ! bedroom suite with twin beds, |" Js 'Mpc EFFIE McKERI- | accompanied by Gloria. Jim Smith as co-hosts. i modern style bedroom suite with | |e "i arge quantity of antique | The maid of honour was The couple spent their Port Perry Star i queen-size bed (new), older style § " s t . p i urniture, glass and dishes plus | Miss Sylvia Schneider of honeymoon in the Pocono bedroom suite (3pc.), 2 pc. living household items. Watch for . . : 985-7383 : room set, odd chair, new bed | fri LS STC ree | Orono, cousin of the bride. = Mountains, Pennsylvania. : chesterfield, 4 bar stools, small | ooo ool 02 She wore a long jacketted They are now residing at 235 Queen Street _ } Westinghouse fridge, electric : f 11 Th 1 H ms " . .| gown of pale yellow. e their home in Myrtle. ! typewriter (Underwood), adding SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 flower girls wore long vellow {machine & 1 cheque writer, TV pips gi gy (fF I ED ED SD SN SN SE EE EE & ® I table, two 5 foot planters, 21 cu. GOAT DISPERSAL gowns as well. They were i * Braatora. iii Mclary Auction of registered and | nieces of the bride, Misses | ryer (new in March), Simpl. ts to be held at the i Chri - city automatic washer, riding $/ade: gots ck- Jennifer and sty Muehl i | | Malmont Sales Arena, Black bach of Oshawa lawn mower (Massey-Ferguson) | gyock. The property of the LONG | Paci Of US - [ | : [| ah electric start, electric lawn | RANGE VIEW HERD of E.B. The bridesmaids were i 2 mowses Sas poe Jind nove + | LUNNEY of Scugeg island. | Miss Merna Graham of Port ih & [ | , garden utensils, new weed eater, hin, hog Jackson Abctionsels. Perry, sister of the groom, i | Ld 9 pa B & D, picnic table, umbrella ) =| Mrs. Carol Downes of B | [| ) table & 4 chairs, various house- Oshawa, and Miss Angela ft L a 4) {hold appliances, Shepherd run- New b k Ostner of Ottawa, friends of A 18°), ; ; : { 1 id Shove ave. fing cabinets | oe 00 § he bride They were 0 Take Advantage of our Special 3 Day Sale a 5 (letter size), steel van body 8' x ew arriving at the gowned alike in pale green. |} ed § 7 18' with roll-up door. Real | Scugog Public Library *= They carried bouquets of [] W nesday ' September 12to Friday, September 14 a rH Estate: modern 2300 sq. ft. 5 Agnes: The Biography of roses and carnations [ | 2 year old home, consisting of 4 | yay Macdonald, L. Rey- trimmed with baby's breath [ll [I L a bedrooms, large livingroom with y y ol ey- . y 3: fireplace, large modern (eat-in) | Nolds; Beyond Death's and vy. [| 0 ALL VITA [ | pr kitchen, oil heating, completely | Door, M. Rawlings; Fresh- Mr. Richard Rahm of Port [] MINS PA brsadioamsd ara aC room water Pollution, P. Larkin; Perry was best man. Ushers i i $A el- t a2 . i © HG, ON 4 5G. 531 BG One 7 Be. Go Gently Through Peking, were Philip Hoskin of Black [ | En bath, plus a beautiful dining | L Fisher; Pottery for stock, Jeffrey Downes of [| 0 ALL CRAFT SUPPLI ES [| | bh room, situated on Hwy. #7 - '» | Beginners, H. Powell; The Oshawa and Robert Tapper [| : mile wes) of Reaboro, 5 miles | Making of the Popes, A.M. of Balsam. fl i EY ® a on ial 3c Woke Greeley. The flowers were by . . | | Sunday September 15 & 16 from | Also arriving are: Tannenhof of Pontypool. 0 ALL FOOD PRODUCTS 12 noon till 4 p.m. or by appoint- | Resumes That Get Jobs, The reception was held at fl fn end by cating 242452. Real | How to Write Your Best Club Loreley, Dean Avenue, 8 9 ing subject to Reserve. . . : @ Forres ~ Coon Ho Tose > Resume; How to Put Your Oshawa, Ontario. ] u lark S [| chattles. Owner is remarrying | Self Across, _P. Micali; Prior to their marriage C : op [| and moving to Edmonton. Your | Extraterrestrial Encounter, Sonja and Bill were enter- [J « : _ [] Mictionser JWR. od McKee C. Boyce; The Man With tained at several pre nuptial 8 a natural combination i <8 cane). Sales Managed by: D & M Sales, Jo Lett Peat, P.G. Wode- events. On May 13th Mrs. [] 189 Queen Street - Port Perry Auctioneers, Liquidators, 73 ouse; e Man Who Carol Downes was hostess 985-8140 [| i) * Pottinger St., Lindsay, Ontario | Walked Around the World, for a miscellaneous shower. [J il ap) K9V 3Y2. 324-2472. D. Kunst. On May 25th, Mr. and Mrs. ® a

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